
// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
// for linear algebra.
// Copyright (C) 2009 Gael Guennebaud <[email protected]>
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
// Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
// with this file, You can obtain one at


// IWYU pragma: private
#include "./InternalHeaderCheck.h"

namespace Eigen {

namespace internal {

template <typename Derived>
class BandMatrixBase : public EigenBase<Derived> {};

 * \class BandMatrix
 * \ingroup Core_Module
 * \brief Represents a rectangular matrix with a banded storage
 * \tparam Scalar_ Numeric type, i.e. float, double, int
 * \tparam Rows_ Number of rows, or \b Dynamic
 * \tparam Cols_ Number of columns, or \b Dynamic
 * \tparam Supers_ Number of super diagonal
 * \tparam Subs_ Number of sub diagonal
 * \tparam Options_ A combination of either \b #RowMajor or \b #ColMajor, and of \b #SelfAdjoint
 *                  The former controls \ref TopicStorageOrders "storage order", and defaults to
 *                  column-major. The latter controls whether the matrix represents a selfadjoint
 *                  matrix in which case either Supers of Subs have to be null.
 * \sa class TridiagonalMatrix

traits<BandMatrix<Scalar_, Rows_, Cols_, Supers_, Subs_, Options_>>;

template <typename Scalar_, int Rows, int Cols, int Supers, int Subs, int Options>
class BandMatrix : public BandMatrixBase<BandMatrix<Scalar_, Rows, Cols, Supers, Subs, Options> > {};

template <typename CoefficientsType_, int Rows_, int Cols_, int Supers_, int Subs_, int Options_>
class BandMatrixWrapper;

traits<BandMatrixWrapper<CoefficientsType_, Rows_, Cols_, Supers_, Subs_, Options_>>;

template <typename CoefficientsType_, int Rows_, int Cols_, int Supers_, int Subs_, int Options_>
class BandMatrixWrapper
    : public BandMatrixBase<BandMatrixWrapper<CoefficientsType_, Rows_, Cols_, Supers_, Subs_, Options_> > {};

 * \class TridiagonalMatrix
 * \ingroup Core_Module
 * \brief Represents a tridiagonal matrix with a compact banded storage
 * \tparam Scalar Numeric type, i.e. float, double, int
 * \tparam Size Number of rows and cols, or \b Dynamic
 * \tparam Options Can be 0 or \b SelfAdjoint
 * \sa class BandMatrix
template <typename Scalar, int Size, int Options>
class TridiagonalMatrix : public BandMatrix<Scalar, Size, Size, Options & SelfAdjoint ? 0 : 1, 1, Options | RowMajor> {};

struct BandShape {};

evaluator_traits<BandMatrix<Scalar_, Rows_, Cols_, Supers_, Subs_, Options_>>;

evaluator_traits<BandMatrixWrapper<CoefficientsType_, Rows_, Cols_, Supers_, Subs_, Options_>>;

template <>
struct AssignmentKind<DenseShape, BandShape> {};

}  // end namespace internal

}  // end namespace Eigen