
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel=author href="mailto:[email protected]">
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<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="/css/css-animations/support/testcommon.js"></script>

<div id=target1>hello</div>
@keyframes display1 {
  0% { display: none; }
  100% { display: inline; }
.animate1 {
  animation: display1 1s infinite;
promise_test(async (t) => {
  t.add_cleanup(() => target1.classList.remove('animate1'));

  let numAnimationstartFired = 0;
  target1.addEventListener('animationstart', () => numAnimationstartFired++);

  await waitForAnimationFrames(1);
  await waitForAnimationFrames(2);

  assert_equals(getComputedStyle(target1).display, 'inline',
    'The display should be inline during the animation.');
  assert_equals(numAnimationstartFired, 1,
    'Only one animation should start.');
}, 'display:none animating to display:inline should be inline for the whole animation.');

<div id=target2>hello</div>
@keyframes display2 {
  0% { display: var(--none-value); }
  100% { display: inline; }
.animate2 {
  animation: display2 1s infinite;
#target2 {
  --none-value: none;
promise_test(async (t) => {
  t.add_cleanup(() => target2.classList.remove('animate2'));

  let numAnimationstartFired = 0;
  target2.addEventListener('animationstart', () => numAnimationstartFired++);

  await waitForAnimationFrames(1);
  await waitForAnimationFrames(2);

  assert_equals(getComputedStyle(target2).display, 'inline',
    'The display should be inline during the animation.');
  assert_equals(numAnimationstartFired, 1,
    'Only one animation should start.');
}, 'A CSS variable of display:none animating to display:inline should be inline for the whole animation.');

<div id=target3>hello</div>
@keyframes display3 {
  0% { display: none; }
  100% { display: none; }
.animate3 {
  animation: display3 1s infinite;
promise_test(async (t) => {
  t.add_cleanup(() => target3.classList.remove('animate3'));

  let numAnimationstartFired = 0;
  target3.addEventListener('animationstart', () => numAnimationstartFired++);

  await waitForAnimationFrames(1);
  await waitForAnimationFrames(2);

  assert_equals(getComputedStyle(target3).display, 'none',
    'The display should be none and the animation should keep running.');
  assert_equals(numAnimationstartFired, 1,
    'Only one animation should start.');
}, 'Animating from display:none to display:none should not cancel the animation.');

<div id=target4>hello</div>
@keyframes display4 {
  0% { display: var(--none-value); }
  100% { display: var(--none-value); }
.animate4 {
  animation: display4 1s infinite;
#target4 {
  --none-value: none;
promise_test(async (t) => {
  t.add_cleanup(() => target4.classList.remove('animate4'));

  let numAnimationstartFired = 0;
  target4.addEventListener('animationstart', () => numAnimationstartFired++);

  await waitForAnimationFrames(1);
  await waitForAnimationFrames(2);

  assert_equals(getComputedStyle(target4).display, 'none',
    'The display should be none and the animation should keep running.');
  assert_equals(numAnimationstartFired, 1,
    'Only one animation should start.');
}, 'Animating from display:none to display:none with an intermediate variable should not cancel the animation.');

<div id=target5>hello</div>
@keyframes display5 {
  0% { --display: none; }
  100% { --display: none; }
.animate5 {
  animation: display5 1s infinite;
#target5 {
  display: var(--display, block);
promise_test(async (t) => {
  t.add_cleanup(() => target5.classList.remove('animate5'));

  let numAnimationstartFired = 0;
  target5.addEventListener('animationstart', () => numAnimationstartFired++);

  await waitForAnimationFrames(1);
  await waitForAnimationFrames(2);

  assert_equals(getComputedStyle(target5).display, 'none',
    'The display should be none and the animation should keep running.');
  assert_equals(numAnimationstartFired, 1,
    'Only one animation should start.');
}, 'Animating a variable of "none" which gets set to display elsewhere should not cancel the animation.');