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  <title>CSS Test: line-height - padding-top of inline non-replaced element paint over previous line box</title>

  Inspired by

  <link rel="author" title="GĂ©rard Talbot" href="" />
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  <link rel="match" href="border-padding-bleed-001-ref.xht" />

  <meta content="ahem" name="flags" />
  <meta content="Although margins, borders and padding of inline non-replaced elements do not enter into the line box calculation, they are still rendered around inline boxes. This means that if the height specified by 'line-height' (40px in this testcase) is equal to the content height (40px in this testcase) of contained boxes, then background-color of padding-top area and border-top may 'bleed' into the adjoining preceding line box. Since line boxes are rendered in document order, this causes padding-top of 2nd line box (the span element in this testcase) to be painted over border-bottom and padding-bottom of inline boxes of previous line and, in this testcase, over the 1st line box." name="assert" />

  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/fonts/ahem.css" />
  <style type="text/css"><![CDATA[
  color: red;
  font: 40px/1 Ahem;

  background-color: green; /* so that padding-top area is painted green */
  color: green;
  padding-top: 1em;



  <p>Test passes if there is a filled green rectangle and <strong>no red</strong>.</p>

  <div>shuldboverlaPPed<br />
