
 * Copyright (c) 2019, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved.
 * This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and
 * the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License
 * was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can
 * obtain it at If the Alliance for Open
 * Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the
 * PATENTS file, you can obtain it at

#include <climits>
#include <vector>
#include "config/aom_config.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "test/codec_factory.h"
#include "test/datarate_test.h"
#include "test/encode_test_driver.h"
#include "test/i420_video_source.h"
#include "test/util.h"
#include "test/y4m_video_source.h"
#include "aom/aom_codec.h"
#include "av1/common/enums.h"
#include "av1/encoder/encoder.h"

namespace datarate_test {
namespace {

struct FrameInfo {};

class DatarateTestSVC
    : public ::libaom_test::CodecTestWith4Params<libaom_test::TestMode, int,
                                                 unsigned int, int>,
      public DatarateTest {};

// Check basic rate targeting for CBR, for 3 temporal layers, 1 spatial.
TEST_P(DatarateTestSVC, BasicRateTargetingSVC3TL1SL) {}

TEST_P(DatarateTestSVC, SetFrameQpSVC3TL1SL) {}

TEST_P(DatarateTestSVC, SetFrameQpSVC3TL3SL) {}

// Check basic rate targeting for CBR, for 3 temporal layers, 1 spatial
// for screen mode.
TEST_P(DatarateTestSVC, BasicRateTargetingSVC3TL1SLScreen) {}

// Check basic rate targeting for CBR, for 2 temporal layers, 1 spatial
// for screen mode, with frame dropper on at low bitrates. Use small
// values of rc_buf_initial/optimal/sz to trigger postencode frame drop.
TEST_P(DatarateTestSVC, BasicRateTargetingSVC2TL1SLScreenDropFrame) {}

// Check basic rate targeting for CBR, for 3 spatial layers, 1 temporal
// for screen mode.
TEST_P(DatarateTestSVC, BasicRateTargetingSVC1TL3SLScreen) {}

// Check basic rate targeting for CBR, for 1 temporal layer, 1 spatial
// for screen mode, with source with many scene cuts and motion.
TEST_P(DatarateTestSVC, BasicRateTargetingSVC1TL1SLScreenScCutsMotion) {}

// Check basic rate targeting for CBR, for 3 temporal layers, 1 spatial,
// with dynamic resize on. Encode at very low bitrate and check that
// there is at least one resize (down) event.
TEST_P(DatarateTestSVC, BasicRateTargetingSVC3TL1SLResize) {}

// Check basic rate targeting for CBR, for 2 spatial layers, 1 temporal.
TEST_P(DatarateTestSVC, BasicRateTargetingSVC1TL2SL) {}

// Check basic rate targeting for CBR, for 3 spatial layers, 3 temporal,
// with Intra-only frame inserted in the stream. Verify that we can start
// decoding the SL0 stream at the intra_only frame in mid-sequence.
TEST_P(DatarateTestSVC, BasicRateTargetingSVC3TL3SLIntraStartDecodeBaseMidSeq) {}

// Check basic rate targeting for CBR, for 3spatial layers, 3 temporal,
// with Intra-only frame inserted in the stream. Verify that we can
// decode all frames and layers with no mismatch.
TEST_P(DatarateTestSVC, BasicRateTargetingSVC3TL3SLIntraMidSeqDecodeAll) {}

// Check simulcast mode for 3 spatial layers, 3 temporal,
// Key frame is inserted on base SLO in mid-stream, and verify that the
// top spatial layer (SL2) case be decoded, starting with an Intra-only frame.
// Verify that we can decode all frames for SL2 with no mismatch.
TEST_P(DatarateTestSVC, BasicRateTargetingSVC3TL3SLSimulcast) {}

// Check basic rate targeting for CBR, for 2 spatial layers, 1 temporal,
// with Intra-only frame inserted in the stream.
TEST_P(DatarateTestSVC, BasicRateTargetingSVC1TL2SLIntraOnly) {}

// Check basic rate targeting for CBR, for 1 spatial layers, 1 temporal,
// with Intra-only frame (frame with no references) inserted in the stream.
TEST_P(DatarateTestSVC, BasicRateTargetingSVC1TL1SLIntraOnly) {}

// Check basic rate targeting for CBR, for 3 spatial layers, 1 temporal.
TEST_P(DatarateTestSVC, BasicRateTargetingSVC1TL3SL) {}

// Check basic rate targeting for CBR, for 3 spatial layers, 1 temporal,
// with additional temporal reference for top spatial layer.
TEST_P(DatarateTestSVC, BasicRateTargetingSVC1TL3SLMultiRef) {}

// Check basic rate targeting for CBR, for 3 spatial, 3 temporal layers.
TEST_P(DatarateTestSVC, BasicRateTargetingSVC3TL3SL) {}

// Check basic rate targeting for CBR, for 3 spatial, 3 temporal layers.
TEST_P(DatarateTestSVC, BasicRateTargetingSVC3TL3SLHD) {}

// Check basic rate targeting for CBR, for 3 spatial, 3 temporal layers,
// for fixed mode SVC.
TEST_P(DatarateTestSVC, BasicRateTargetingFixedModeSVC3TL3SLHD) {}

// Check basic rate targeting for CBR, for 3 spatial, 3 temporal layers,
// for 2 threads, 2 tile_columns, row-mt enabled, and different speed
// per layer.
TEST_P(DatarateTestSVC, BasicRateTargetingSVC3TL3SLMultiThreadSpeedPerLayer) {}

// Check basic rate targeting for CBR, for 3 spatial, 3 temporal layers,
// for 2 threads, 2 tile_columns, row-mt enabled.
TEST_P(DatarateTestSVC, BasicRateTargetingSVC3TL3SLHDMultiThread2) {}

// Check basic rate targeting for CBR, for 1 spatial, 2 temporal layers,
// for 4 threads, 2 tile_columns, 2 tiles_rows, row-mt enabled.
TEST_P(DatarateTestSVC, BasicRateTargetingSVC2TL1SLHDMultiThread4) {}

// Check basic rate targeting for CBR, for 1 spatial, 2 temporal layers,
// for 4 threads, row-mt enabled, and auto_tiling enabled.
TEST_P(DatarateTestSVC, BasicRateTargetingSVC2TL1SLHDMultiThread4AutoTiles) {}
// Check basic rate targeting for CBR, for 3 spatial, 3 temporal layers,
// for 4 threads, 2 tile_columns, 2 tiles_rows, row-mt enabled.
TEST_P(DatarateTestSVC, BasicRateTargetingSVC3TL3SLHDMultiThread4) {}

// Check basic rate targeting for CBR, for 3 spatial, 3 temporal layers,
// with additional temporal reference for top spatial layer.
TEST_P(DatarateTestSVC, BasicRateTargetingSVC3TL3SLHDMultiRef) {}

// Check basic rate targeting for CBR, for 3 spatial, 3 temporal layers,
// for auto key frame mode with short key frame period.
TEST_P(DatarateTestSVC, BasicRateTargetingSVC3TL3SLKf) {}

// Check basic rate targeting for CBR, for 3 spatial, 3 temporal layers,
// for 4:4:4 input.
TEST_P(DatarateTestSVC, DISABLED_BasicRateTargeting444SVC3TL3SL) {
TEST_P(DatarateTestSVC, BasicRateTargeting444SVC3TL3SL) {}

// Check basic rate targeting for CBR, for 3 temporal layers, 1 spatial layer,
// with dropping of all enhancement layers (TL 1 and TL2). Check that the base
// layer (TL0) can still be decodeable (with no mismatch) with the
// error_resilient flag set to 0. This test used the pattern with multiple
// references (last, golden, and altref), updated on base layer.
TEST_P(DatarateTestSVC, BasicRateTargetingSVC3TL1SLMultiRefDropAllEnh) {}

// Check basic rate targeting for CBR, for 3 temporal layers, 1 spatial layer,
// with dropping of all enhancement layers (TL 1 and TL2). Check that the base
// layer (TL0) can still be decodeable (with no mismatch) with the
// error_resilient flag set to 0.
TEST_P(DatarateTestSVC, BasicRateTargetingSVC3TL1SLDropAllEnh) {}

// Check basic rate targeting for CBR, for 3 temporal layers, 1 spatial layer,
// with dropping of the TL2 enhancement layer, which are non-reference
// (droppble) frames. For the base layer (TL0) and TL1 to still be decodeable
// (with no mismatch), the error_resilient_flag may be off (set to 0),
// since TL2 are non-reference frames.
TEST_P(DatarateTestSVC, BasicRateTargetingSVC3TL1SLDropTL2Enh) {}

// Check basic rate targeting for CBR, for 3 temporal layers, 1 spatial layer,
// with dropping of all enhancement layers (TL 1 and TL2). Test that the
// error_resilient flag can be set at frame level, with on/1 on
// enhancement layers and off/0 on base layer.
// This allows for successful decoding after dropping enhancement layer frames.
TEST_P(DatarateTestSVC, BasicRateTargetingSVC3TL1SLDropAllEnhFrameER) {}

// Check basic rate targeting for CBR, for 3 temporal layers, 1 spatial layer,
// with dropping set of enhancement layers (TL 1 and TL2) in middle of sequence.
// Test that the error_resilient flag can be set at frame level, with on/1 on
// enhancement layers and off/0 on base layer.
// This allows for successful decoding after dropping a set enhancement layer
// frames in the sequence.
TEST_P(DatarateTestSVC, BasicRateTargetingSVC3TL1SLDropSetEnhFrameER) {}

// Check basic rate targeting for CBR, for 2 temporal layers, 1 spatial layer,
// with dropping set of enhancement layers (TL 1) in middle of sequence.
// Test that the error_resilient flag can be 0/off for all frames.
// This allows for successful decoding after dropping a set enhancement layer
// frames in the sequence.
TEST_P(DatarateTestSVC, BasicRateTargetingSVC2TL1SLDropSetEnhER0) {}

// Check basic rate targeting for CBR, for 3 temporal layers, 1 spatial layer,
// with dropping set of enhancement layers (TL 1 and TL2) in middle of sequence.
// Test that the error_resilient flag can be 0/off for all frames.
// This allows for successful decoding after dropping a set enhancement layer
// frames in the sequence.
TEST_P(DatarateTestSVC, BasicRateTargetingSVC3TL1SLDropSetEnhER0) {}

// Check basic rate targeting for CBR, for 3 temporal layers, 3 spatial layers,
// with dropping set of enhancement layers (superframe TL 1 and TL2) in middle
// of sequence. Test that the error_resilient flag can be 0/off for all frames.
// This allows for successful decoding after dropping a set enhancement layer
// frames in the sequence.
TEST_P(DatarateTestSVC, BasicRateTargetingSVC3TL3SLDropSetEnhER0) {}

// Check basic rate targeting for CBR, for 3 temporal layers, 1 spatial layer,
// with compound prediction on, for pattern with two additional refereces
// (golden and altref), both updated on base TLO frames.
TEST_P(DatarateTestSVC, BasicRateTargetingSVC3TL1SLMultiRefCompound) {}

// Check basic rate targeting for CBR, for 3 spatial layers, 1 temporal,
// with the top spatial layer starting disabled (0 bitrate) and then
// dynamically enabled after x frames with nonzero bitrate.
TEST_P(DatarateTestSVC, BasicRateTargetingSVC1TL3SLDynEnabl) {}

// Check basic rate targeting for CBR, for 3 spatial layers, 1 temporal,
// with the top spatial layer dynamically disabled snd enabled during the
// middle of the sequence.
TEST_P(DatarateTestSVC, BasicRateTargetingSVC1TL3SLDynDisEnabl) {}

// Check basic rate targeting and encoder/decodermismatch, for RPS
// with 1 layer. A number of consecutive frames are lost midway in
// sequence, and encoder resorts to a longer term reference to recovery
// and continue decoding successfully.
TEST_P(DatarateTestSVC, BasicRateTargetingRPS1TL1SLDropFrames) {}

TEST(SvcParams, BitrateOverflow) {}


}  // namespace
}  // namespace datarate_test