
// Copyright 2024 The PDFium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "core/fpdfdoc/cpdf_pagelabel.h"

#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <utility>

#include "core/fpdfapi/page/test_with_page_module.h"
#include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_array.h"
#include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_dictionary.h"
#include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_name.h"
#include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_number.h"
#include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_string.h"
#include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_test_document.h"
#include "core/fxcrt/retain_ptr.h"
#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"


namespace {

struct NumValue {};

void AddNumKeyValue(CPDF_Array* nums, int key, const NumValue& value) {}

void AddLimitsArray(CPDF_Dictionary* node, int least, int greatest) {}

// Set up a number tree with 3 levels and 5 nodes per diagram below. The number
// tree is intended for use as the /PageLabels entry in a Catalog. The keys in
// the leaf nodes are page indices, and the values are page label dictionaries.
// See ISO 32000-1:2008 spec, table 159.
// The values are in the format: |S,P,St|
// S: Style (name)
// P: Prefix (string)
// St: Starting number (integer) Must be >= 1 if specified.
// All 3 fields are optional.
//   [page_labels_root]
//     |
//     |
//     |
//   [kid1]
//     |
//     +------------+
//     |            |
//   [grand_kid2] [grand_kid3]
//     |          {8000: |,"x",|}
//     |
//     +--------------------+
//     |                    |
//   [great_grand_kid4]    [great_grand_kid5]
//   {0: |"R",,|}          {3000: |"r",,|}
//   {100: |"A","abc",5|}  {5000: |"a",,|}
//   {900: |"D",,999|}
void FillPageLabelsTreeDict(CPDF_Dictionary* page_labels_root) {}

}  // namespace

class PageLabelTest : public TestWithPageModule {};

TEST_F(PageLabelTest, GetLabel) {}

TEST_F(PageLabelTest, GetLabelPerf) {}