
// Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
// that can be found in the COPYING file in the root of the source
// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
// in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// main entry for the decoder
// Authors: Vikas Arora ([email protected])
//          Jyrki Alakuijala ([email protected])

#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include "src/dec/alphai_dec.h"
#include "src/dec/vp8li_dec.h"
#include "src/dsp/dsp.h"
#include "src/dsp/lossless.h"
#include "src/dsp/lossless_common.h"
#include "src/dsp/yuv.h"
#include "src/utils/endian_inl_utils.h"
#include "src/utils/huffman_utils.h"
#include "src/utils/utils.h"


static const int kCodeLengthLiterals =;
static const int kCodeLengthRepeatCode =;
static const uint8_t kCodeLengthExtraBits[3] =;
static const uint8_t kCodeLengthRepeatOffsets[3] =;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Five Huffman codes are used at each meta code:
//  1. green + length prefix codes + color cache codes,
//  2. alpha,
//  3. red,
//  4. blue, and,
//  5. distance prefix codes.

static const uint16_t kAlphabetSize[HUFFMAN_CODES_PER_META_CODE] =;

static const uint8_t kLiteralMap[HUFFMAN_CODES_PER_META_CODE] =;

static const uint8_t kCodeLengthCodeOrder[NUM_CODE_LENGTH_CODES] =;

static const uint8_t kCodeToPlane[CODE_TO_PLANE_CODES] =;

// Memory needed for lookup tables of one Huffman tree group. Red, blue, alpha
// and distance alphabets are constant (256 for red, blue and alpha, 40 for
// distance) and lookup table sizes for them in worst case are 630 and 410
// respectively. Size of green alphabet depends on color cache size and is equal
// to 256 (green component values) + 24 (length prefix values)
// + color_cache_size (between 0 and 2048).
// All values computed for 8-bit first level lookup with Mark Adler's tool:
static const uint16_t kTableSize[12] =;

static int VP8LSetError(VP8LDecoder* const dec, VP8StatusCode error) {}

static int DecodeImageStream(int xsize, int ysize,
                             int is_level0,
                             VP8LDecoder* const dec,
                             uint32_t** const decoded_data);


int VP8LCheckSignature(const uint8_t* const data, size_t size) {}

static int ReadImageInfo(VP8LBitReader* const br,
                         int* const width, int* const height,
                         int* const has_alpha) {}

int VP8LGetInfo(const uint8_t* data, size_t data_size,
                int* const width, int* const height, int* const has_alpha) {}


static WEBP_INLINE int GetCopyDistance(int distance_symbol,
                                       VP8LBitReader* const br) {}

static WEBP_INLINE int GetCopyLength(int length_symbol,
                                     VP8LBitReader* const br) {}

static WEBP_INLINE int PlaneCodeToDistance(int xsize, int plane_code) {}

// Decodes the next Huffman code from bit-stream.
// VP8LFillBitWindow(br) needs to be called at minimum every second call
// to ReadSymbol, in order to pre-fetch enough bits.
static WEBP_INLINE int ReadSymbol(const HuffmanCode* table,
                                  VP8LBitReader* const br) {}

// Reads packed symbol depending on GREEN channel
static WEBP_INLINE int ReadPackedSymbols(const HTreeGroup* group,
                                         VP8LBitReader* const br,
                                         uint32_t* const dst) {}

static int AccumulateHCode(HuffmanCode hcode, int shift,
                           HuffmanCode32* const huff) {}

static void BuildPackedTable(HTreeGroup* const htree_group) {}

static int ReadHuffmanCodeLengths(
    VP8LDecoder* const dec, const int* const code_length_code_lengths,
    int num_symbols, int* const code_lengths) {}

// 'code_lengths' is pre-allocated temporary buffer, used for creating Huffman
// tree.
static int ReadHuffmanCode(int alphabet_size, VP8LDecoder* const dec,
                           int* const code_lengths,
                           HuffmanTables* const table) {}

static int ReadHuffmanCodes(VP8LDecoder* const dec, int xsize, int ysize,
                            int color_cache_bits, int allow_recursion) {}

int ReadHuffmanCodesHelper(int color_cache_bits, int num_htree_groups,
                           int num_htree_groups_max, const int* const mapping,
                           VP8LDecoder* const dec,
                           HuffmanTables* const huffman_tables,
                           HTreeGroup** const htree_groups) {}

// Scaling.

#if !defined(WEBP_REDUCE_SIZE)
static int AllocateAndInitRescaler(VP8LDecoder* const dec, VP8Io* const io) {
  const int num_channels = 4;
  const int in_width = io->mb_w;
  const int out_width = io->scaled_width;
  const int in_height = io->mb_h;
  const int out_height = io->scaled_height;
  const uint64_t work_size = 2 * num_channels * (uint64_t)out_width;
  rescaler_t* work;        // Rescaler work area.
  const uint64_t scaled_data_size = (uint64_t)out_width;
  uint32_t* scaled_data;  // Temporary storage for scaled BGRA data.
  const uint64_t memory_size = sizeof(*dec->rescaler) +
                               work_size * sizeof(*work) +
                               scaled_data_size * sizeof(*scaled_data);
  uint8_t* memory = (uint8_t*)WebPSafeMalloc(memory_size, sizeof(*memory));
  if (memory == NULL) {
    return VP8LSetError(dec, VP8_STATUS_OUT_OF_MEMORY);
  assert(dec->rescaler_memory == NULL);
  dec->rescaler_memory = memory;

  dec->rescaler = (WebPRescaler*)memory;
  memory += sizeof(*dec->rescaler);
  work = (rescaler_t*)memory;
  memory += work_size * sizeof(*work);
  scaled_data = (uint32_t*)memory;

  if (!WebPRescalerInit(dec->rescaler, in_width, in_height,
                        (uint8_t*)scaled_data, out_width, out_height,
                        0, num_channels, work)) {
    return 0;
  return 1;
#endif   // WEBP_REDUCE_SIZE

// Export to ARGB

#if !defined(WEBP_REDUCE_SIZE)

// We have special "export" function since we need to convert from BGRA
static int Export(WebPRescaler* const rescaler, WEBP_CSP_MODE colorspace,
                  int rgba_stride, uint8_t* const rgba) {
  uint32_t* const src = (uint32_t*)rescaler->dst;
  uint8_t* dst = rgba;
  const int dst_width = rescaler->dst_width;
  int num_lines_out = 0;
  while (WebPRescalerHasPendingOutput(rescaler)) {
    WebPMultARGBRow(src, dst_width, 1);
    VP8LConvertFromBGRA(src, dst_width, colorspace, dst);
    dst += rgba_stride;
  return num_lines_out;

// Emit scaled rows.
static int EmitRescaledRowsRGBA(const VP8LDecoder* const dec,
                                uint8_t* in, int in_stride, int mb_h,
                                uint8_t* const out, int out_stride) {
  const WEBP_CSP_MODE colorspace = dec->output_->colorspace;
  int num_lines_in = 0;
  int num_lines_out = 0;
  while (num_lines_in < mb_h) {
    uint8_t* const row_in = in + (uint64_t)num_lines_in * in_stride;
    uint8_t* const row_out = out + (uint64_t)num_lines_out * out_stride;
    const int lines_left = mb_h - num_lines_in;
    const int needed_lines = WebPRescaleNeededLines(dec->rescaler, lines_left);
    int lines_imported;
    assert(needed_lines > 0 && needed_lines <= lines_left);
    WebPMultARGBRows(row_in, in_stride,
                     dec->rescaler->src_width, needed_lines, 0);
    lines_imported =
        WebPRescalerImport(dec->rescaler, lines_left, row_in, in_stride);
    assert(lines_imported == needed_lines);
    num_lines_in += lines_imported;
    num_lines_out += Export(dec->rescaler, colorspace, out_stride, row_out);
  return num_lines_out;

#endif   // WEBP_REDUCE_SIZE

// Emit rows without any scaling.
static int EmitRows(WEBP_CSP_MODE colorspace,
                    const uint8_t* row_in, int in_stride,
                    int mb_w, int mb_h,
                    uint8_t* const out, int out_stride) {}

// Export to YUVA

static void ConvertToYUVA(const uint32_t* const src, int width, int y_pos,
                          const WebPDecBuffer* const output) {}

static int ExportYUVA(const VP8LDecoder* const dec, int y_pos) {}

static int EmitRescaledRowsYUVA(const VP8LDecoder* const dec,
                                uint8_t* in, int in_stride, int mb_h) {}

static int EmitRowsYUVA(const VP8LDecoder* const dec,
                        const uint8_t* in, int in_stride,
                        int mb_w, int num_rows) {}

// Cropping.

// Sets io->mb_y, io->mb_h & io->mb_w according to start row, end row and
// crop options. Also updates the input data pointer, so that it points to the
// start of the cropped window. Note that pixels are in ARGB format even if
// 'in_data' is uint8_t*.
// Returns true if the crop window is not empty.
static int SetCropWindow(VP8Io* const io, int y_start, int y_end,
                         uint8_t** const in_data, int pixel_stride) {}


static WEBP_INLINE int GetMetaIndex(
    const uint32_t* const image, int xsize, int bits, int x, int y) {}

static WEBP_INLINE HTreeGroup* GetHtreeGroupForPos(VP8LMetadata* const hdr,
                                                   int x, int y) {}

// Main loop, with custom row-processing function


static void ApplyInverseTransforms(VP8LDecoder* const dec,
                                   int start_row, int num_rows,
                                   const uint32_t* const rows) {}

// Processes (transforms, scales & color-converts) the rows decoded after the
// last call.
static void ProcessRows(VP8LDecoder* const dec, int row) {}

// Row-processing for the special case when alpha data contains only one
// transform (color indexing), and trivial non-green literals.
static int Is8bOptimizable(const VP8LMetadata* const hdr) {}

static void AlphaApplyFilter(ALPHDecoder* const alph_dec,
                             int first_row, int last_row,
                             uint8_t* out, int stride) {}

static void ExtractPalettedAlphaRows(VP8LDecoder* const dec, int last_row) {}

// Helper functions for fast pattern copy (8b and 32b)

// cyclic rotation of pattern word
static WEBP_INLINE uint32_t Rotate8b(uint32_t V) {}

// copy 1, 2 or 4-bytes pattern
static WEBP_INLINE void CopySmallPattern8b(const uint8_t* src, uint8_t* dst,
                                           int length, uint32_t pattern) {}

static WEBP_INLINE void CopyBlock8b(uint8_t* const dst, int dist, int length) {}

// copy pattern of 1 or 2 uint32_t's
static WEBP_INLINE void CopySmallPattern32b(const uint32_t* src,
                                            uint32_t* dst,
                                            int length, uint64_t pattern) {}

static WEBP_INLINE void CopyBlock32b(uint32_t* const dst,
                                     int dist, int length) {}


static int DecodeAlphaData(VP8LDecoder* const dec, uint8_t* const data,
                           int width, int height, int last_row) {}

static void SaveState(VP8LDecoder* const dec, int last_pixel) {}

static void RestoreState(VP8LDecoder* const dec) {}

static int DecodeImageData(VP8LDecoder* const dec, uint32_t* const data,
                           int width, int height, int last_row,
                           ProcessRowsFunc process_func) {}

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// VP8LTransform

static void ClearTransform(VP8LTransform* const transform) {}

// For security reason, we need to remap the color map to span
// the total possible bundled values, and not just the num_colors.
static int ExpandColorMap(int num_colors, VP8LTransform* const transform) {}

static int ReadTransform(int* const xsize, int const* ysize,
                         VP8LDecoder* const dec) {}

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// VP8LMetadata

static void InitMetadata(VP8LMetadata* const hdr) {}

static void ClearMetadata(VP8LMetadata* const hdr) {}

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// VP8LDecoder

VP8LDecoder* VP8LNew(void) {}

void VP8LClear(VP8LDecoder* const dec) {}

void VP8LDelete(VP8LDecoder* const dec) {}

static void UpdateDecoder(VP8LDecoder* const dec, int width, int height) {}

static int DecodeImageStream(int xsize, int ysize,
                             int is_level0,
                             VP8LDecoder* const dec,
                             uint32_t** const decoded_data) {}

// Allocate internal buffers dec->pixels_ and dec->argb_cache_.
static int AllocateInternalBuffers32b(VP8LDecoder* const dec, int final_width) {}

static int AllocateInternalBuffers8b(VP8LDecoder* const dec) {}


// Special row-processing that only stores the alpha data.
static void ExtractAlphaRows(VP8LDecoder* const dec, int last_row) {}

int VP8LDecodeAlphaHeader(ALPHDecoder* const alph_dec,
                          const uint8_t* const data, size_t data_size) {}

int VP8LDecodeAlphaImageStream(ALPHDecoder* const alph_dec, int last_row) {}


int VP8LDecodeHeader(VP8LDecoder* const dec, VP8Io* const io) {}

int VP8LDecodeImage(VP8LDecoder* const dec) {}
