
// Copyright (c) 2009-2017 The OTS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "ots.h"

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <zlib.h>

#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <limits>
#include <map>
#include <vector>

#include <woff2/decode.h>

// The OpenType Font File

#include "avar.h"
#include "cff.h"
#include "cmap.h"
#include "cvar.h"
#include "cvt.h"
#include "fpgm.h"
#include "fvar.h"
#include "gasp.h"
#include "gdef.h"
#include "glyf.h"
#include "gpos.h"
#include "gsub.h"
#include "gvar.h"
#include "hdmx.h"
#include "head.h"
#include "hhea.h"
#include "hmtx.h"
#include "hvar.h"
#include "kern.h"
#include "loca.h"
#include "ltsh.h"
#include "math_.h"
#include "maxp.h"
#include "mvar.h"
#include "name.h"
#include "os2.h"
#include "ots.h"
#include "post.h"
#include "prep.h"
#include "stat.h"
#include "vdmx.h"
#include "vhea.h"
#include "vmtx.h"
#include "vorg.h"
#include "vvar.h"

// Graphite tables
#include "feat.h"
#include "glat.h"
#include "gloc.h"
#include "sile.h"
#include "silf.h"
#include "sill.h"

namespace ots {

struct Arena {};

bool CheckTag(uint32_t tag_value) {}

}; // namespace ots

namespace {

#define OTS_MSG_TAG_(level,otf_,msg_,tag_)

// Generate a message with or without a table tag, when 'header' is the FontFile pointer
#define OTS_FAILURE_MSG_TAG(msg_,tag_)
#define OTS_FAILURE_MSG_HDR(...)
#define OTS_WARNING_MSG_HDR(...)

const struct {} supported_tables[] =;

bool ValidateVersionTag(ots::Font *font) {}

bool ProcessGeneric(ots::FontFile *header,
                    ots::Font *font,
                    uint32_t signature,
                    ots::OTSStream *output,
                    const uint8_t *data, size_t length,
                    const std::vector<ots::TableEntry>& tables,
                    ots::Buffer& file);

bool ProcessTTF(ots::FontFile *header,
                ots::Font *font,
                ots::OTSStream *output, const uint8_t *data, size_t length,
                uint32_t offset = 0) {}

bool ProcessTTC(ots::FontFile *header,
                ots::OTSStream *output,
                const uint8_t *data,
                size_t length,
                uint32_t index) {}

bool ProcessWOFF(ots::FontFile *header,
                 ots::Font *font,
                 ots::OTSStream *output, const uint8_t *data, size_t length) {}

bool ProcessWOFF2(ots::FontFile *header,
                  ots::OTSStream *output,
                  const uint8_t *data,
                  size_t length,
                  uint32_t index) {}

ots::TableAction GetTableAction(const ots::FontFile *header, uint32_t tag) {}

bool GetTableData(const uint8_t *data,
                  const ots::TableEntry& table,
                  ots::Arena &arena,
                  size_t *table_length,
                  const uint8_t **table_data) {}

bool ProcessGeneric(ots::FontFile *header,
                    ots::Font *font,
                    uint32_t signature,
                    ots::OTSStream *output,
                    const uint8_t *data, size_t length,
                    const std::vector<ots::TableEntry>& tables,
                    ots::Buffer& file) {}

}  // namespace

namespace ots {

FontFile::~FontFile() {}

bool Font::ParseTable(const TableEntry& table_entry, const uint8_t* data,
                      Arena &arena) {}

Table* Font::GetTable(uint32_t tag) const {}

Table* Font::GetTypedTable(uint32_t tag) const {}

void Font::DropGraphite() {}

void Font::DropVariations() {}

bool Table::ShouldSerialize() {}

void Table::Message(int level, const char *format, va_list va) {}

bool Table::Error(const char *format, ...) {}

bool Table::Warning(const char *format, ...) {}

bool Table::Drop(const char *format, ...) {}

bool Table::DropGraphite(const char *format, ...) {}

bool Table::DropVariations(const char *format, ...) {}

bool TablePassthru::Parse(const uint8_t *data, size_t length) {}

bool TablePassthru::Serialize(OTSStream *out) {}

bool OTSContext::Process(OTSStream *output,
                         const uint8_t *data,
                         size_t length,
                         uint32_t index) {}

}  // namespace ots