
// Copyright 2016 The PDFium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.

#include "core/fpdfdoc/cpdf_nametree.h"

#include <set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_array.h"
#include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_dictionary.h"
#include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_document.h"
#include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_reference.h"
#include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_string.h"
#include "core/fpdfapi/parser/fpdf_parser_decode.h"
#include "core/fxcrt/check.h"
#include "core/fxcrt/ptr_util.h"
#include "core/fxcrt/stl_util.h"

namespace {

constexpr int kNameTreeMaxRecursion =;

std::pair<WideString, WideString> GetNodeLimitsAndSanitize(
    CPDF_Array* pLimits) {}

// Get the limit arrays that leaf array |pFind| is under in the tree with root
// |pNode|. |pLimits| will hold all the limit arrays from the leaf up to before
// the root. Return true if successful.
bool GetNodeAncestorsLimitsInternal(const RetainPtr<CPDF_Dictionary>& pNode,
                                    const CPDF_Array* pFind,
                                    int nLevel,
                                    std::vector<CPDF_Array*>* pLimits) {}

// Wrapper for GetNodeAncestorsLimitsInternal() so callers do not need to know
// about the details.
std::vector<CPDF_Array*> GetNodeAncestorsLimits(
    const RetainPtr<CPDF_Dictionary>& pNode,
    const CPDF_Array* pFind) {}

// Upon the deletion of |csName| from leaf array |pFind|, update the ancestors
// of |pFind|. Specifically, the limits of |pFind|'s ancestors will be updated
// if needed, and any ancestors that are now empty will be removed.
bool UpdateNodesAndLimitsUponDeletion(CPDF_Dictionary* pNode,
                                      const CPDF_Array* pFind,
                                      const WideString& csName,
                                      int nLevel) {}

bool IsTraversedObject(const CPDF_Object* obj,
                       std::set<uint32_t>* seen_obj_nums) {}

bool IsArrayWithTraversedObject(const CPDF_Array* array,
                                std::set<uint32_t>* seen_obj_nums) {}

// Search for |csName| in the tree with root |pNode|. If successful, return the
// value that |csName| points to; |nIndex| will be the index of |csName|,
// |ppFind| will be the leaf array that |csName| is found in, and |pFindIndex|
// will be the index of |csName| in |ppFind|. If |csName| is not found, |ppFind|
// will be the leaf array that |csName| should be added to, and |pFindIndex|
// will be the index that it should be added at.
RetainPtr<const CPDF_Object> SearchNameNodeByNameInternal(
    const RetainPtr<CPDF_Dictionary>& pNode,
    const WideString& csName,
    int nLevel,
    size_t* nIndex,
    RetainPtr<CPDF_Array>* ppFind,
    int* pFindIndex,
    std::set<uint32_t>* seen_obj_nums) {}

// Wrapper for SearchNameNodeByNameInternal() so callers do not need to know
// about the details.
RetainPtr<const CPDF_Object> SearchNameNodeByName(
    const RetainPtr<CPDF_Dictionary>& pNode,
    const WideString& csName,
    RetainPtr<CPDF_Array>* ppFind,
    int* pFindIndex) {}

struct IndexSearchResult {};

// Find the `nTargetPairIndex` node in the tree with root `pNode`. `nLevel`
// tracks the recursion level and `nCurPairIndex` tracks the progress towards
// `nTargetPairIndex`.
std::optional<IndexSearchResult> SearchNameNodeByIndexInternal(
    CPDF_Dictionary* pNode,
    size_t nTargetPairIndex,
    int nLevel,
    size_t* nCurPairIndex) {}

// Wrapper for SearchNameNodeByIndexInternal() so callers do not need to know
// about the details.
std::optional<IndexSearchResult> SearchNameNodeByIndex(
    CPDF_Dictionary* pNode,
    size_t nTargetPairIndex) {}

// Get the total number of key-value pairs in the tree with root |pNode|.
size_t CountNamesInternal(const CPDF_Dictionary* pNode,
                          int nLevel,
                          std::set<const CPDF_Dictionary*>& seen) {}

RetainPtr<const CPDF_Array> GetNamedDestFromObject(
    RetainPtr<const CPDF_Object> obj) {}

RetainPtr<const CPDF_Array> LookupOldStyleNamedDest(CPDF_Document* pDoc,
                                                    const ByteString& name) {}

}  // namespace

CPDF_NameTree::CPDF_NameTree(RetainPtr<CPDF_Dictionary> pRoot)

CPDF_NameTree::~CPDF_NameTree() = default;

// static
std::unique_ptr<CPDF_NameTree> CPDF_NameTree::Create(
    CPDF_Document* pDoc,
    const ByteString& category) {}

// static
std::unique_ptr<CPDF_NameTree> CPDF_NameTree::CreateWithRootNameArray(
    CPDF_Document* pDoc,
    const ByteString& category) {}

// static
std::unique_ptr<CPDF_NameTree> CPDF_NameTree::CreateForTesting(
    CPDF_Dictionary* pRoot) {}

// static
RetainPtr<const CPDF_Array> CPDF_NameTree::LookupNamedDest(
    CPDF_Document* pDoc,
    const ByteString& name) {}

size_t CPDF_NameTree::GetCount() const {}

bool CPDF_NameTree::AddValueAndName(RetainPtr<CPDF_Object> pObj,
                                    const WideString& name) {}

bool CPDF_NameTree::DeleteValueAndName(size_t nIndex) {}

RetainPtr<CPDF_Object> CPDF_NameTree::LookupValueAndName(
    size_t nIndex,
    WideString* csName) const {}

RetainPtr<const CPDF_Object> CPDF_NameTree::LookupValue(
    const WideString& csName) const {}

RetainPtr<const CPDF_Array> CPDF_NameTree::LookupNewStyleNamedDest(
    const ByteString& sName) {}