
// Copyright 2021 The PDFium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "constants/transparency.h"

namespace pdfium::transparency {

// PDF 1.7 spec, table 7.2.
// Standard separable blend modes.
const char kNormal[] =;
const char kMultiply[] =;
const char kScreen[] =;
const char kOverlay[] =;
const char kDarken[] =;
const char kLighten[] =;
const char kColorDodge[] =;
const char kColorBurn[] =;
const char kHardLight[] =;
const char kSoftLight[] =;
const char kDifference[] =;
const char kExclusion[] =;

// PDF 1.7 spec, table 7.3.
// Standard nonseparable blend modes.
const char kHue[] =;
const char kSaturation[] =;
const char kColor[] =;
const char kLuminosity[] =;

// PDF 1.7 spec, table 7.10.
// Entries in a soft-mask dictionary.
const char kSoftMaskSubType[] =;
const char kAlpha[] =;
const char kG[] =;
const char kBC[] =;
const char kTR[] =;

// PDF 1.7 spec, table 7.13.
// Additional entries specific to a transparency group attributes dictionary.
const char kGroupSubType[] =;
const char kTransparency[] =;
const char kCS[] =;
const char kI[] =;

}  // namespace pdfium::transparency