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<title>CSS.supports v. CSSStyleDeclaration</title>
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<div id="testElement"></div>
// This gigantic list of properties is derived from the union of pretty much everything ever
// exposed via CSSStyleDeclaration since 2010 in a major browser; this deliberately includes all
// the vendor-prefixed properties _because_ they're often where bugs lie

const properties = [
  // No -moz-transform/origin here, because it might intentionally break the
  // expectations of this test for compat reasons, see:

function CSSPropertyToIDLAttribute(property, lowercaseFirstFlag=false) {
  let output = "";
  let uppercaseNext = false;
  if (lowercaseFirstFlag) {
    property = property.substring(1);
  for (let c of property) {
    if (c === "-") {
      uppercaseNext = true;
    } else if (uppercaseNext) {
      uppercaseNext = false;
      if (c >= "a" && c <= "z") {
        output += c.toUpperCase();
      } else {
        output += c;
    } else {
      output += c;
  return output;

const styledecl = document.getElementById("testElement").style;

for (let prop of properties) {
  test(() => {
    const camelCase = CSSPropertyToIDLAttribute(prop);
    const supports = CSS.supports(prop, "inherit"); // inherit is always a valid value
    assert_equals(supports, camelCase in styledecl);
  }, `${prop}: _camel_cased_attribute v. CSS.supports`);

  if (prop[0] == "-") {
    if (prop.startsWith("-webkit-")) {
      test(() => {
        const webkitCased = CSSPropertyToIDLAttribute(prop, true);
        const supports = CSS.supports(prop, "inherit"); // inherit is always a valid value
        assert_equals(supports, webkitCased in styledecl);
      }, `${prop}: _webkit_cased_attribute v. CSS.supports`);
    } else {
      test(() => {
        const webkitCased = CSSPropertyToIDLAttribute(prop, true);
        assert_false(webkitCased in styledecl);
      }, `${prop}: _webkit_cased_attribute must only exist for -webkit-`);

  if (prop.indexOf("-") >= 0) {
    test(() => {
      const supports = CSS.supports(prop, "inherit"); // inherit is always a valid value
      assert_equals(supports, prop in styledecl);
    }, `${prop}: _dashed_attribute v. CSS.supports`);
