
// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
// for linear algebra.
// Copyright (C) 2008 Gael Guennebaud <[email protected]>
// Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Benoit Jacob <[email protected]>
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
// Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
// with this file, You can obtain one at


// IWYU pragma: private
#include "./InternalHeaderCheck.h"

namespace Eigen {

namespace internal {

/** \internal
 * \file GenericPacketMath.h
 * Default implementation for types not supported by the vectorization.
 * In practice these functions are provided to make easier the writing
 * of generic vectorized code.





struct default_packet_traits {};

template <typename T>
struct packet_traits : default_packet_traits {};

packet_traits<const T>;

template <typename T>
struct unpacket_traits {};

unpacket_traits<const T>;

/** \internal A convenience utility for determining if the type is a scalar.
 * This is used to enable some generic packet implementations.
template <typename Packet>
struct is_scalar {};

// automatically and succinctly define combinations of pcast<SrcPacket,TgtPacket> when
// 1) the packets are the same type, or
// 2) the packets differ only in sign.
// In both of these cases, preinterpret (bit_cast) is equivalent to pcast (static_cast)
template <typename SrcPacket, typename TgtPacket,
          bool Scalar = is_scalar<SrcPacket>::value && is_scalar<TgtPacket>::value>
struct is_degenerate_helper : is_same<SrcPacket, TgtPacket> {};
template <>
struct is_degenerate_helper<int8_t, uint8_t, true> : std::true_type {};
template <>
struct is_degenerate_helper<int16_t, uint16_t, true> : std::true_type {};
template <>
struct is_degenerate_helper<int32_t, uint32_t, true> : std::true_type {};
template <>
struct is_degenerate_helper<int64_t, uint64_t, true> : std::true_type {};

is_degenerate_helper<SrcPacket, TgtPacket, false>;

// is_degenerate<T1,T2>::value == is_degenerate<T2,T1>::value
template <typename SrcPacket, typename TgtPacket>
struct is_degenerate {};

template <typename Packet>
struct is_half {};

template <typename Src, typename Tgt>
struct type_casting_traits {};

// provides a succint template to define vectorized casting traits with respect to the largest accessible packet types
template <typename Src, typename Tgt>
struct vectorized_type_casting_traits {};

/** \internal Wrapper to ensure that multiple packet types can map to the same
    same underlying vector type. */
template <typename T, int unique_id = 0>
struct eigen_packet_wrapper {};

template <typename Target, typename Packet, bool IsSame = is_same<Target, Packet>::value>
struct preinterpret_generic;

preinterpret_generic<Target, Packet, false>;

preinterpret_generic<Packet, Packet, true>;

/** \internal \returns reinterpret_cast<Target>(a) */
template <typename Target, typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Target preinterpret(const Packet& a) {}

template <typename SrcPacket, typename TgtPacket, bool Degenerate = is_degenerate<SrcPacket, TgtPacket>::value,
          bool TgtIsHalf = is_half<TgtPacket>::value>
struct pcast_generic;

pcast_generic<SrcPacket, TgtPacket, false, false>;

pcast_generic<Packet, Packet, true, false>;

pcast_generic<SrcPacket, TgtPacket, true, TgtIsHalf>;

/** \internal \returns static_cast<TgtType>(a) (coeff-wise) */
template <typename SrcPacket, typename TgtPacket>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline TgtPacket pcast(const SrcPacket& a) {}
template <typename SrcPacket, typename TgtPacket>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline TgtPacket pcast(const SrcPacket& a, const SrcPacket& b) {}
template <typename SrcPacket, typename TgtPacket>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline TgtPacket pcast(const SrcPacket& a, const SrcPacket& b, const SrcPacket& c,
                                         const SrcPacket& d) {}
template <typename SrcPacket, typename TgtPacket>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline TgtPacket pcast(const SrcPacket& a, const SrcPacket& b, const SrcPacket& c, const SrcPacket& d,
                                         const SrcPacket& e, const SrcPacket& f, const SrcPacket& g,
                                         const SrcPacket& h) {}

pcast_generic<SrcPacket, TgtPacket, false, true>;

/** \internal \returns a + b (coeff-wise) */
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Packet padd(const Packet& a, const Packet& b) {}
// Avoid compiler warning for boolean algebra.
template <>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline bool padd(const bool& a, const bool& b) {}

/** \internal \returns a packet version of \a *from, (un-aligned masked add)
 * There is no generic implementation. We only have implementations for specialized
 * cases. Generic case should not be called.
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline std::enable_if_t<unpacket_traits<Packet>::masked_fpops_available, Packet> padd(
    const Packet& a, const Packet& b, typename unpacket_traits<Packet>::mask_t umask);

/** \internal \returns a - b (coeff-wise) */
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Packet psub(const Packet& a, const Packet& b) {}

/** \internal \returns -a (coeff-wise) */
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Packet pnegate(const Packet& a) {}

/** \internal \returns conj(a) (coeff-wise) */
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Packet pconj(const Packet& a) {}

/** \internal \returns a * b (coeff-wise) */
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Packet pmul(const Packet& a, const Packet& b) {}
// Avoid compiler warning for boolean algebra.
template <>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline bool pmul(const bool& a, const bool& b) {}

/** \internal \returns a / b (coeff-wise) */
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Packet pdiv(const Packet& a, const Packet& b) {}

// In the generic case, memset to all one bits.
template <typename Packet, typename EnableIf = void>
struct ptrue_impl {};

// For booleans, we can only directly set a valid `bool` value to avoid UB.
template <>
struct ptrue_impl<bool, void> {};

// For non-trivial scalars, set to Scalar(1) (i.e. a non-zero value).
// Although this is technically not a valid bitmask, the scalar path for pselect
// uses a comparison to zero, so this should still work in most cases. We don't
// have another option, since the scalar type requires initialization.
ptrue_impl<T, std::enable_if_t<is_scalar<T>::value && NumTraits<T>::RequireInitialization>>;

/** \internal \returns one bits. */
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Packet ptrue(const Packet& a) {}

// In the general case, memset to zero.
template <typename Packet, typename EnableIf = void>
struct pzero_impl {};

// For scalars, explicitly set to Scalar(0), since the underlying representation
// for zero may not consist of all-zero bits.
pzero_impl<T, std::enable_if_t<is_scalar<T>::value>>;

/** \internal \returns packet of zeros */
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Packet pzero(const Packet& a) {}

/** \internal \returns a <= b as a bit mask */
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Packet pcmp_le(const Packet& a, const Packet& b) {}

/** \internal \returns a < b as a bit mask */
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Packet pcmp_lt(const Packet& a, const Packet& b) {}

/** \internal \returns a == b as a bit mask */
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Packet pcmp_eq(const Packet& a, const Packet& b) {}

/** \internal \returns a < b or a==NaN or b==NaN as a bit mask */
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Packet pcmp_lt_or_nan(const Packet& a, const Packet& b) {}

template <typename T>
struct bit_and {};

template <typename T>
struct bit_or {};

template <typename T>
struct bit_xor {};

template <typename T>
struct bit_not {};

template <>
struct bit_and<bool> {};

template <>
struct bit_or<bool> {};

template <>
struct bit_xor<bool> {};

template <>
struct bit_not<bool> {};

// Use operators &, |, ^, ~.
template <typename T>
struct operator_bitwise_helper {};

// Apply binary operations byte-by-byte
template <typename T>
struct bytewise_bitwise_helper {};

// In the general case, use byte-by-byte manipulation.
template <typename T, typename EnableIf = void>
struct bitwise_helper : public bytewise_bitwise_helper<T> {};

// For integers or non-trivial scalars, use binary operators.
bitwise_helper<T, typename std::enable_if_t<is_scalar<T>::value && (NumTraits<T>::IsInteger || NumTraits<T>::RequireInitialization)>>;

/** \internal \returns the bitwise and of \a a and \a b */
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Packet pand(const Packet& a, const Packet& b) {}

/** \internal \returns the bitwise or of \a a and \a b */
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Packet por(const Packet& a, const Packet& b) {}

/** \internal \returns the bitwise xor of \a a and \a b */
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Packet pxor(const Packet& a, const Packet& b) {}

/** \internal \returns the bitwise not of \a a */
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Packet pnot(const Packet& a) {}

/** \internal \returns the bitwise and of \a a and not \a b */
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Packet pandnot(const Packet& a, const Packet& b) {}

// In the general case, use bitwise select.
template <typename Packet, typename EnableIf = void>
struct pselect_impl {};

// For scalars, use ternary select.
pselect_impl<Packet, std::enable_if_t<is_scalar<Packet>::value>>;

/** \internal \returns \a or \b for each field in packet according to \mask */
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Packet pselect(const Packet& mask, const Packet& a, const Packet& b) {}

template <>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline bool pselect<bool>(const bool& cond, const bool& a, const bool& b) {}

/** \internal \returns the min or of \a a and \a b (coeff-wise)
    If either \a a or \a b are NaN, the result is implementation defined. */
template <int NaNPropagation>
struct pminmax_impl {};

/** \internal \returns the min or max of \a a and \a b (coeff-wise)
    If either \a a or \a b are NaN, NaN is returned. */
template <>
struct pminmax_impl<PropagateNaN> {};

/** \internal \returns the min or max of \a a and \a b (coeff-wise)
    If both \a a and \a b are NaN, NaN is returned.
    Equivalent to std::fmin(a, b).  */
template <>
struct pminmax_impl<PropagateNumbers> {};


/** \internal \returns the min of \a a and \a b  (coeff-wise).
    If \a a or \b b is NaN, the return value is implementation defined. */
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Packet pmin(const Packet& a, const Packet& b) {}

/** \internal \returns the min of \a a and \a b  (coeff-wise).
    NaNPropagation determines the NaN propagation semantics. */
template <int NaNPropagation, typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Packet pmin(const Packet& a, const Packet& b) {}

/** \internal \returns the max of \a a and \a b  (coeff-wise)
    If \a a or \b b is NaN, the return value is implementation defined. */
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Packet pmax(const Packet& a, const Packet& b) {}

/** \internal \returns the max of \a a and \a b  (coeff-wise).
    NaNPropagation determines the NaN propagation semantics. */
template <int NaNPropagation, typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Packet pmax(const Packet& a, const Packet& b) {}

/** \internal \returns the absolute value of \a a */
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Packet pabs(const Packet& a) {}
template <>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline unsigned int pabs(const unsigned int& a) {}
template <>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline unsigned long pabs(const unsigned long& a) {}
template <>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline unsigned long long pabs(const unsigned long long& a) {}

/** \internal \returns the addsub value of \a a,b */
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Packet paddsub(const Packet& a, const Packet& b) {}

/** \internal \returns the phase angle of \a a */
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Packet parg(const Packet& a) {}

/** \internal \returns \a a arithmetically shifted by N bits to the right */
template <int N, typename T>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline T parithmetic_shift_right(const T& a) {}

/** \internal \returns \a a logically shifted by N bits to the right */
template <int N, typename T>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline T plogical_shift_right(const T& a) {}

/** \internal \returns \a a shifted by N bits to the left */
template <int N, typename T>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline T plogical_shift_left(const T& a) {}

/** \internal \returns the significant and exponent of the underlying floating point numbers
 * See
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Packet pfrexp(const Packet& a, Packet& exponent) {}

/** \internal \returns a * 2^((int)exponent)
 * See
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Packet pldexp(const Packet& a, const Packet& exponent) {}

/** \internal \returns the min of \a a and \a b  (coeff-wise) */
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Packet pabsdiff(const Packet& a, const Packet& b) {}

/** \internal \returns a packet version of \a *from, from must be properly aligned */
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Packet pload(const typename unpacket_traits<Packet>::type* from) {}

/** \internal \returns n elements of a packet version of \a *from, from must be properly aligned
 * offset indicates the starting element in which to load and
 * offset + n <= unpacket_traits::size
 * All elements before offset and after the last element loaded will initialized with zero */
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Packet pload_partial(const typename unpacket_traits<Packet>::type* from, const Index n,
                                              const Index offset = 0) {}

/** \internal \returns a packet version of \a *from, (un-aligned load) */
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Packet ploadu(const typename unpacket_traits<Packet>::type* from) {}

/** \internal \returns n elements of a packet version of \a *from, (un-aligned load)
 * All elements after the last element loaded will initialized with zero */
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Packet ploadu_partial(const typename unpacket_traits<Packet>::type* from, const Index n,
                                               const Index offset = 0) {}

/** \internal \returns a packet version of \a *from, (un-aligned masked load)
 * There is no generic implementation. We only have implementations for specialized
 * cases. Generic case should not be called.
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline std::enable_if_t<unpacket_traits<Packet>::masked_load_available, Packet> ploadu(
    const typename unpacket_traits<Packet>::type* from, typename unpacket_traits<Packet>::mask_t umask);

/** \internal \returns a packet with constant coefficients \a a, e.g.: (a,a,a,a) */
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Packet pset1(const typename unpacket_traits<Packet>::type& a) {}

/** \internal \returns a packet with constant coefficients set from bits */
template <typename Packet, typename BitsType>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Packet pset1frombits(BitsType a);

/** \internal \returns a packet with constant coefficients \a a[0], e.g.: (a[0],a[0],a[0],a[0]) */
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Packet pload1(const typename unpacket_traits<Packet>::type* a) {}

/** \internal \returns a packet with elements of \a *from duplicated.
 * For instance, for a packet of 8 elements, 4 scalars will be read from \a *from and
 * duplicated to form: {from[0],from[0],from[1],from[1],from[2],from[2],from[3],from[3]}
 * Currently, this function is only used for scalar * complex products.
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Packet ploaddup(const typename unpacket_traits<Packet>::type* from) {}

/** \internal \returns a packet with elements of \a *from quadrupled.
 * For instance, for a packet of 8 elements, 2 scalars will be read from \a *from and
 * replicated to form: {from[0],from[0],from[0],from[0],from[1],from[1],from[1],from[1]}
 * Currently, this function is only used in matrix products.
 * For packet-size smaller or equal to 4, this function is equivalent to pload1
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Packet ploadquad(const typename unpacket_traits<Packet>::type* from) {}

/** \internal equivalent to
 * \code
 * a0 = pload1(a+0);
 * a1 = pload1(a+1);
 * a2 = pload1(a+2);
 * a3 = pload1(a+3);
 * \endcode
 * \sa pset1, pload1, ploaddup, pbroadcast2
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline void pbroadcast4(const typename unpacket_traits<Packet>::type* a, Packet& a0, Packet& a1,
                                          Packet& a2, Packet& a3) {}

/** \internal equivalent to
 * \code
 * a0 = pload1(a+0);
 * a1 = pload1(a+1);
 * \endcode
 * \sa pset1, pload1, ploaddup, pbroadcast4
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline void pbroadcast2(const typename unpacket_traits<Packet>::type* a, Packet& a0, Packet& a1) {}

/** \internal \brief Returns a packet with coefficients (a,a+1,...,a+packet_size-1). */
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Packet plset(const typename unpacket_traits<Packet>::type& a) {}

/** \internal \returns a packet with constant coefficients \a a, e.g.: (x, 0, x, 0),
     where x is the value of all 1-bits. */
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Packet peven_mask(const Packet& /*a*/) {}

/** \internal copy the packet \a from to \a *to, \a to must be properly aligned */
template <typename Scalar, typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline void pstore(Scalar* to, const Packet& from) {}

/** \internal copy n elements of the packet \a from to \a *to, \a to must be properly aligned
 * offset indicates the starting element in which to store and
 * offset + n <= unpacket_traits::size */
template <typename Scalar, typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline void pstore_partial(Scalar* to, const Packet& from, const Index n, const Index offset = 0) {}

/** \internal copy the packet \a from to \a *to, (un-aligned store) */
template <typename Scalar, typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline void pstoreu(Scalar* to, const Packet& from) {}

/** \internal copy n elements of the packet \a from to \a *to, (un-aligned store) */
template <typename Scalar, typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline void pstoreu_partial(Scalar* to, const Packet& from, const Index n, const Index offset = 0) {}

/** \internal copy the packet \a from to \a *to, (un-aligned store with a mask)
 * There is no generic implementation. We only have implementations for specialized
 * cases. Generic case should not be called.
template <typename Scalar, typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline std::enable_if_t<unpacket_traits<Packet>::masked_store_available, void> pstoreu(
    Scalar* to, const Packet& from, typename unpacket_traits<Packet>::mask_t umask);

template <typename Scalar, typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Packet pgather(const Scalar* from, Index /*stride*/) {}

template <typename Scalar, typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Packet pgather_partial(const Scalar* from, Index stride, const Index n) {}

template <typename Scalar, typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline void pscatter(Scalar* to, const Packet& from, Index /*stride*/) {}

template <typename Scalar, typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline void pscatter_partial(Scalar* to, const Packet& from, Index stride, const Index n) {}

/** \internal tries to do cache prefetching of \a addr */
template <typename Scalar>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline void prefetch(const Scalar* addr) {}

/** \internal \returns the reversed elements of \a a*/
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Packet preverse(const Packet& a) {}

/** \internal \returns \a a with real and imaginary part flipped (for complex type only) */
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Packet pcplxflip(const Packet& a) {}

 * Special math functions

/** \internal \returns isnan(a) */
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Packet pisnan(const Packet& a) {}

/** \internal \returns isinf(a) */
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Packet pisinf(const Packet& a) {}

/** \internal \returns the sine of \a a (coeff-wise) */
template <typename Packet>

/** \internal \returns the cosine of \a a (coeff-wise) */
template <typename Packet>

/** \internal \returns the tan of \a a (coeff-wise) */
template <typename Packet>

/** \internal \returns the arc sine of \a a (coeff-wise) */
template <typename Packet>

/** \internal \returns the arc cosine of \a a (coeff-wise) */
template <typename Packet>

/** \internal \returns the hyperbolic sine of \a a (coeff-wise) */
template <typename Packet>

/** \internal \returns the hyperbolic cosine of \a a (coeff-wise) */
template <typename Packet>

/** \internal \returns the arc tangent of \a a (coeff-wise) */
template <typename Packet>

/** \internal \returns the hyperbolic tan of \a a (coeff-wise) */
template <typename Packet>

/** \internal \returns the arc tangent of \a a (coeff-wise) */
template <typename Packet>

/** \internal \returns the exp of \a a (coeff-wise) */
template <typename Packet>

/** \internal \returns the expm1 of \a a (coeff-wise) */
template <typename Packet>

/** \internal \returns the log of \a a (coeff-wise) */
template <typename Packet>

/** \internal \returns the log1p of \a a (coeff-wise) */
template <typename Packet>

/** \internal \returns the log10 of \a a (coeff-wise) */
template <typename Packet>

/** \internal \returns the log10 of \a a (coeff-wise) */
template <typename Packet>

/** \internal \returns the square-root of \a a (coeff-wise) */
template <typename Packet>

/** \internal \returns the cube-root of \a a (coeff-wise) */
template <typename Packet>

template <typename Packet, bool IsScalar = is_scalar<Packet>::value,
          bool IsInteger = NumTraits<typename unpacket_traits<Packet>::type>::IsInteger>
struct nearest_integer_packetop_impl {};

/** \internal \returns the rounded value of \a a (coeff-wise) */
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Packet pround(const Packet& a) {}

/** \internal \returns the floor of \a a (coeff-wise) */
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Packet pfloor(const Packet& a) {}

/** \internal \returns the rounded value of \a a (coeff-wise) with current
 * rounding mode */
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Packet print(const Packet& a) {}

/** \internal \returns the ceil of \a a (coeff-wise) */
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Packet pceil(const Packet& a) {}

/** \internal \returns the truncation of \a a (coeff-wise) */
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Packet ptrunc(const Packet& a) {}

template <typename Packet, typename EnableIf = void>
struct psign_impl {};

/** \internal \returns the sign of \a a (coeff-wise) */
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Packet psign(const Packet& a) {}

template <>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline bool psign(const bool& a) {}

/** \internal \returns the first element of a packet */
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline typename unpacket_traits<Packet>::type pfirst(const Packet& a) {}

/** \internal \returns the sum of the elements of upper and lower half of \a a if \a a is larger than 4.
 * For a packet {a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7}, it returns a half packet {a0+a4, a1+a5, a2+a6, a3+a7}
 * For packet-size smaller or equal to 4, this boils down to a noop.
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline std::conditional_t<(unpacket_traits<Packet>::size % 8) == 0,
                                            typename unpacket_traits<Packet>::half, Packet>
predux_half_dowto4(const Packet& a) {}

// Slow generic implementation of Packet reduction.
template <typename Packet, typename Op>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline typename unpacket_traits<Packet>::type predux_helper(const Packet& a, Op op) {}

/** \internal \returns the sum of the elements of \a a*/
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline typename unpacket_traits<Packet>::type predux(const Packet& a) {}

/** \internal \returns the product of the elements of \a a */
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline typename unpacket_traits<Packet>::type predux_mul(const Packet& a) {}

/** \internal \returns the min of the elements of \a a */
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline typename unpacket_traits<Packet>::type predux_min(const Packet& a) {}

template <int NaNPropagation, typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline typename unpacket_traits<Packet>::type predux_min(const Packet& a) {}

/** \internal \returns the min of the elements of \a a */
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline typename unpacket_traits<Packet>::type predux_max(const Packet& a) {}

template <int NaNPropagation, typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline typename unpacket_traits<Packet>::type predux_max(const Packet& a) {}


/** \internal \returns true if all coeffs of \a a means "true"
 * It is supposed to be called on values returned by pcmp_*.
// not needed yet
// template<typename Packet> EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline bool predux_all(const Packet& a)
// { return bool(a); }

/** \internal \returns true if any coeffs of \a a means "true"
 * It is supposed to be called on values returned by pcmp_*.
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline bool predux_any(const Packet& a) {}

 * The following functions might not have to be overwritten for vectorized types

// FMA instructions.
/** \internal \returns a * b + c (coeff-wise) */
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Packet pmadd(const Packet& a, const Packet& b, const Packet& c) {}

/** \internal \returns a * b - c (coeff-wise) */
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Packet pmsub(const Packet& a, const Packet& b, const Packet& c) {}

/** \internal \returns -(a * b) + c (coeff-wise) */
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Packet pnmadd(const Packet& a, const Packet& b, const Packet& c) {}

/** \internal \returns -((a * b + c) (coeff-wise) */
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Packet pnmsub(const Packet& a, const Packet& b, const Packet& c) {}

/** \internal copy a packet with constant coefficient \a a (e.g., [a,a,a,a]) to \a *to. \a to must be 16 bytes aligned
// NOTE: this function must really be templated on the packet type (think about different packet types for the same
// scalar type)
template <typename Packet>
inline void pstore1(typename unpacket_traits<Packet>::type* to, const typename unpacket_traits<Packet>::type& a) {}

/** \internal \returns a packet version of \a *from.
 * The pointer \a from must be aligned on a \a Alignment bytes boundary. */
template <typename Packet, int Alignment>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_ALWAYS_INLINE Packet ploadt(const typename unpacket_traits<Packet>::type* from) {}

/** \internal \returns n elements of a packet version of \a *from.
 * The pointer \a from must be aligned on a \a Alignment bytes boundary. */
template <typename Packet, int Alignment>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_ALWAYS_INLINE Packet ploadt_partial(const typename unpacket_traits<Packet>::type* from,
                                                            const Index n, const Index offset = 0) {}

/** \internal copy the packet \a from to \a *to.
 * The pointer \a from must be aligned on a \a Alignment bytes boundary. */
template <typename Scalar, typename Packet, int Alignment>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_ALWAYS_INLINE void pstoret(Scalar* to, const Packet& from) {}

/** \internal copy n elements of the packet \a from to \a *to.
 * The pointer \a from must be aligned on a \a Alignment bytes boundary. */
template <typename Scalar, typename Packet, int Alignment>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_ALWAYS_INLINE void pstoret_partial(Scalar* to, const Packet& from, const Index n,
                                                           const Index offset = 0) {}

/** \internal \returns a packet version of \a *from.
 * Unlike ploadt, ploadt_ro takes advantage of the read-only memory path on the
 * hardware if available to speedup the loading of data that won't be modified
 * by the current computation.
template <typename Packet, int LoadMode>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_ALWAYS_INLINE Packet ploadt_ro(const typename unpacket_traits<Packet>::type* from) {}

 * Fast complex products (GCC generates a function call which is very slow)

// Eigen+CUDA does not support complexes.
#if !defined(EIGEN_GPUCC)

template <>
inline std::complex<float> pmul(const std::complex<float>& a, const std::complex<float>& b) {}

template <>
inline std::complex<double> pmul(const std::complex<double>& a, const std::complex<double>& b) {}


 * PacketBlock, that is a collection of N packets where the number of words
 * in the packet is a multiple of N.
template <typename Packet, int N = unpacket_traits<Packet>::size>
struct PacketBlock {};

template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline void ptranspose(PacketBlock<Packet, 1>& /*kernel*/) {}

 * Selector, i.e. vector of N boolean values used to select (i.e. blend)
 * words from 2 packets.
template <size_t N>
struct Selector {};

template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Packet pblend(const Selector<unpacket_traits<Packet>::size>& ifPacket,
                                       const Packet& thenPacket, const Packet& elsePacket) {}

/** \internal \returns 1 / a (coeff-wise) */
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Packet preciprocal(const Packet& a) {}

/** \internal \returns the reciprocal square-root of \a a (coeff-wise) */
template <typename Packet>

template <typename Packet, bool IsScalar = is_scalar<Packet>::value,
          bool IsInteger = NumTraits<typename unpacket_traits<Packet>::type>::IsInteger>
struct psignbit_impl;
psignbit_impl<Packet, true, IsInteger>;
psignbit_impl<Packet, false, false>;
psignbit_impl<Packet, false, true>;
/** \internal \returns the sign bit of \a a as a bitmask*/
template <typename Packet>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr Packet psignbit(const Packet& a) {}

/** \internal \returns the 2-argument arc tangent of \a y and \a x (coeff-wise) */
template <typename Packet, std::enable_if_t<is_scalar<Packet>::value, int> = 0>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_ALWAYS_INLINE Packet patan2(const Packet& y, const Packet& x) {}

/** \internal \returns the 2-argument arc tangent of \a y and \a x (coeff-wise) */
template <typename Packet, std::enable_if_t<!is_scalar<Packet>::value, int> = 0>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_ALWAYS_INLINE Packet patan2(const Packet& y, const Packet& x) {}

/** \internal \returns the argument of \a a as a complex number */
template <typename Packet, std::enable_if_t<is_scalar<Packet>::value, int> = 0>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_ALWAYS_INLINE Packet pcarg(const Packet& a) {}

/** \internal \returns the argument of \a a as a complex number */
template <typename Packet, std::enable_if_t<!is_scalar<Packet>::value, int> = 0>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_ALWAYS_INLINE Packet pcarg(const Packet& a) {}

}  // end namespace internal

}  // end namespace Eigen