
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "cast/streaming/public/receiver.h"

#include <stdint.h>

#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include "cast/streaming/impl/compound_rtcp_parser.h"
#include "cast/streaming/impl/frame_crypto.h"
#include "cast/streaming/public/constants.h"
#include "cast/streaming/public/encoded_frame.h"
#include "cast/streaming/public/environment.h"
#include "cast/streaming/impl/receiver_packet_router.h"
#include "cast/streaming/impl/rtcp_common.h"
#include "cast/streaming/impl/rtcp_session.h"
#include "cast/streaming/impl/rtp_defines.h"
#include "cast/streaming/impl/rtp_packetizer.h"
#include "cast/streaming/rtp_time.h"
#include "cast/streaming/impl/sender_report_builder.h"
#include "cast/streaming/impl/session_config.h"
#include "cast/streaming/ssrc.h"
#include "cast/streaming/testing/mock_environment.h"
#include "cast/streaming/testing/simple_socket_subscriber.h"
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "platform/api/time.h"
#include "platform/api/udp_socket.h"
#include "platform/base/error.h"
#include "platform/base/ip_address.h"
#include "platform/base/span.h"
#include "platform/base/udp_packet.h"
#include "platform/test/byte_view_test_util.h"
#include "platform/test/fake_clock.h"
#include "platform/test/fake_task_runner.h"
#include "util/chrono_helpers.h"
#include "util/osp_logging.h"


namespace openscreen::cast {
namespace {

// Receiver configuration.

constexpr Ssrc kSenderSsrc =;
constexpr Ssrc kReceiverSsrc =;
constexpr int kRtpTimebase =;
constexpr milliseconds kTargetPlayoutDelay{};
constexpr auto kAesKey =;
constexpr auto kCastIvMask =;

constexpr milliseconds kTargetPlayoutDelayChange{};
// Additional configuration for the Sender.
constexpr RtpPayloadType kRtpPayloadType =;
constexpr int kMaxRtpPacketSize =;

// A simulated one-way network delay, and round-trip network delay.
constexpr auto kOneWayNetworkDelay =;
constexpr auto kRoundTripNetworkDelay =;

// An EncodedFrame for unit testing, one of a sequence of simulated frames, each
// of 10 ms duration. The first frame will be a key frame; and any later frames
// will be non-key, dependent on the prior frame. Frame 5 (the 6th frame in the
// zero-based sequence) will include a target playout delay change, an increase
// to 800 ms. Frames with different IDs will contain vary in their payload data
// size, but are always 3 or more packets' worth of data.
struct SimulatedFrame : public EncodedFrame {};

// static
constexpr milliseconds SimulatedFrame::kFrameDuration;
constexpr milliseconds SimulatedFrame::kTargetPlayoutDelayChange;
constexpr int SimulatedFrame::kPlayoutChangeAtFrame;

// Processes packets from the Receiver under test, as a real Sender might, and
// allows the unit tests to set expectations on events of interest to confirm
// proper behavior of the Receiver.
class MockSender : public CompoundRtcpParser::Client {};

class MockConsumer : public Receiver::Consumer {};

class ReceiverTest : public testing::Test {};

// Tests that the Receiver processes RTCP packets correctly and sends RTCP
// reports at regular intervals.
TEST_F(ReceiverTest, ReceivesAndSendsRtcpPackets) {}

// Tests that the Receiver processes RTP packets, which might arrive in-order or
// out of order, but such that each frame is completely received in-order. Also,
// confirms that target playout delay changes are processed/applied correctly.
TEST_F(ReceiverTest, ReceivesFramesInOrder) {}

// Tests that the Receiver processes RTP packets, can receive frames out of
// order, and issues the appropriate ACK/NACK feedback to the Sender as it
// realizes what it has and what it's missing.
TEST_F(ReceiverTest, ReceivesFramesOutOfOrder) {}

// Tests that the Receiver will respond to a key frame request from its client
// by sending a Picture Loss Indicator (PLI) to the Sender, and then will
// automatically stop sending the PLI once a key frame has been received.
TEST_F(ReceiverTest, RequestsKeyFrameToRectifyPictureLoss) {}

TEST_F(ReceiverTest, PLICanBeDisabled) {}

// Tests that the Receiver will start dropping packets once its frame queue is
// full (i.e., when the consumer is not pulling them out of the queue). Since
// the Receiver will stop ACK'ing frames, the Sender will become stalled.
TEST_F(ReceiverTest, EatsItsFill) {}

// Tests that incomplete frames that would be played-out too late are dropped,
// but only as inter-frame data dependency requirements permit, and only if no
// target playout delay change information would have been missed.
TEST_F(ReceiverTest, DropsLateFrames) {}

}  // namespace
}  // namespace openscreen::cast