
// Copyright 2022 Google LLC
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause

#include "avifincrtest_helpers.h"

#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>

#include "avif/avif.h"
#include "aviftest_helpers.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"

namespace avif {
namespace testutil {
namespace {


// Verifies that the first (top) row_count rows of image1 and image2 are
// identical.
void ComparePartialYuva(const avifImage& image1, const avifImage& image2,
                        uint32_t row_count) {}

// Returns the expected number of decoded rows when available_byte_count out of
// byte_count were given to the decoder, for an image of height rows, split into
// cells of cell_height rows.
uint32_t GetMinDecodedRowCount(uint32_t height, uint32_t cell_height,
                               bool has_alpha, size_t available_byte_count,
                               size_t byte_count,
                               bool enable_fine_incremental_check) {}


struct PartialData {};

// Implementation of avifIOReadFunc simulating a stream from an array. See
// avifIOReadFunc documentation. io->data is expected to point to PartialData.
avifResult PartialRead(struct avifIO* io, uint32_t read_flags,
                       uint64_t offset64, size_t size, avifROData* out) {}


// Encodes the image as a grid of at most grid_cols*grid_rows cells.
// The cell count is reduced to fit libavif or AVIF format constraints. If
// impossible, the encoded output is returned empty. The final cell_width and
// cell_height are output.
void EncodeAsGrid(const avifImage& image, uint32_t grid_cols,
                  uint32_t grid_rows, avifRWData* output, uint32_t* cell_width,
                  uint32_t* cell_height) {}

// Encodes the image to be decoded incrementally.
void EncodeAsIncremental(const avifImage& image, bool flat_cells,
                         avifRWData* output, uint32_t* cell_width,
                         uint32_t* cell_height) {}

}  // namespace

void EncodeRectAsIncremental(const avifImage& image, uint32_t width,
                             uint32_t height, bool create_alpha_if_none,
                             bool flat_cells, avifRWData* output,
                             uint32_t* cell_width, uint32_t* cell_height) {}


avifResult DecodeIncrementally(const avifRWData& encoded_avif,
                               avifDecoder* decoder, bool is_persistent,
                               bool give_size_hint, bool use_nth_image_api,
                               const avifImage& reference, uint32_t cell_height,
                               bool enable_fine_incremental_check,
                               bool expect_whole_file_read) {}

avifResult DecodeNonIncrementallyAndIncrementally(
    const avifRWData& encoded_avif, avifDecoder* decoder, bool is_persistent,
    bool give_size_hint, bool use_nth_image_api, uint32_t cell_height,
    bool enable_fine_incremental_check, bool expect_whole_file_read) {}


}  // namespace testutil
}  // namespace avif