
// Copyright 2019 Joe Drago. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause

#include "avif/internal.h"

#include <assert.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>

#if defined(_WIN32)
#include <process.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <pthread.h>

struct YUVBlock

avifBool avifGetRGBColorSpaceInfo(const avifRGBImage * rgb, avifRGBColorSpaceInfo * info)

avifBool avifGetYUVColorSpaceInfo(const avifImage * image, avifYUVColorSpaceInfo * info)

static avifBool avifPrepareReformatState(const avifImage * image, const avifRGBImage * rgb, avifReformatState * state)

// Formulas 20-31 from
static int avifYUVColorSpaceInfoYToUNorm(avifYUVColorSpaceInfo * info, float v)

static int avifYUVColorSpaceInfoUVToUNorm(avifYUVColorSpaceInfo * info, float v)

avifResult avifImageRGBToYUV(avifImage * image, const avifRGBImage * rgb)

// Allocates and fills look-up tables for going from YUV limited/full unorm -> full range RGB FP32.
// Review this when implementing YCgCo limited range support.
static avifBool avifCreateYUVToRGBLookUpTables(float ** unormFloatTableY, float ** unormFloatTableUV, uint32_t depth, const avifReformatState * state)

// Frees look-up tables allocated with avifCreateYUVToRGBLookUpTables().
static void avifFreeYUVToRGBLookUpTables(float ** unormFloatTableY, float ** unormFloatTableUV)

#define RGB565(R, G, B)

static void avifStoreRGB8Pixel(avifRGBFormat format, uint8_t R, uint8_t G, uint8_t B, uint8_t * ptrR, uint8_t * ptrG, uint8_t * ptrB)

static void avifGetRGB565(const uint8_t * ptrR, uint8_t * R, uint8_t * G, uint8_t * B)

// Note: This function handles alpha (un)multiply.
static avifResult avifImageYUVAnyToRGBAnySlow(const avifImage * image,
                                              avifRGBImage * rgb,
                                              const avifReformatState * state,
                                              avifAlphaMultiplyMode alphaMultiplyMode)

static avifResult avifImageYUV16ToRGB16Color(const avifImage * image, avifRGBImage * rgb, avifReformatState * state)

static avifResult avifImageYUV16ToRGB16Mono(const avifImage * image, avifRGBImage * rgb, avifReformatState * state)

static avifResult avifImageYUV16ToRGB8Color(const avifImage * image, avifRGBImage * rgb, avifReformatState * state)

static avifResult avifImageYUV16ToRGB8Mono(const avifImage * image, avifRGBImage * rgb, avifReformatState * state)

static avifResult avifImageYUV8ToRGB16Color(const avifImage * image, avifRGBImage * rgb, avifReformatState * state)

static avifResult avifImageYUV8ToRGB16Mono(const avifImage * image, avifRGBImage * rgb, avifReformatState * state)

static avifResult avifImageIdentity8ToRGB8ColorFullRange(const avifImage * image, avifRGBImage * rgb, avifReformatState * state)

static avifResult avifImageYUV8ToRGB8Color(const avifImage * image, avifRGBImage * rgb, avifReformatState * state)

static avifResult avifImageYUV8ToRGB8Mono(const avifImage * image, avifRGBImage * rgb, avifReformatState * state)

// This constant comes from libyuv. For details, see here:
#define F16_MULTIPLIER


static avifResult avifRGBImageToF16(avifRGBImage * rgb)

static avifResult avifImageYUVToRGBImpl(const avifImage * image, avifRGBImage * rgb, avifReformatState * state, avifAlphaMultiplyMode alphaMultiplyMode)


#if defined(_WIN32)
static unsigned int __stdcall avifImageYUVToRGBThreadWorker(void * arg)
static void * avifImageYUVToRGBThreadWorker(void * arg)

static avifBool avifCreateYUVToRGBThread(YUVToRGBThreadData * tdata)

static avifBool avifJoinYUVToRGBThread(YUVToRGBThreadData * tdata)

avifResult avifImageYUVToRGB(const avifImage * image, avifRGBImage * rgb)

// Limited -> Full
// Plan: subtract limited offset, then multiply by ratio of FULLSIZE/LIMITEDSIZE (rounding), then clamp.
// -----------------------------------------
// ( ( (v - MINLIMITEDY)                    | subtract limited offset
//     * FULLY                              | multiply numerator of ratio
//   ) + ((MAXLIMITEDY - MINLIMITEDY) / 2)  | add 0.5 (half of denominator) to round
// ) / (MAXLIMITEDY - MINLIMITEDY)          | divide by denominator of ratio
// AVIF_CLAMP(v, 0, FULLY)                  | clamp to full range
// -----------------------------------------

// Full -> Limited
// Plan: multiply by ratio of LIMITEDSIZE/FULLSIZE (rounding), then add limited offset, then clamp.
// -----------------------------------------
// ( ( (v * (MAXLIMITEDY - MINLIMITEDY))    | multiply numerator of ratio
//     + (FULLY / 2)                        | add 0.5 (half of denominator) to round
//   ) / FULLY                              | divide by denominator of ratio
// ) + MINLIMITEDY                          | add limited offset
//  AVIF_CLAMP(v, MINLIMITEDY, MAXLIMITEDY) | clamp to limited range
// -----------------------------------------

int avifLimitedToFullY(uint32_t depth, int v)

int avifLimitedToFullUV(uint32_t depth, int v)

int avifFullToLimitedY(uint32_t depth, int v)

int avifFullToLimitedUV(uint32_t depth, int v)

static inline uint16_t avifFloatToF16(float v)

static inline float avifF16ToFloat(uint16_t v)

void avifGetRGBAPixel(const avifRGBImage * src, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, const avifRGBColorSpaceInfo * info, float rgbaPixel[4])

void avifSetRGBAPixel(const avifRGBImage * dst, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, const avifRGBColorSpaceInfo * info, const float rgbaPixel[4])