
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>CSS Anchor Positioning: try-tactic, anchor()</title>
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  :root {
  #cb {
    position: absolute;
    width: 400px;
    height: 400px;
    border: 1px solid black;
  #anchor {
    position: absolute;
    left: 150px;
    top: 150px;
    width: 60px;
    height: 70px;
    background-color: coral;
    anchor-name: --a;
  #target, #ref {
    position: absolute;
    left: 450px; /* force fallback */
    width: 40px;
    height: 40px;
    background-color: skyblue;
    position-anchor: --a;
  #ref {
    background-color: seagreen;
<style id=style>
<div id=cb>
  <div id=anchor></div>
  <div id=target></div>
  <div id=ref></div>

// Verify that a given try-tactic + untransformed declaration equals
// a reference element using `transformed` directly.
function test_anchor_flip(try_tactic, untransformed, transformed) {
  test((t) => {
    style.textContent = `
      @position-try --pf {
        inset: auto;
      #target {
        position-try-fallbacks: --pf ${try_tactic};
      @position-try --ref {
        inset: auto;
      #ref {
        position-try-fallbacks: --ref;
    assert_equals(target.offsetLeft, ref.offsetLeft, 'offsetLeft');
    assert_equals(target.offsetTop, ref.offsetTop, 'offsetTop');
  }, `${try_tactic}, ${untransformed}, ${transformed}`);

// These are the possible transformations between
// anchor(left/right/top/bottom):
// ┌───┬────┬────┬────┬────┐
// │ - │ L  │ R  │ T  │ B  │
// │ L │ -  │ LR │ LT │ LB │
// │ R │ RL │ -  │ RT │ RB │
// │ T │ TL │ TR │ -  │ TB │
// │ B │ BL │ BR │ BT │ -  │
// └───┴────┴────┴────┴────┘

// No flip, no transformation.
test_anchor_flip('', 'right:anchor(left)', 'right:anchor(left)');

// flip-block does not affect left-right.
test_anchor_flip('flip-block', 'right:anchor(left)', 'right:anchor(left)');
// flip-inline does not affect left-right.
test_anchor_flip('flip-inline', 'bottom:anchor(top)', 'bottom:anchor(top)');

// Note that the letters represent the arguments to the anchor() functions,
// not the properties. For example, LR: anchor(left) => anchor(right).

// LR
test_anchor_flip('flip-inline', 'right:anchor(left)', 'left:anchor(right)');
// RL
test_anchor_flip('flip-inline', 'left:anchor(right)', 'right:anchor(left)');

// LT
test_anchor_flip('flip-start', 'right:anchor(left)', 'bottom:anchor(top)');
// TL
test_anchor_flip('flip-start', 'bottom:anchor(top)', 'right:anchor(left)');

// LB
test_anchor_flip('flip-inline flip-start', 'right:anchor(left)', 'top:anchor(bottom)');
// BL
test_anchor_flip('flip-start flip-inline', 'top:anchor(bottom)', 'right:anchor(left)');

// RT
test_anchor_flip('flip-start flip-block', 'left:anchor(right)', 'bottom:anchor(top)');
// TR
test_anchor_flip('flip-block flip-start', 'bottom:anchor(top)', 'left:anchor(right)');

// RB
test_anchor_flip('flip-start', 'left:anchor(right)', 'top:anchor(bottom)');
// BR
test_anchor_flip('flip-start', 'top:anchor(bottom)', 'left:anchor(right)');

// TB
test_anchor_flip('flip-block', 'bottom:anchor(top)', 'top:anchor(bottom)');
// BT
test_anchor_flip('flip-block', 'top:anchor(bottom)', 'bottom:anchor(top)');

// Logical versions.
// These tests duplicate the above, but replace the input logical anchor()
// functions.

// LR
test_anchor_flip('flip-inline', 'right:anchor(start)', 'left:anchor(right)');
// RL
test_anchor_flip('flip-inline', 'left:anchor(end)', 'right:anchor(left)');

// LT
test_anchor_flip('flip-start', 'right:anchor(start)', 'bottom:anchor(top)');
// TL
test_anchor_flip('flip-start', 'bottom:anchor(start)', 'right:anchor(left)');

// LB
test_anchor_flip('flip-inline flip-start', 'right:anchor(start)', 'top:anchor(bottom)');
// BL
test_anchor_flip('flip-start flip-inline', 'top:anchor(end)', 'right:anchor(left)');

// RT
test_anchor_flip('flip-start flip-block', 'left:anchor(end)', 'bottom:anchor(top)');
// TR
test_anchor_flip('flip-block flip-start', 'bottom:anchor(start)', 'left:anchor(right)');

// RB
test_anchor_flip('flip-start', 'left:anchor(end)', 'top:anchor(bottom)');
// BR
test_anchor_flip('flip-start', 'top:anchor(end)', 'left:anchor(right)');

// TB
test_anchor_flip('flip-block', 'bottom:anchor(start)', 'top:anchor(bottom)');
// BT
test_anchor_flip('flip-block', 'top:anchor(end)', 'bottom:anchor(top)');

// The same again, except with self-start/self-end.

// LR
test_anchor_flip('flip-inline', 'right:anchor(self-start)', 'left:anchor(right)');
// RL
test_anchor_flip('flip-inline', 'left:anchor(self-end)', 'right:anchor(left)');

// LT
test_anchor_flip('flip-start', 'right:anchor(self-start)', 'bottom:anchor(top)');
// TL
test_anchor_flip('flip-start', 'bottom:anchor(self-start)', 'right:anchor(left)');

// LB
test_anchor_flip('flip-inline flip-start', 'right:anchor(self-start)', 'top:anchor(bottom)');
// BL
test_anchor_flip('flip-start flip-inline', 'top:anchor(self-end)', 'right:anchor(left)');

// RT
test_anchor_flip('flip-start flip-block', 'left:anchor(self-end)', 'bottom:anchor(top)');
// TR
test_anchor_flip('flip-block flip-start', 'bottom:anchor(self-start)', 'left:anchor(right)');

// RB
test_anchor_flip('flip-start', 'left:anchor(self-end)', 'top:anchor(bottom)');
// BR
test_anchor_flip('flip-start', 'top:anchor(self-end)', 'left:anchor(right)');

// TB
test_anchor_flip('flip-block', 'bottom:anchor(self-start)', 'top:anchor(bottom)');
// BT
test_anchor_flip('flip-block', 'top:anchor(self-end)', 'bottom:anchor(top)');

function test_anchor_size_flip(try_tactic, flip_expected) {
  test((t) => {
    style.textContent = `
      @position-try --pf {
        inset: auto;
        width: calc(anchor-size(width) + 20px);
        height: anchor-size(height);
      #target {
        position-try-fallbacks: --pf ${try_tactic};

    let expected_width = anchor.offsetWidth + (flip_expected ? 0 : 20);
    let expected_height = anchor.offsetHeight + (flip_expected ? 20 : 0);

    assert_equals(target.offsetWidth, expected_width, 'offsetWidth');
    assert_equals(target.offsetHeight, expected_height, 'offsetHeight');
  }, try_tactic);

// No flip, no transformation.
test_anchor_size_flip('', /* expect_flip */ false);

// Note: only the cross-axis flips cause width/height to change.
// LR, TB (and their reverse versions) are in-axis, other combinations are
// cross-axis.

// In-axis:

// LR, RL
test_anchor_size_flip('flip-inline', /* expect_flip */ false);
// TB, BT
test_anchor_size_flip('flip-block', /* expect_flip */ false);

// Cross-axis:

// LT, TL, RB, BR
test_anchor_size_flip('flip-start', /* expect_flip */ true);

// LB, BL
test_anchor_size_flip('flip-inline flip-start', /* expect_flip */ true);

// RT, TR
test_anchor_size_flip('flip-start flip-block', /* expect_flip */ true);

test((t) => {
  style.textContent = `
    @position-try --pf {
      inset: auto;
      right: var(--anchor-left);
    #target {
      position-try-fallbacks: --pf;
  // Initially positioned to the left of the anchor.
  assert_equals(target.offsetLeft, 110, 'offsetLeft');

  // Now positioned to the right of the anchor.
  style.textContent += `
    #target {
      position-try-fallbacks: --pf flip-inline;
  assert_equals(target.offsetLeft, 210, 'offsetLeft');
}, 'Can transform a value post-var-substitution');
