
 *  Copyright (c) 2012 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
 *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
 *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
 *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
 *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
 *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "./vpx_config.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "test/codec_factory.h"
#include "test/encode_test_driver.h"
#include "test/i420_video_source.h"
#include "test/svc_test.h"
#include "test/util.h"
#include "test/y4m_video_source.h"
#include "vp9/common/vp9_onyxc_int.h"
#include "vpx/vpx_codec.h"
#include "vpx_ports/bitops.h"

namespace svc_test {
namespace {


class DatarateOnePassCbrSvc : public OnePassCbrSvc {};

// Params: speed setting.
class DatarateOnePassCbrSvcSingleBR
    : public DatarateOnePassCbrSvc,
      public ::libvpx_test::CodecTestWithParam<int> {};

// Check basic rate targeting for 1 pass CBR SVC: 3 spatial layers and 3
// temporal layers, for 4:4:4 Profile 1.
TEST_P(DatarateOnePassCbrSvcSingleBR, OnePassCbrSvc3SL3TL444Profile1) {}

// Check basic rate targeting for 1 pass CBR SVC: 2 spatial layers and 3
// temporal layers, for 4:2:2 Profile 1.
TEST_P(DatarateOnePassCbrSvcSingleBR, OnePassCbrSvc2SL3TL422Profile1) {}

// Check basic rate targeting for 1 pass CBR SVC: 3 spatial layers and 3
// temporal layers, for Profle 2 10bit.
TEST_P(DatarateOnePassCbrSvcSingleBR, OnePassCbrSvc3SL3TL10bitProfile2) {}

// Check basic rate targeting for 1 pass CBR SVC: 3 spatial layers and 3
// temporal layers, for Profle 2 12bit.
TEST_P(DatarateOnePassCbrSvcSingleBR, OnePassCbrSvc3SL3TL12bitProfile2) {}

// Check basic rate targeting for 1 pass CBR SVC: 2 spatial layers and 1
// temporal layer, with screen content mode on and same speed setting for all
// layers.
TEST_P(DatarateOnePassCbrSvcSingleBR, OnePassCbrSvc2SL1TLScreenContent1) {}

// Check basic rate targeting for 1 pass CBR SVC: 3 spatial layers and
// 3 temporal layers, with force key frame after frame drop
TEST_P(DatarateOnePassCbrSvcSingleBR, OnePassCbrSvc3SL3TLForceKey) {}

// Check basic rate targeting for 1 pass CBR SVC: 3 spatial layers and
// 2 temporal layers, with a change on the fly from the fixed SVC pattern to one
// generate via SVC_SET_REF_FRAME_CONFIG. The new pattern also disables
// inter-layer prediction.
TEST_P(DatarateOnePassCbrSvcSingleBR, OnePassCbrSvc3SL2TLDynamicPatternChange) {}

// Check basic rate targeting for 1 pass CBR SVC with 3 spatial and 3 temporal
// layers, for inter_layer_pred=OffKey (K-SVC) and on the fly switching
// of denoiser from off to on (on at frame = 100). Key frame period is set to
// 1000 so denoise is enabled on non-key.
       OnePassCbrSvc3SL3TL_DenoiserOffOnFixedLayers) {}

// Check basic rate targeting for 1 pass CBR SVC with 3 spatial and 3 temporal
// layers, for inter_layer_pred=OffKey (K-SVC) and on the fly switching
// of denoiser from off to on, for dynamic layers. Start at 2 spatial layers
// and enable 3rd spatial layer at frame = 100. Use periodic key frame with
// period 100 so enabling of spatial layer occurs at key frame. Enable denoiser
// at frame > 100, after the key frame sync.
       OnePassCbrSvc3SL3TL_DenoiserOffOnEnableLayers) {}

// Check basic rate targeting for 1 pass CBR SVC with 3 spatial layers and on
// the fly switching to 1 and then 2 and back to 3 spatial layers. This switch
// is done by setting spatial layer bitrates to 0, and then back to non-zero,
// during the sequence.
TEST_P(DatarateOnePassCbrSvcSingleBR, OnePassCbrSvc3SL_DisableEnableLayers) {}

// Check basic rate targeting for 1 pass CBR SVC with 2 spatial layers and on
// the fly switching to 1 spatial layer with dynamic resize enabled.
// The resizer will resize the single layer down and back up again, as the
// bitrate goes back up.
TEST_P(DatarateOnePassCbrSvcSingleBR, OnePassCbrSvc2SL_SingleLayerResize) {}

// For  pass CBR SVC with 1 spatial and 2 temporal layers with dynamic resize
// and denoiser enabled. The resizer will resize the single layer down and back
// up again, as the bitrate goes back up.
TEST_P(DatarateOnePassCbrSvcSingleBR, OnePassCbrSvc1SL2TL_DenoiseResize) {}

// Run SVC encoder for 1 temporal layer, 2 spatial layers, with spatial
// downscale 5x5.
TEST_P(DatarateOnePassCbrSvcSingleBR, OnePassCbrSvc2SL1TL5x5MultipleRuns) {}

// Params: speed setting and index for bitrate array.
class DatarateOnePassCbrSvcMultiBR
    : public DatarateOnePassCbrSvc,
      public ::libvpx_test::CodecTestWith2Params<int, int> {};

// Check basic rate targeting for 1 pass CBR SVC: 2 spatial layers and
// 3 temporal layers. Run CIF clip with 1 thread.
TEST_P(DatarateOnePassCbrSvcMultiBR, OnePassCbrSvc2SL3TL) {}

// Check basic rate targeting for 1 pass VBR SVC: 2 spatial layers and
// 3 temporal layers. Run VGA clip with 1 thread.
TEST_P(DatarateOnePassCbrSvcMultiBR, OnePassVbrSvc2SL3TL) {}

// Params: speed setting, layer framedrop control and index for bitrate array.
class DatarateOnePassCbrSvcFrameDropMultiBR
    : public DatarateOnePassCbrSvc,
      public ::libvpx_test::CodecTestWith3Params<int, int, int> {};

// Check basic rate targeting for 1 pass CBR SVC: 2 spatial layers and
// 3 temporal layers. Run HD clip with 4 threads.
TEST_P(DatarateOnePassCbrSvcFrameDropMultiBR, OnePassCbrSvc2SL3TL4Threads) {}

// Check basic rate targeting for 1 pass CBR SVC: 3 spatial layers and
// 3 temporal layers. Run HD clip with 4 threads.
TEST_P(DatarateOnePassCbrSvcFrameDropMultiBR, OnePassCbrSvc3SL3TL4Threads) {}

// Check basic rate targeting for 1 pass CBR SVC: 3 spatial layers and
// 2 temporal layers, for KSVC in flexible mode with no update of reference
// frames for all spatial layers on TL > 0 superframes.
// Run HD clip with 4 threads.
TEST_P(DatarateOnePassCbrSvcFrameDropMultiBR, OnePassCbrSvc3SL2TL4ThKSVCFlex) {}

// Params: speed setting, inter-layer prediction mode.
class DatarateOnePassCbrSvcInterLayerPredSingleBR
    : public DatarateOnePassCbrSvc,
      public ::libvpx_test::CodecTestWith2Params<int, int> {};

// Check basic rate targeting with different inter-layer prediction modes for 1
// pass CBR SVC: 3 spatial layers and 3 temporal layers. Run CIF clip with 1
// thread.
TEST_P(DatarateOnePassCbrSvcInterLayerPredSingleBR, OnePassCbrSvc3SL3TL) {}

// Check rate targeting with different inter-layer prediction modes for 1 pass
// CBR SVC: 3 spatial layers and 3 temporal layers, changing the target bitrate
// at the middle of encoding.
TEST_P(DatarateOnePassCbrSvcSingleBR, OnePassCbrSvc3SL3TLDynamicBitrateChange) {}

// Params: speed setting, noise sensitivity, index for bitrate array and inter
// layer pred mode.
class DatarateOnePassCbrSvcDenoiser
    : public DatarateOnePassCbrSvc,
      public ::libvpx_test::CodecTestWith4Params<int, int, int, int> {};

// Check basic rate targeting for 1 pass CBR SVC with denoising.
// 2 spatial layers and 3 temporal layer. Run HD clip with 2 threads.
TEST_P(DatarateOnePassCbrSvcDenoiser, OnePassCbrSvc2SL3TLDenoiserOn) {}

// Params: speed setting, key frame dist.
class DatarateOnePassCbrSvcSmallKF
    : public DatarateOnePassCbrSvc,
      public ::libvpx_test::CodecTestWith2Params<int, int> {};

// Check basic rate targeting for 1 pass CBR SVC: 3 spatial layers and 3
// temporal layers. Run CIF clip with 1 thread, and few short key frame periods.
TEST_P(DatarateOnePassCbrSvcSmallKF, OnePassCbrSvc3SL3TLSmallKf) {}

// Check basic rate targeting for 1 pass CBR SVC: 2 spatial layers and 3
// temporal layers. Run CIF clip with 1 thread, and few short key frame periods.
TEST_P(DatarateOnePassCbrSvcSmallKF, OnePassCbrSvc2SL3TLSmallKf) {}

// Check basic rate targeting for 1 pass CBR SVC: 3 spatial layers and 3
// temporal layers. Run VGA clip with 1 thread, and place layer sync frames:
// one at middle layer first, then another one for top layer, and another
// insert for base spatial layer (which forces key frame).
TEST_P(DatarateOnePassCbrSvcSingleBR, OnePassCbrSvc3SL3TLSyncFrames) {}

// Run SVC encoder for 3 spatial layers, 1 temporal layer, with
// intra-only frame as sync frame on base spatial layer.
// Intra_only is inserted at start and in middle of sequence.
TEST_P(DatarateOnePassCbrSvcSingleBR, OnePassCbrSvc3SL1TLSyncWithIntraOnly) {}

// Run SVC encoder for 2 quality layers (same resolution different,
// bitrates), 1 temporal layer, with screen content mode.
TEST_P(DatarateOnePassCbrSvcSingleBR, OnePassCbrSvc2QL1TLScreen) {}

// Params: speed setting.
class DatarateOnePassCbrSvcPostencodeDrop
    : public DatarateOnePassCbrSvc,
      public ::libvpx_test::CodecTestWithParam<int> {};

// Run SVC encoder for 2 quality layers (same resolution different,
// bitrates), 1 temporal layer, with screen content mode.
TEST_P(DatarateOnePassCbrSvcPostencodeDrop, OnePassCbrSvc2QL1TLScreen) {}







}  // namespace
}  // namespace svc_test