
// Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
// that can be found in the COPYING file in the root of the source
// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
// in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Author: Jyrki Alakuijala ([email protected])
#include "src/webp/config.h"

#include <float.h>
#include <math.h>

#include "src/dsp/lossless.h"
#include "src/dsp/lossless_common.h"
#include "src/enc/backward_references_enc.h"
#include "src/enc/histogram_enc.h"
#include "src/enc/vp8i_enc.h"
#include "src/utils/utils.h"

#define MAX_BIT_COST

// Number of partitions for the three dominant (literal, red and blue) symbol
// costs.
// The size of the bin-hash corresponding to the three dominant costs.
#define BIN_SIZE
// Maximum number of histograms allowed in greedy combining algorithm.

static void HistogramClear(VP8LHistogram* const p) {}

// Swap two histogram pointers.
static void HistogramSwap(VP8LHistogram** const A, VP8LHistogram** const B) {}

static void HistogramCopy(const VP8LHistogram* const src,
                          VP8LHistogram* const dst) {}

int VP8LGetHistogramSize(int cache_bits) {}

void VP8LFreeHistogram(VP8LHistogram* const histo) {}

void VP8LFreeHistogramSet(VP8LHistogramSet* const histo) {}

void VP8LHistogramStoreRefs(const VP8LBackwardRefs* const refs,
                            VP8LHistogram* const histo) {}

void VP8LHistogramCreate(VP8LHistogram* const p,
                         const VP8LBackwardRefs* const refs,
                         int palette_code_bits) {}

void VP8LHistogramInit(VP8LHistogram* const p, int palette_code_bits,
                       int init_arrays) {}

VP8LHistogram* VP8LAllocateHistogram(int cache_bits) {}

// Resets the pointers of the histograms to point to the bit buffer in the set.
static void HistogramSetResetPointers(VP8LHistogramSet* const set,
                                      int cache_bits) {}

// Returns the total size of the VP8LHistogramSet.
static size_t HistogramSetTotalSize(int size, int cache_bits) {}

VP8LHistogramSet* VP8LAllocateHistogramSet(int size, int cache_bits) {}

void VP8LHistogramSetClear(VP8LHistogramSet* const set) {}

// Removes the histogram 'i' from 'set' by setting it to NULL.
static void HistogramSetRemoveHistogram(VP8LHistogramSet* const set, int i,
                                        int* const num_used) {}

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

void VP8LHistogramAddSinglePixOrCopy(VP8LHistogram* const histo,
                                     const PixOrCopy* const v,
                                     int (*const distance_modifier)(int, int),
                                     int distance_modifier_arg0) {}

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Entropy-related functions.

static WEBP_INLINE float BitsEntropyRefine(const VP8LBitEntropy* entropy) {}

float VP8LBitsEntropy(const uint32_t* const array, int n) {}

static float InitialHuffmanCost(void) {}

// Finalize the Huffman cost based on streak numbers and length type (<3 or >=3)
static float FinalHuffmanCost(const VP8LStreaks* const stats) {}

// Get the symbol entropy for the distribution 'population'.
// Set 'trivial_sym', if there's only one symbol present in the distribution.
static float PopulationCost(const uint32_t* const population, int length,
                            uint32_t* const trivial_sym,
                            uint8_t* const is_used) {}

// trivial_at_end is 1 if the two histograms only have one element that is
// non-zero: both the zero-th one, or both the last one.
static WEBP_INLINE float GetCombinedEntropy(const uint32_t* const X,
                                            const uint32_t* const Y, int length,
                                            int is_X_used, int is_Y_used,
                                            int trivial_at_end) {}

// Estimates the Entropy + Huffman + other block overhead size cost.
float VP8LHistogramEstimateBits(VP8LHistogram* const p) {}

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Various histogram combine/cost-eval functions

static int GetCombinedHistogramEntropy(const VP8LHistogram* const a,
                                       const VP8LHistogram* const b,
                                       float cost_threshold, float* cost) {}

static WEBP_INLINE void HistogramAdd(const VP8LHistogram* const a,
                                     const VP8LHistogram* const b,
                                     VP8LHistogram* const out) {}

// Performs out = a + b, computing the cost C(a+b) - C(a) - C(b) while comparing
// to the threshold value 'cost_threshold'. The score returned is
//  Score = C(a+b) - C(a) - C(b), where C(a) + C(b) is known and fixed.
// Since the previous score passed is 'cost_threshold', we only need to compare
// the partial cost against 'cost_threshold + C(a) + C(b)' to possibly bail-out
// early.
static float HistogramAddEval(const VP8LHistogram* const a,
                              const VP8LHistogram* const b,
                              VP8LHistogram* const out, float cost_threshold) {}

// Same as HistogramAddEval(), except that the resulting histogram
// is not stored. Only the cost C(a+b) - C(a) is evaluated. We omit
// the term C(b) which is constant over all the evaluations.
static float HistogramAddThresh(const VP8LHistogram* const a,
                                const VP8LHistogram* const b,
                                float cost_threshold) {}

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// The structure to keep track of cost range for the three dominant entropy
// symbols.

static void DominantCostRangeInit(DominantCostRange* const c) {}

static void UpdateDominantCostRange(
    const VP8LHistogram* const h, DominantCostRange* const c) {}

static void UpdateHistogramCost(VP8LHistogram* const h) {}

static int GetBinIdForEntropy(float min, float max, float val) {}

static int GetHistoBinIndex(const VP8LHistogram* const h,
                            const DominantCostRange* const c, int low_effort) {}

// Construct the histograms from backward references.
static void HistogramBuild(
    int xsize, int histo_bits, const VP8LBackwardRefs* const backward_refs,
    VP8LHistogramSet* const image_histo) {}

// Copies the histograms and computes its bit_cost.
static const uint16_t kInvalidHistogramSymbol =;
static void HistogramCopyAndAnalyze(VP8LHistogramSet* const orig_histo,
                                    VP8LHistogramSet* const image_histo,
                                    int* const num_used,
                                    uint16_t* const histogram_symbols) {}

// Partition histograms to different entropy bins for three dominant (literal,
// red and blue) symbol costs and compute the histogram aggregate bit_cost.
static void HistogramAnalyzeEntropyBin(VP8LHistogramSet* const image_histo,
                                       uint16_t* const bin_map,
                                       int low_effort) {}

// Merges some histograms with same bin_id together if it's advantageous.
// Sets the remaining histograms to NULL.
static void HistogramCombineEntropyBin(
    VP8LHistogramSet* const image_histo, int* num_used,
    const uint16_t* const clusters, uint16_t* const cluster_mappings,
    VP8LHistogram* cur_combo, const uint16_t* const bin_map, int num_bins,
    float combine_cost_factor, int low_effort) {}

// Implement a Lehmer random number generator with a multiplicative constant of
// 48271 and a modulo constant of 2^31 - 1.
static uint32_t MyRand(uint32_t* const seed) {}

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Histogram pairs priority queue

// Pair of histograms. Negative idx1 value means that pair is out-of-date.


static int HistoQueueInit(HistoQueue* const histo_queue, const int max_size) {}

static void HistoQueueClear(HistoQueue* const histo_queue) {}

// Pop a specific pair in the queue by replacing it with the last one
// and shrinking the queue.
static void HistoQueuePopPair(HistoQueue* const histo_queue,
                              HistogramPair* const pair) {}

// Check whether a pair in the queue should be updated as head or not.
static void HistoQueueUpdateHead(HistoQueue* const histo_queue,
                                 HistogramPair* const pair) {}

// Update the cost diff and combo of a pair of histograms. This needs to be
// called when the the histograms have been merged with a third one.
static void HistoQueueUpdatePair(const VP8LHistogram* const h1,
                                 const VP8LHistogram* const h2, float threshold,
                                 HistogramPair* const pair) {}

// Create a pair from indices "idx1" and "idx2" provided its cost
// is inferior to "threshold", a negative entropy.
// It returns the cost of the pair, or 0. if it superior to threshold.
static float HistoQueuePush(HistoQueue* const histo_queue,
                            VP8LHistogram** const histograms, int idx1,
                            int idx2, float threshold) {}

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Combines histograms by continuously choosing the one with the highest cost
// reduction.
static int HistogramCombineGreedy(VP8LHistogramSet* const image_histo,
                                  int* const num_used) {}

// Perform histogram aggregation using a stochastic approach.
// 'do_greedy' is set to 1 if a greedy approach needs to be performed
// afterwards, 0 otherwise.
static int PairComparison(const void* idx1, const void* idx2) {}
static int HistogramCombineStochastic(VP8LHistogramSet* const image_histo,
                                      int* const num_used, int min_cluster_size,
                                      int* const do_greedy) {}

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Histogram refinement

// Find the best 'out' histogram for each of the 'in' histograms.
// At call-time, 'out' contains the histograms of the clusters.
// Note: we assume that out[]->bit_cost_ is already up-to-date.
static void HistogramRemap(const VP8LHistogramSet* const in,
                           VP8LHistogramSet* const out,
                           uint16_t* const symbols) {}

static float GetCombineCostFactor(int histo_size, int quality) {}

// Given a HistogramSet 'set', the mapping of clusters 'cluster_mapping' and the
// current assignment of the cells in 'symbols', merge the clusters and
// assign the smallest possible clusters values.
static void OptimizeHistogramSymbols(const VP8LHistogramSet* const set,
                                     uint16_t* const cluster_mappings,
                                     int num_clusters,
                                     uint16_t* const cluster_mappings_tmp,
                                     uint16_t* const symbols) {}

static void RemoveEmptyHistograms(VP8LHistogramSet* const image_histo) {}

int VP8LGetHistoImageSymbols(int xsize, int ysize,
                             const VP8LBackwardRefs* const refs, int quality,
                             int low_effort, int histogram_bits, int cache_bits,
                             VP8LHistogramSet* const image_histo,
                             VP8LHistogram* const tmp_histo,
                             uint16_t* const histogram_symbols,
                             const WebPPicture* const pic, int percent_range,
                             int* const percent) {}