
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "cast/streaming/impl/rtcp_common.h"

#include <chrono>
#include <limits>

#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "platform/api/time.h"
#include "platform/base/span.h"
#include "util/chrono_helpers.h"

namespace openscreen::cast {
namespace {

template <typename T>
void SerializeAndExpectPointerAdvanced(const T& source,
                                       int num_bytes,
                                       uint8_t* buffer) {}

// Tests that the RTCP Common Header for a packet type that includes an Item
// Count is successfully serialized and re-parsed.
TEST(RtcpCommonTest, SerializesAndParsesHeaderForSenderReports) {}

// Tests that the RTCP Common Header for a packet type that includes a RTCP
// Subtype is successfully serialized and re-parsed.
TEST(RtcpCommonTest, SerializesAndParsesHeaderForCastFeedback) {}

// Tests that a RTCP Common Header will not be parsed from an empty buffer.
TEST(RtcpCommonTest, WillNotParseHeaderFromEmptyBuffer) {}

// Tests that a RTCP Common Header will not be parsed from a buffer containing
// garbage data.
TEST(RtcpCommonTest, WillNotParseHeaderFromGarbage) {}

// Tests whether RTCP Common Header validation logic is correct.
TEST(RtcpCommonTest, WillNotParseHeaderWithInvalidData) {}

// Test that the Report Block optionally included in Sender Reports or Receiver
// Reports can be serialized and re-parsed correctly.
TEST(RtcpCommonTest, SerializesAndParsesRtcpReportBlocks) {}

// Tests that the Report Block parser can, among multiple Report Blocks, find
// the one with a matching recipient SSRC.
TEST(RtcpCommonTest, ParsesOneReportBlockFromMultipleBlocks) {}

// Tests the helper for computing the packet fraction loss numerator, a value
// that should always be between 0 and 255, in terms of absolute packet counts.
TEST(RtcpCommonTest, ComputesPacketLossFractionForReportBlocks) {}

// Tests the helper for computing the cumulative packet loss total, a value that
// should always be between 0 and 2^24 - 1, in terms of absolute packet counts.
TEST(RtcpCommonTest, ComputesCumulativePacketLossForReportBlocks) {}

// Tests the helper that converts Clock::durations to the report blocks timebase
// (1/65536 sconds), and also that it saturates to to the valid range of values
// (0 to 2^32 - 1 ticks).
TEST(RtcpCommonTest, ComputesDelayForReportBlocks) {}

}  // namespace
}  // namespace openscreen::cast