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<title>CSS Backgrounds and Borders Module Level 3: parsing background with valid values</title>
<link rel="author" title="Eric Willigers" href="mailto:[email protected]">
<link rel="help" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-backgrounds/#background">
<meta name="assert" content="background supports the full grammar '<bg-layer># , <final-bg-layer>'.">
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
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<script src="/css/support/shorthand-testcommon.js"></script>
// Background serialization varies across browsers. https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/418
'url("https://example.com/") 1px 2px / 3px 4px space round local padding-box content-box, rgb(5, 6, 7) url("https://example.com/") 1px 2px / 3px 4px space round local padding-box content-box', [
'url("https://example.com/") 1px 2px / 3px 4px space round local padding-box content-box, rgb(5, 6, 7) url("https://example.com/") 1px 2px / 3px 4px space round local padding-box content-box', // spec, WebKit
'url("https://example.com/") local space round 1px 2px / 3px 4px padding-box content-box, url("https://example.com/") local space round 1px 2px / 3px 4px padding-box content-box rgb(5, 6, 7)', // Edge
'url("https://example.com/") space round local 1px 2px / 3px 4px padding-box content-box, rgb(5, 6, 7) url("https://example.com/") space round local 1px 2px / 3px 4px padding-box content-box', // Firefox
'url("https://example.com/") 1px 2px / 3px 4px space round local padding-box content-box, url("https://example.com/") 1px 2px / 3px 4px space round local padding-box content-box rgb(5, 6, 7)' // Blink
test_shorthand_value('background', 'none', {
'background-image': 'none',
'background-position': '0% 0%',
'background-size': 'auto',
'background-repeat': 'repeat',
'background-attachment': 'scroll',
'background-origin': 'padding-box',
'background-clip': 'border-box',
'background-color': 'transparent',
test_shorthand_value('background', 'url("https://example.com/") 1px 2px / 3px 4px space round local padding-box content-box, rgb(5, 6, 7) url("https://example.com/") 1px 2px / 3px 4px space round local padding-box content-box', {
'background-image': 'url("https://example.com/"), url("https://example.com/")',
'background-position': '1px 2px, 1px 2px',
'background-size': '3px 4px, 3px 4px',
'background-repeat': 'space round, space round',
'background-attachment': 'local, local',
'background-origin': 'padding-box, padding-box',
'background-clip': 'content-box, content-box',
'background-color': 'rgb(5, 6, 7)',