
// Copyright (C) 2009 The Libphonenumber Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

#include "phonenumbers/phonenumberutil.h"

#include <algorithm>
#include <cctype>
#include <cstring>
#include <iterator>
#include <map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include <unicode/uchar.h>
#include <unicode/utf8.h>

#include "phonenumbers/asyoutypeformatter.h"
#include "phonenumbers/base/basictypes.h"
#include "phonenumbers/base/logging.h"
#include "phonenumbers/base/memory/singleton.h"
#include "phonenumbers/default_logger.h"
#include "phonenumbers/encoding_utils.h"
#include "phonenumbers/matcher_api.h"
#include "phonenumbers/metadata.h"
#include "phonenumbers/normalize_utf8.h"
#include "phonenumbers/phonemetadata.pb.h"
#include "phonenumbers/phonenumber.h"
#include "phonenumbers/phonenumber.pb.h"
#include "phonenumbers/regex_based_matcher.h"
#include "phonenumbers/regexp_adapter.h"
#include "phonenumbers/regexp_cache.h"
#include "phonenumbers/regexp_factory.h"
#include "phonenumbers/region_code.h"
#include "phonenumbers/stl_util.h"
#include "phonenumbers/stringutil.h"
#include "phonenumbers/utf/unicodetext.h"
#include "phonenumbers/utf/utf.h"

namespace i18n {
namespace phonenumbers {


// static constants
const size_t PhoneNumberUtil::kMinLengthForNsn;
const size_t PhoneNumberUtil::kMaxLengthForNsn;
const size_t PhoneNumberUtil::kMaxLengthCountryCode;
const int PhoneNumberUtil::kNanpaCountryCode;

// static
const char PhoneNumberUtil::kPlusChars[] =;  /* "++" */
// Regular expression of acceptable punctuation found in phone numbers, used to
// find numbers in text and to decide what is a viable phone number. This
// excludes diallable characters.
// This consists of dash characters, white space characters, full stops,
// slashes, square brackets, parentheses and tildes. It also includes the letter
// 'x' as that is found as a placeholder for carrier information in some phone
// numbers. Full-width variants are also present.
// To find out the unicode code-point of the characters below in vim, highlight
// the character and type 'ga'. Note that the - is used to express ranges of
// full-width punctuation below, as well as being present in the expression
// itself. In emacs, you can use M-x unicode-what to query information about the
// unicode character.
// static
const char PhoneNumberUtil::kValidPunctuation[] =/* "-x‐-―−ー--/  ­<U+200B><U+2060> ()()[].\\[\\]/~⁓∼" */
    "\x8F \xC2\xA0\xC2\xAD\xE2\x80\x8B\xE2\x81\xA0\xE3\x80\x80()\xEF\xBC\x88"

// static
const char PhoneNumberUtil::kCaptureUpToSecondNumberStart[] =;

// static
const char PhoneNumberUtil::kRegionCodeForNonGeoEntity[] =;

namespace {

// The kPlusSign signifies the international prefix.
const char kPlusSign[] =;

const char kStarSign[] =;

const char kRfc3966ExtnPrefix[] =;
const char kRfc3966Prefix[] =;
const char kRfc3966PhoneContext[] =;
const char kRfc3966IsdnSubaddress[] =;

const char kDigits[] =;
// We accept alpha characters in phone numbers, ASCII only. We store lower-case
// here only since our regular expressions are case-insensitive.
const char kValidAlpha[] =;

// Default extension prefix to use when formatting. This will be put in front of
// any extension component of the number, after the main national number is
// formatted. For example, if you wish the default extension formatting to be "
// extn: 3456", then you should specify " extn: " here as the default extension
// prefix. This can be overridden by region-specific preferences.
const char kDefaultExtnPrefix[] =;

const char kPossibleSeparatorsBetweenNumberAndExtLabel[] =;

// Optional full stop (.) or colon, followed by zero or more
// spaces/tabs/commas.
const char kPossibleCharsAfterExtLabel[] =;
const char kOptionalExtSuffix[] =;

bool LoadCompiledInMetadata(PhoneMetadataCollection* metadata) {}

// Returns a pointer to the description inside the metadata of the appropriate
// type.
const PhoneNumberDesc* GetNumberDescByType(
    const PhoneMetadata& metadata,
    PhoneNumberUtil::PhoneNumberType type) {}

// A helper function that is used by Format and FormatByPattern.
void PrefixNumberWithCountryCallingCode(
    int country_calling_code,
    PhoneNumberUtil::PhoneNumberFormat number_format,
    string* formatted_number) {}

// Returns true when one national number is the suffix of the other or both are
// the same.
bool IsNationalNumberSuffixOfTheOther(const PhoneNumber& first_number,
                                      const PhoneNumber& second_number) {}

char32 ToUnicodeCodepoint(const char* unicode_char) {}

// Helper method for constructing regular expressions for parsing. Creates an
// expression that captures up to max_length digits.
std::string ExtnDigits(int max_length) {}

// Helper initialiser method to create the regular-expression pattern to match
// extensions. Note that:
// - There are currently six capturing groups for the extension itself. If this
// number is changed, MaybeStripExtension needs to be updated.
// - The only capturing groups should be around the digits that you want to
// capture as part of the extension, or else parsing will fail!
std::string CreateExtnPattern(bool for_parsing) {}

// Normalizes a string of characters representing a phone number by replacing
// all characters found in the accompanying map with the values therein, and
// stripping all other characters if remove_non_matches is true.
// Parameters:
// number - a pointer to a string of characters representing a phone number to
//   be normalized.
// normalization_replacements - a mapping of characters to what they should be
//   replaced by in the normalized version of the phone number
// remove_non_matches - indicates whether characters that are not able to be
//   replaced should be stripped from the number. If this is false, they will be
//   left unchanged in the number.
void NormalizeHelper(const std::map<char32, char>& normalization_replacements,
                     bool remove_non_matches,
                     string* number) {}

// Returns true if there is any possible number data set for a particular
// PhoneNumberDesc.
bool DescHasPossibleNumberData(const PhoneNumberDesc& desc) {}

// Note: DescHasData must account for any of MetadataFilter's
// excludableChildFields potentially being absent from the metadata. It must
// check them all. For any changes in DescHasData, ensure that all the
// excludableChildFields are still being checked. If your change is safe simply
// mention why during a review without needing to change MetadataFilter.
// Returns true if there is any data set for a particular PhoneNumberDesc.
bool DescHasData(const PhoneNumberDesc& desc) {}

// Returns the types we have metadata for based on the PhoneMetadata object
// passed in.
void GetSupportedTypesForMetadata(
    const PhoneMetadata& metadata,
    std::set<PhoneNumberUtil::PhoneNumberType>* types) {}

// Helper method to check a number against possible lengths for this number
// type, and determine whether it matches, or is too short or too long.
PhoneNumberUtil::ValidationResult TestNumberLength(
    const string& number, const PhoneMetadata& metadata,
    PhoneNumberUtil::PhoneNumberType type) {}

// Helper method to check a number against possible lengths for this region,
// based on the metadata being passed in, and determine whether it matches, or
// is too short or too long.
PhoneNumberUtil::ValidationResult TestNumberLength(
    const string& number, const PhoneMetadata& metadata) {}

// Returns a new phone number containing only the fields needed to uniquely
// identify a phone number, rather than any fields that capture the context in
// which the phone number was created.
// These fields correspond to those set in Parse() rather than
// ParseAndKeepRawInput().
void CopyCoreFieldsOnly(const PhoneNumber& number, PhoneNumber* pruned_number) {}

// Determines whether the given number is a national number match for the given
// PhoneNumberDesc. Does not check against possible lengths!
bool IsMatch(const MatcherApi& matcher_api,
             const string& number, const PhoneNumberDesc& desc) {}

}  // namespace

void PhoneNumberUtil::SetLogger(Logger* logger) {}

class PhoneNumberRegExpsAndMappings {};

// Private constructor. Also takes care of initialisation.

PhoneNumberUtil::~PhoneNumberUtil() {}

void PhoneNumberUtil::GetSupportedRegions(std::set<string>* regions)
    const {}

void PhoneNumberUtil::GetSupportedGlobalNetworkCallingCodes(
    std::set<int>* calling_codes) const {}

void PhoneNumberUtil::GetSupportedCallingCodes(
    std::set<int>* calling_codes) const {}

void PhoneNumberUtil::GetSupportedTypesForRegion(
    const string& region_code,
    std::set<PhoneNumberType>* types) const {}

void PhoneNumberUtil::GetSupportedTypesForNonGeoEntity(
    int country_calling_code,
    std::set<PhoneNumberType>* types) const {}

// Public wrapper function to get a PhoneNumberUtil instance with the default
// metadata file.
// static
PhoneNumberUtil* PhoneNumberUtil::GetInstance() {}

const string& PhoneNumberUtil::GetExtnPatternsForMatching() const {}

bool PhoneNumberUtil::StartsWithPlusCharsPattern(const string& number)
    const {}

bool PhoneNumberUtil::ContainsOnlyValidDigits(const string& s) const {}

void PhoneNumberUtil::TrimUnwantedEndChars(string* number) const {}

bool PhoneNumberUtil::IsFormatEligibleForAsYouTypeFormatter(
    const string& format) const {}

bool PhoneNumberUtil::FormattingRuleHasFirstGroupOnly(
    const string& national_prefix_formatting_rule) const {}

void PhoneNumberUtil::GetNddPrefixForRegion(const string& region_code,
                                            bool strip_non_digits,
                                            string* national_prefix) const {}

bool PhoneNumberUtil::IsValidRegionCode(const string& region_code) const {}

bool PhoneNumberUtil::HasValidCountryCallingCode(
    int country_calling_code) const {}

// Returns a pointer to the phone metadata for the appropriate region or NULL
// if the region code is invalid or unknown.
const PhoneMetadata* PhoneNumberUtil::GetMetadataForRegion(
    const string& region_code) const {}

const PhoneMetadata* PhoneNumberUtil::GetMetadataForNonGeographicalRegion(
    int country_calling_code) const {}

void PhoneNumberUtil::Format(const PhoneNumber& number,
                             PhoneNumberFormat number_format,
                             string* formatted_number) const {}

void PhoneNumberUtil::FormatByPattern(
    const PhoneNumber& number,
    PhoneNumberFormat number_format,
    const RepeatedPtrField<NumberFormat>& user_defined_formats,
    string* formatted_number) const {}

void PhoneNumberUtil::FormatNationalNumberWithCarrierCode(
    const PhoneNumber& number,
    const string& carrier_code,
    string* formatted_number) const {}

const PhoneMetadata* PhoneNumberUtil::GetMetadataForRegionOrCallingCode(
      int country_calling_code, const string& region_code) const {}

void PhoneNumberUtil::FormatNationalNumberWithPreferredCarrierCode(
    const PhoneNumber& number,
    const string& fallback_carrier_code,
    string* formatted_number) const {}

void PhoneNumberUtil::FormatNumberForMobileDialing(
    const PhoneNumber& number,
    const string& calling_from,
    bool with_formatting,
    string* formatted_number) const {}

void PhoneNumberUtil::FormatOutOfCountryCallingNumber(
    const PhoneNumber& number,
    const string& calling_from,
    string* formatted_number) const {}

void PhoneNumberUtil::FormatInOriginalFormat(const PhoneNumber& number,
                                             const string& region_calling_from,
                                             string* formatted_number) const {}

// Check if raw_input, which is assumed to be in the national format, has a
// national prefix. The national prefix is assumed to be in digits-only form.
bool PhoneNumberUtil::RawInputContainsNationalPrefix(
    const string& raw_input,
    const string& national_prefix,
    const string& region_code) const {}

bool PhoneNumberUtil::HasFormattingPatternForNumber(
    const PhoneNumber& number) const {}

void PhoneNumberUtil::FormatOutOfCountryKeepingAlphaChars(
    const PhoneNumber& number,
    const string& calling_from,
    string* formatted_number) const {}

const NumberFormat* PhoneNumberUtil::ChooseFormattingPatternForNumber(
    const RepeatedPtrField<NumberFormat>& available_formats,
    const string& national_number) const {}

// Note that carrier_code is optional - if an empty string, no carrier code
// replacement will take place.
void PhoneNumberUtil::FormatNsnUsingPatternWithCarrier(
    const string& national_number,
    const NumberFormat& formatting_pattern,
    PhoneNumberUtil::PhoneNumberFormat number_format,
    const string& carrier_code,
    string* formatted_number) const {}

// Simple wrapper of FormatNsnUsingPatternWithCarrier for the common case of
// no carrier code.
void PhoneNumberUtil::FormatNsnUsingPattern(
    const string& national_number,
    const NumberFormat& formatting_pattern,
    PhoneNumberUtil::PhoneNumberFormat number_format,
    string* formatted_number) const {}

void PhoneNumberUtil::FormatNsn(const string& number,
                                const PhoneMetadata& metadata,
                                PhoneNumberFormat number_format,
                                string* formatted_number) const {}

// Note in some regions, the national number can be written in two completely
// different ways depending on whether it forms part of the NATIONAL format or
// INTERNATIONAL format. The number_format parameter here is used to specify
// which format to use for those cases. If a carrier_code is specified, this
// will be inserted into the formatted string to replace $CC.
void PhoneNumberUtil::FormatNsnWithCarrier(const string& number,
                                           const PhoneMetadata& metadata,
                                           PhoneNumberFormat number_format,
                                           const string& carrier_code,
                                           string* formatted_number) const {}

// Appends the formatted extension of a phone number, if the phone number had an
// extension specified.
void PhoneNumberUtil::MaybeAppendFormattedExtension(
    const PhoneNumber& number,
    const PhoneMetadata& metadata,
    PhoneNumberFormat number_format,
    string* formatted_number) const {}

bool PhoneNumberUtil::IsNANPACountry(const string& region_code) const {}

// Returns the region codes that matches the specific country calling code. In
// the case of no region code being found, region_codes will be left empty.
void PhoneNumberUtil::GetRegionCodesForCountryCallingCode(
    int country_calling_code,
    std::list<string>* region_codes) const {}

// Returns the region code that matches the specific country calling code. In
// the case of no region code being found, the unknown region code will be
// returned.
void PhoneNumberUtil::GetRegionCodeForCountryCode(
    int country_calling_code,
    string* region_code) const {}

void PhoneNumberUtil::GetRegionCodeForNumber(const PhoneNumber& number,
                                             string* region_code) const {}

void PhoneNumberUtil::GetRegionCodeForNumberFromRegionList(
    const PhoneNumber& number, const std::list<string>& region_codes,
    string* region_code) const {}

int PhoneNumberUtil::GetCountryCodeForRegion(const string& region_code) const {}

int PhoneNumberUtil::GetCountryCodeForValidRegion(
    const string& region_code) const {}

// Gets a valid fixed-line number for the specified region_code. Returns false
// if the region was unknown or 001 (representing non-geographical regions), or
// if no number exists.
bool PhoneNumberUtil::GetExampleNumber(const string& region_code,
                                       PhoneNumber* number) const {}

bool PhoneNumberUtil::GetInvalidExampleNumber(const string& region_code,
                                              PhoneNumber* number) const {}

// Gets a valid number for the specified region_code and type.  Returns false if
// the country was unknown or 001 (representing non-geographical regions), or if
// no number exists.
bool PhoneNumberUtil::GetExampleNumberForType(
    const string& region_code,
    PhoneNumberUtil::PhoneNumberType type,
    PhoneNumber* number) const {}

bool PhoneNumberUtil::GetExampleNumberForType(
    PhoneNumberUtil::PhoneNumberType type,
    PhoneNumber* number) const {}

bool PhoneNumberUtil::GetExampleNumberForNonGeoEntity(
    int country_calling_code, PhoneNumber* number) const {}

PhoneNumberUtil::ErrorType PhoneNumberUtil::Parse(const string& number_to_parse,
                                                  const string& default_region,
                                                  PhoneNumber* number) const {}

PhoneNumberUtil::ErrorType PhoneNumberUtil::ParseAndKeepRawInput(
    const string& number_to_parse,
    const string& default_region,
    PhoneNumber* number) const {}

// Checks to see that the region code used is valid, or if it is not valid, that
// the number to parse starts with a + symbol so that we can attempt to infer
// the country from the number. Returns false if it cannot use the region
// provided and the region cannot be inferred.
bool PhoneNumberUtil::CheckRegionForParsing(
    const string& number_to_parse,
    const string& default_region) const {}

// Converts number_to_parse to a form that we can parse and write it to
// national_number if it is written in RFC3966; otherwise extract a possible
// number out of it and write to national_number.
void PhoneNumberUtil::BuildNationalNumberForParsing(
    const string& number_to_parse, string* national_number) const {}

// Note if any new field is added to this method that should always be filled
// in, even when keepRawInput is false, it should also be handled in the
// CopyCoreFieldsOnly() method.
PhoneNumberUtil::ErrorType PhoneNumberUtil::ParseHelper(
    const string& number_to_parse,
    const string& default_region,
    bool keep_raw_input,
    bool check_region,
    PhoneNumber* phone_number) const {}

// Attempts to extract a possible number from the string passed in. This
// currently strips all leading characters that could not be used to start a
// phone number. Characters that can be used to start a phone number are
// defined in the valid_start_char_pattern. If none of these characters are
// found in the number passed in, an empty string is returned. This function
// also attempts to strip off any alternative extensions or endings if two or
// more are present, such as in the case of: (530) 583-6985 x302/x2303. The
// second extension here makes this actually two phone numbers, (530) 583-6985
// x302 and (530) 583-6985 x2303. We remove the second extension so that the
// first number is parsed correctly.
void PhoneNumberUtil::ExtractPossibleNumber(const string& number,
                                            string* extracted_number) const {}

bool PhoneNumberUtil::IsPossibleNumber(const PhoneNumber& number) const {}

bool PhoneNumberUtil::IsPossibleNumberForType(
    const PhoneNumber& number, const PhoneNumberType type) const {}

bool PhoneNumberUtil::IsPossibleNumberForString(
    const string& number,
    const string& region_dialing_from) const {}

PhoneNumberUtil::ValidationResult PhoneNumberUtil::IsPossibleNumberWithReason(
    const PhoneNumber& number) const {}

PhoneNumberUtil::IsPossibleNumberForTypeWithReason(const PhoneNumber& number,
                                                   PhoneNumberType type) const {}

bool PhoneNumberUtil::TruncateTooLongNumber(PhoneNumber* number) const {}

PhoneNumberUtil::PhoneNumberType PhoneNumberUtil::GetNumberType(
    const PhoneNumber& number) const {}

bool PhoneNumberUtil::IsValidNumber(const PhoneNumber& number) const {}

bool PhoneNumberUtil::IsValidNumberForRegion(const PhoneNumber& number,
                                             const string& region_code) const {}

bool PhoneNumberUtil::IsNumberGeographical(
    const PhoneNumber& phone_number) const {}

bool PhoneNumberUtil::IsNumberGeographical(
    PhoneNumberType phone_number_type, int country_calling_code) const {}

// A helper function to set the values related to leading zeros in a
// PhoneNumber.
void PhoneNumberUtil::SetItalianLeadingZerosForPhoneNumber(
    const string& national_number, PhoneNumber* phone_number) const {}

bool PhoneNumberUtil::IsNumberMatchingDesc(
    const string& national_number, const PhoneNumberDesc& number_desc) const {}

PhoneNumberUtil::PhoneNumberType PhoneNumberUtil::GetNumberTypeHelper(
    const string& national_number, const PhoneMetadata& metadata) const {}

void PhoneNumberUtil::GetNationalSignificantNumber(
    const PhoneNumber& number,
    string* national_number) const {}

int PhoneNumberUtil::GetLengthOfGeographicalAreaCode(
    const PhoneNumber& number) const {}

int PhoneNumberUtil::GetLengthOfNationalDestinationCode(
    const PhoneNumber& number) const {}

void PhoneNumberUtil::GetCountryMobileToken(int country_calling_code,
                                            string* mobile_token) const {}

void PhoneNumberUtil::NormalizeDigitsOnly(string* number) const {}

void PhoneNumberUtil::NormalizeDiallableCharsOnly(string* number) const {}

bool PhoneNumberUtil::IsAlphaNumber(const string& number) const {}

void PhoneNumberUtil::ConvertAlphaCharactersInNumber(string* number) const {}

// Normalizes a string of characters representing a phone number. This performs
// the following conversions:
//   - Punctuation is stripped.
//   For ALPHA/VANITY numbers:
//   - Letters are converted to their numeric representation on a telephone
//     keypad. The keypad used here is the one defined in ITU Recommendation
//     E.161. This is only done if there are 3 or more letters in the number, to
//     lessen the risk that such letters are typos.
//   For other numbers:
//   - Wide-ascii digits are converted to normal ASCII (European) digits.
//   - Arabic-Indic numerals are converted to European numerals.
//   - Spurious alpha characters are stripped.
void PhoneNumberUtil::Normalize(string* number) const {}

// Checks to see if the string of characters could possibly be a phone number at
// all. At the moment, checks to see that the string begins with at least 3
// digits, ignoring any punctuation commonly found in phone numbers.  This
// method does not require the number to be normalized in advance - but does
// assume that leading non-number symbols have been removed, such as by the
// method ExtractPossibleNumber.
bool PhoneNumberUtil::IsViablePhoneNumber(const string& number) const {}

// Strips the IDD from the start of the number if present. Helper function used
// by MaybeStripInternationalPrefixAndNormalize.
bool PhoneNumberUtil::ParsePrefixAsIdd(const RegExp& idd_pattern,
                                       string* number) const {}

// Strips any international prefix (such as +, 00, 011) present in the number
// provided, normalizes the resulting number, and indicates if an international
// prefix was present.
// possible_idd_prefix represents the international direct dialing prefix from
// the region we think this number may be dialed in.
// Returns true if an international dialing prefix could be removed from the
// number, otherwise false if the number did not seem to be in international
// format.
    const string& possible_idd_prefix,
    string* number) const {}

// Strips any national prefix (such as 0, 1) present in the number provided.
// The number passed in should be the normalized telephone number that we wish
// to strip any national dialing prefix from. The metadata should be for the
// region that we think this number is from. Returns true if a national prefix
// and/or carrier code was stripped.
bool PhoneNumberUtil::MaybeStripNationalPrefixAndCarrierCode(
    const PhoneMetadata& metadata,
    string* number,
    string* carrier_code) const {}

// Strips any extension (as in, the part of the number dialled after the call is
// connected, usually indicated with extn, ext, x or similar) from the end of
// the number, and returns it. The number passed in should be non-normalized.
bool PhoneNumberUtil::MaybeStripExtension(string* number,  std::string* extension)
    const {}

// Extracts country calling code from national_number, and returns it. It
// assumes that the leading plus sign or IDD has already been removed. Returns 0
// if national_number doesn't start with a valid country calling code, and
// leaves national_number unmodified. Assumes the national_number is at least 3
// characters long.
int PhoneNumberUtil::ExtractCountryCode(string* national_number) const {}

// Tries to extract a country calling code from a number. Country calling codes
// are extracted in the following ways:
//   - by stripping the international dialing prefix of the region the person
//   is dialing from, if this is present in the number, and looking at the next
//   digits
//   - by stripping the '+' sign if present and then looking at the next digits
//   - by comparing the start of the number and the country calling code of the
//   default region. If the number is not considered possible for the numbering
//   plan of the default region initially, but starts with the country calling
//   code of this region, validation will be reattempted after stripping this
//   country calling code. If this number is considered a possible number, then
//   the first digits will be considered the country calling code and removed as
//   such.
//   Returns NO_PARSING_ERROR if a country calling code was successfully
//   extracted or none was present, or the appropriate error otherwise, such as
//   if a + was present but it was not followed by a valid country calling code.
//   If NO_PARSING_ERROR is returned, the national_number without the country
//   calling code is populated, and the country_code of the phone_number passed
//   in is set to the country calling code if found, otherwise to 0.
PhoneNumberUtil::ErrorType PhoneNumberUtil::MaybeExtractCountryCode(
    const PhoneMetadata* default_region_metadata,
    bool keep_raw_input,
    string* national_number,
    PhoneNumber* phone_number) const {}

PhoneNumberUtil::MatchType PhoneNumberUtil::IsNumberMatch(
    const PhoneNumber& first_number_in,
    const PhoneNumber& second_number_in) const {}

PhoneNumberUtil::MatchType PhoneNumberUtil::IsNumberMatchWithTwoStrings(
    const string& first_number,
    const string& second_number) const {}

PhoneNumberUtil::MatchType PhoneNumberUtil::IsNumberMatchWithOneString(
    const PhoneNumber& first_number,
    const string& second_number) const {}

AsYouTypeFormatter* PhoneNumberUtil::GetAsYouTypeFormatter(
    const string& region_code) const {}

bool PhoneNumberUtil::CanBeInternationallyDialled(
    const PhoneNumber& number) const {}

}  // namespace phonenumbers
}  // namespace i18n