
// Copyright 2019 Joe Drago. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause

#include "avif/internal.h"

#include <float.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>

struct avifColorPrimariesTable
static const struct avifColorPrimariesTable avifColorPrimariesTables[] =;
static const int avifColorPrimariesTableSize =;

void avifColorPrimariesGetValues(avifColorPrimaries acp, float outPrimaries[8])

static avifBool matchesTo3RoundedPlaces(float a, float b)

static avifBool primariesMatch(const float p1[8], const float p2[8])

avifColorPrimaries avifColorPrimariesFind(const float inPrimaries[8], const char ** outName)

avifResult avifTransferCharacteristicsGetGamma(avifTransferCharacteristics atc, float * gamma)

avifTransferCharacteristics avifTransferCharacteristicsFindByGamma(float gamma)

struct avifMatrixCoefficientsTable

static const struct avifMatrixCoefficientsTable matrixCoefficientsTables[] =;

static const int avifMatrixCoefficientsTableSize =;

static avifBool calcYUVInfoFromCICP(const avifImage * image, float coeffs[3])

void avifCalcYUVCoefficients(const avifImage * image, float * outR, float * outG, float * outB)

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Transfer characteristics
// Transfer characteristics are defined in ITU-T H.273
// with formulas for linear to gamma conversion in Table 3.
// This is based on tongyuantongyu's implementation in
// with some fixes/changes in the first commit:
// - Fixed 5 transfer curves where toLinear and toGamma functions were swapped (470M, 470BG, Log100,
//   Log100Sqrt10 and SMPTE428)
// - 'avifToLinearLog100' and 'avifToLinearLog100Sqrt10' were modified to return the middle of the
//   range of linear values that are gamma-encoded to 0.0 in order to reduce the max round trip error,
//   based on vrabaud's change in
// - In this file, PQ and HLG return "extended SDR" linear values in [0.0, 10000/203] and
//   [0.0, 1000/203] respectively, where a value of 1.0 means SDR white brightness (203 nits), and any
//   value above 1.0 is brigther.
// See git history for further changes.

struct avifTransferCharacteristicsTable

static float avifToLinear709(float gamma)

static float avifToGamma709(float linear)

static float avifToLinear470M(float gamma)

static float avifToGamma470M(float linear)

static float avifToLinear470BG(float gamma)

static float avifToGamma470BG(float linear)

static float avifToLinearSMPTE240(float gamma)

static float avifToGammaSMPTE240(float linear)

static float avifToGammaLinear(float gamma)

static float avifToLinearLog100(float gamma)

static float avifToGammaLog100(float linear)

static float avifToLinearLog100Sqrt10(float gamma)

static float avifToGammaLog100Sqrt10(float linear)

static float avifToLinearIEC61966(float gamma)

static float avifToGammaIEC61966(float linear)

static float avifToLinearBT1361(float gamma)

static float avifToGammaBT1361(float linear)

static float avifToLinearSRGB(float gamma)

static float avifToGammaSRGB(float linear)

#define PQ_MAX_NITS

static float avifToLinearPQ(float gamma)

static float avifToGammaPQ(float linear)

static float avifToLinearSMPTE428(float gamma)

static float avifToGammaSMPTE428(float linear)

// Formula from ITU-R BT.2100-2
// Assumes Lw=1000 (max display luminance in nits).
// For simplicity, approximates Ys (which should be 0.2627*r+0.6780*g+0.0593*b)
// to the input value (r, g, or b depending on the current channel).
static float avifToLinearHLG(float gamma)

static float avifToGammaHLG(float linear)

static const struct avifTransferCharacteristicsTable transferCharacteristicsTables[] =;

static const int avifTransferCharacteristicsTableSize =;

avifTransferFunction avifTransferCharacteristicsGetGammaToLinearFunction(avifTransferCharacteristics atc)

avifTransferFunction avifTransferCharacteristicsGetLinearToGammaFunction(avifTransferCharacteristics atc)

void avifColorPrimariesComputeYCoeffs(avifColorPrimaries colorPrimaries, float coeffs[3])