
 * Copyright (c) 2017, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved.
 * This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and
 * the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License
 * was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can
 * obtain it at If the Alliance for Open
 * Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the
 * PATENTS file, you can obtain it at

#include "config/aom_dsp_rtcd.h"
#include "config/av1_rtcd.h"

#include "av1/common/av1_txfm.h"

// av1_cospi_arr[i][j] = (int)round(cos(PI*j/128) * (1<<(cos_bit_min+i)));
const int32_t av1_cospi_arr_data[4][64] =;

// av1_sinpi_arr_data[i][j] = (int)round((sqrt(2) * sin(j*Pi/9) * 2 / 3) * (1
// << (cos_bit_min + i))) modified so that elements j=1,2 sum to element j=4.
const int32_t av1_sinpi_arr_data[4][5] =;

// The reduced bit-width arrays are only used in the Arm Neon implementations
// in av1_fwd_txfm2d_neon.c for now.
// Constants are stored in groups of four, where symmetrical constants in the
// cospi array are stored adjacent in memory, followed immediately by the same
// constants but negated, i.e.:
//   f(i,j) = (int)round(cos(PI*j/128) * (1<<(cos_bit_min+i))) << (3-i)
// and then in memory we store 4-tuples of constants together as:
//   f4(i,j) = [ f(i,j), f(i,64-j), -f(i,j), -f(i,64-j) ]
// Constants are stored in Q2.13 format, see:
// The order of the constants is such that increasing subdivisions of 64 store
// f4 tuples contiguously:
// av1_cospi_arr_q13_data[i] = {
//   f4(i,32),  // f(i,32) twice
//   f4(i,16),  // f(i,16) and f(i,48), f4(i,32) skipped since present above.
//   f4(i,8), f(i,24), // f4(i,16) and f4(i,32) skipped since present above.
//   f4(i,4), f(i,12), f4(i,20), f4(i,28),
//   f4(i,2), f4(i,6), f4(i,10), f4(i,14), f4(i,18), ...
//   f4(i,1), f4(i,3), f4(i,5), f4(i,7), f4(i,9), f4(i,11), ...
// }
const int16_t av1_cospi_arr_q13_data[4][128] = {
      5792,  5792,  -5792, -5792, 7568,  3136,  -7568, -3136, 8032,  1600,
      -8032, -1600, 6808,  4552,  -6808, -4552, 8152,  800,   -8152, -800,
      7840,  2376,  -7840, -2376, 7224,  3864,  -7224, -3864, 6336,  5200,
      -6336, -5200, 8184,  400,   -8184, -400,  8104,  1200,  -8104, -1200,
      7944,  1992,  -7944, -1992, 7712,  2760,  -7712, -2760, 7408,  3504,
      -7408, -3504, 7024,  4208,  -7024, -4208, 6576,  4880,  -6576, -4880,
      6072,  5504,  -6072, -5504, 8192,  200,   -8192, -200,  8168,  600,
      -8168, -600,  8128,  1000,  -8128, -1000, 8072,  1400,  -8072, -1400,
      7992,  1792,  -7992, -1792, 7896,  2184,  -7896, -2184, 7776,  2568,
      -7776, -2568, 7640,  2952,  -7640, -2952, 7488,  3320,  -7488, -3320,
      7320,  3680,  -7320, -3680, 7128,  4040,  -7128, -4040, 6920,  4384,
      -6920, -4384, 6696,  4720,  -6696, -4720, 6456,  5040,  -6456, -5040,
      6200,  5352,  -6200, -5352, 5936,  5648,  -5936, -5648,
      5792,  5792,  -5792, -5792, 7568,  3136,  -7568, -3136, 8036,  1600,
      -8036, -1600, 6812,  4552,  -6812, -4552, 8152,  804,   -8152, -804,
      7840,  2380,  -7840, -2380, 7224,  3860,  -7224, -3860, 6332,  5196,
      -6332, -5196, 8184,  400,   -8184, -400,  8104,  1204,  -8104, -1204,
      7948,  1992,  -7948, -1992, 7712,  2760,  -7712, -2760, 7404,  3504,
      -7404, -3504, 7028,  4212,  -7028, -4212, 6580,  4880,  -6580, -4880,
      6068,  5500,  -6068, -5500, 8188,  200,   -8188, -200,  8168,  604,
      -8168, -604,  8132,  1004,  -8132, -1004, 8072,  1400,  -8072, -1400,
      7992,  1796,  -7992, -1796, 7896,  2184,  -7896, -2184, 7780,  2568,
      -7780, -2568, 7644,  2948,  -7644, -2948, 7488,  3320,  -7488, -3320,
      7316,  3684,  -7316, -3684, 7128,  4036,  -7128, -4036, 6920,  4384,
      -6920, -4384, 6696,  4716,  -6696, -4716, 6460,  5040,  -6460, -5040,
      6204,  5352,  -6204, -5352, 5932,  5648,  -5932, -5648,
      5792,  5792,  -5792, -5792, 7568,  3134,  -7568, -3134, 8034,  1598,
      -8034, -1598, 6812,  4552,  -6812, -4552, 8152,  802,   -8152, -802,
      7840,  2378,  -7840, -2378, 7224,  3862,  -7224, -3862, 6332,  5196,
      -6332, -5196, 8182,  402,   -8182, -402,  8104,  1202,  -8104, -1202,
      7946,  1990,  -7946, -1990, 7714,  2760,  -7714, -2760, 7406,  3502,
      -7406, -3502, 7026,  4212,  -7026, -4212, 6580,  4880,  -6580, -4880,
      6070,  5502,  -6070, -5502, 8190,  202,   -8190, -202,  8170,  602,
      -8170, -602,  8130,  1002,  -8130, -1002, 8072,  1400,  -8072, -1400,
      7992,  1794,  -7992, -1794, 7896,  2184,  -7896, -2184, 7778,  2570,
      -7778, -2570, 7644,  2948,  -7644, -2948, 7490,  3320,  -7490, -3320,
      7318,  3684,  -7318, -3684, 7128,  4038,  -7128, -4038, 6922,  4382,
      -6922, -4382, 6698,  4718,  -6698, -4718, 6458,  5040,  -6458, -5040,
      6204,  5350,  -6204, -5350, 5934,  5648,  -5934, -5648,
      5793,  5793,  -5793, -5793, 7568,  3135,  -7568, -3135, 8035,  1598,
      -8035, -1598, 6811,  4551,  -6811, -4551, 8153,  803,   -8153, -803,
      7839,  2378,  -7839, -2378, 7225,  3862,  -7225, -3862, 6333,  5197,
      -6333, -5197, 8182,  402,   -8182, -402,  8103,  1202,  -8103, -1202,
      7946,  1990,  -7946, -1990, 7713,  2760,  -7713, -2760, 7405,  3503,
      -7405, -3503, 7027,  4212,  -7027, -4212, 6580,  4880,  -6580, -4880,
      6070,  5501,  -6070, -5501, 8190,  201,   -8190, -201,  8170,  603,
      -8170, -603,  8130,  1003,  -8130, -1003, 8071,  1401,  -8071, -1401,
      7993,  1795,  -7993, -1795, 7895,  2185,  -7895, -2185, 7779,  2570,
      -7779, -2570, 7643,  2948,  -7643, -2948, 7489,  3320,  -7489, -3320,
      7317,  3683,  -7317, -3683, 7128,  4038,  -7128, -4038, 6921,  4383,
      -6921, -4383, 6698,  4717,  -6698, -4717, 6458,  5040,  -6458, -5040,
      6203,  5351,  -6203, -5351, 5933,  5649,  -5933, -5649,

// av1_sinpi_arr_q13_data[i][j] =
//   round((sqrt2 * sin((j+1)*Pi/9) * 2/3) * (1 << (cos_bit_min + i))) << (3-i)
// modified so that elements j=0,1 sum to element j=3.
// See also:
const int16_t av1_sinpi_arr_q13_data[4][4] = { { 2640, 4968, 6688, 7608 },
                                               { 2640, 4964, 6688, 7604 },
                                               { 2642, 4964, 6688, 7606 },
                                               { 2642, 4964, 6689, 7606 } };

// Constants are stored in pairs, where symmetrical constants in the
// cospi array are stored adjacent in memory, i.e.:
//   f(i,j) = (int)round(cos(PI*j/128) * (1<<(cos_bit_min+i)))
// and then in memory we store 4-tuples of constants together as:
//   f2(i,j) = [ f(i,j), f(i,64-j) ]
const int32_t av1_cospi_arr_s32_data[4][66] = {
      1024, 0,    1024, 25,   1023, 50,   1021, 75,  1019, 100, 1016,
      125,  1013, 150,  1009, 175,  1004, 200,  999, 224,  993, 249,
      987,  273,  980,  297,  972,  321,  964,  345, 955,  369, 946,
      392,  936,  415,  926,  438,  915,  460,  903, 483,  891, 505,
      878,  526,  865,  548,  851,  569,  837,  590, 822,  610, 807,
      630,  792,  650,  775,  669,  759,  688,  742, 706,  724, 724,
      2048, 0,    2047, 50,   2046, 100,  2042, 151,  2038, 201,  2033,
      251,  2026, 301,  2018, 350,  2009, 400,  1998, 449,  1987, 498,
      1974, 546,  1960, 595,  1945, 642,  1928, 690,  1911, 737,  1892,
      784,  1872, 830,  1851, 876,  1829, 921,  1806, 965,  1782, 1009,
      1757, 1053, 1730, 1096, 1703, 1138, 1674, 1179, 1645, 1220, 1615,
      1260, 1583, 1299, 1551, 1338, 1517, 1375, 1483, 1412, 1448, 1448,
      4096, 0,    4095, 101,  4091, 201,  4085, 301,  4076, 401,  4065,
      501,  4052, 601,  4036, 700,  4017, 799,  3996, 897,  3973, 995,
      3948, 1092, 3920, 1189, 3889, 1285, 3857, 1380, 3822, 1474, 3784,
      1567, 3745, 1660, 3703, 1751, 3659, 1842, 3612, 1931, 3564, 2019,
      3513, 2106, 3461, 2191, 3406, 2276, 3349, 2359, 3290, 2440, 3229,
      2520, 3166, 2598, 3102, 2675, 3035, 2751, 2967, 2824, 2896, 2896,
      8192, 0,    8190, 201,  8182, 402,  8170, 603,  8153, 803,  8130,
      1003, 8103, 1202, 8071, 1401, 8035, 1598, 7993, 1795, 7946, 1990,
      7895, 2185, 7839, 2378, 7779, 2570, 7713, 2760, 7643, 2948, 7568,
      3135, 7489, 3320, 7405, 3503, 7317, 3683, 7225, 3862, 7128, 4038,
      7027, 4212, 6921, 4383, 6811, 4551, 6698, 4717, 6580, 4880, 6458,
      5040, 6333, 5197, 6203, 5351, 6070, 5501, 5933, 5649, 5793, 5793,

#endif  // HAVE_NEON

void av1_round_shift_array_c(int32_t *arr, int size, int bit) {}

const TXFM_TYPE av1_txfm_type_ls[5][TX_TYPES_1D] =;

const int8_t av1_txfm_stage_num_list[TXFM_TYPES] =;

void av1_range_check_buf(int32_t stage, const int32_t *input,
                         const int32_t *buf, int32_t size, int8_t bit) {}