<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>@scope - specificity</title>
<link rel="help" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-cascade-6/#scope-atrule">
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<style id=style>
<main id=main>
<style id=styleImplicit></style>
<div id=a class=a>
<div id=b class=b>
// Format a scoped style rule using the selector at scoped_selector's last element,
// with each preceding array item representing an enclosing @scope rule.
// Example:
// scoped_selector=['@scope (foo)', '@scope (bar)', 'div']
// declarations='z-index:42'
// => '@scope (foo) { @scope (bar) { div { z-index:42 } } }'
function format_scoped_rule(scoped_selector, declarations) {
if (scoped_selector.length < 2) {
throw "Fail";
let scope_prelude = scoped_selector[0];
let remainder = scoped_selector.slice(1);
let content = remainder.length == 1
? `${remainder[0]} { ${declarations} }`
: format_scoped_rule(remainder, declarations);
return `${scope_prelude} { ${content} }`;
// Verify that the specificity of 'scoped_selector' is the same
// as the specificity of 'ref_selector'. Both selectors must select
// an element within #main.
function test_scope_specificity(scoped_selector, ref_selector, style) {
if (style === undefined) {
style = document.getElementById("style");
test(t => {
t.add_cleanup(() => { style.textContent = ''; });
let element = main.querySelector(ref_selector);
assert_not_equals(element, null);
let scoped_rule = format_scoped_rule(scoped_selector, 'z-index:1');
let ref_rule = `:is(${ref_selector}) { z-index:2 }`;
style.textContent = `${scoped_rule}`;
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(element).zIndex, '1', 'scoped rule');
style.textContent = `${ref_rule}`;
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(element).zIndex, '2', 'unscoped rule');
// The scoped rule should win due to proximity.
style.textContent = `${scoped_rule} ${ref_rule}`;
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(element).zIndex, '1', 'scoped + unscoped');
// The scoped rule should win due to proximity (reverse).
style.textContent = `${ref_rule} ${scoped_rule}`;
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(element).zIndex, '1', 'unscoped + scoped');
// Add one (1) to the specificty of the unscoped rule. This should
// cause the unscoped rule to win instead.
style.textContent = `div${ref_rule} ${scoped_rule}`;
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(element).zIndex, '2', 'unscoped + scoped');
}, format_scoped_rule(scoped_selector, '') + ' and ' + ref_selector);
// Selectors within @scope implicitly have `:scope <descendant-combinator>`
// added, but no specificity associated with it is added.
// See https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/10196
test_scope_specificity(['@scope (#main)', '.b'], '.b');
test_scope_specificity(['@scope (#main) to (.b)', '.a'], '.a');
test_scope_specificity(['@scope (#main, .foo, .bar)', '#a'], '#a');
test_scope_specificity(['@scope (#main)', 'div.b'], 'div.b');
test_scope_specificity(['@scope (#main)', ':scope .b'], '.a .b');
// Inherit the specificity of the scope-start selector.
test_scope_specificity(['@scope (#main)', '& .b'], '#main .b');
test_scope_specificity(['@scope (#main)', 'div .b'], 'div .b');
test_scope_specificity(['@scope (#main)', '@scope (.a)', '.b'], '.b');
// Explicit `:scope` adds specficity.
test_scope_specificity(['@scope (#main)', ':scope .b'], ':scope .b');
// Using & in scoped style with implicit scope root uses `:scope`, which adds specificity
test_scope_specificity(['@scope', '& .b'], ':scope .b', styleImplicit);
// Using relative selector syntax does not add specificity
test_scope_specificity(['@scope (#main)', '> .a'], ':where(#main) > .a');