
// Copyright 2016 The PDFium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.

#include "core/fxge/cfx_renderdevice.h"

#include <math.h>

#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>

#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "core/fxcrt/check.h"
#include "core/fxcrt/check_op.h"
#include "core/fxcrt/compiler_specific.h"
#include "core/fxcrt/fx_safe_types.h"
#include "core/fxcrt/span.h"
#include "core/fxge/cfx_color.h"
#include "core/fxge/cfx_defaultrenderdevice.h"
#include "core/fxge/cfx_fillrenderoptions.h"
#include "core/fxge/cfx_font.h"
#include "core/fxge/cfx_fontmgr.h"
#include "core/fxge/cfx_gemodule.h"
#include "core/fxge/cfx_glyphbitmap.h"
#include "core/fxge/cfx_glyphcache.h"
#include "core/fxge/cfx_graphstatedata.h"
#include "core/fxge/cfx_path.h"
#include "core/fxge/cfx_textrenderoptions.h"
#include "core/fxge/dib/cfx_dibitmap.h"
#include "core/fxge/fx_font.h"
#include "core/fxge/renderdevicedriver_iface.h"
#include "core/fxge/text_char_pos.h"
#include "core/fxge/text_glyph_pos.h"

#if defined(PDF_USE_SKIA)
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkTypes.h"  // nogncheck

namespace {

void AdjustGlyphSpace(std::vector<TextGlyphPos>* pGlyphAndPos) {}

constexpr std::array<const uint8_t, 256> kTextGammaAdjust =;

int TextGammaAdjust(int value) {}

int CalcAlpha(int src, int alpha) {}

void MergeGammaAdjust(uint8_t src, int channel, int alpha, uint8_t* dest) {}

void MergeGammaAdjustRgb(const uint8_t* src,
                         const FX_BGRA_STRUCT<uint8_t>& bgra,
                         uint8_t* dest) {}

int AverageRgb(const uint8_t* src) {}

uint8_t CalculateDestAlpha(uint8_t back_alpha, int src_alpha) {}

void ApplyAlpha(uint8_t* dest, const FX_BGRA_STRUCT<uint8_t>& bgra, int alpha) {}

void ApplyDestAlpha(uint8_t back_alpha,
                    int src_alpha,
                    const FX_BGRA_STRUCT<uint8_t>& bgra,
                    uint8_t* dest) {}

void NormalizeArgb(int src_value,
                   const FX_BGRA_STRUCT<uint8_t>& bgra,
                   uint8_t* dest,
                   int src_alpha) {}

void NormalizeDest(bool has_alpha,
                   int src_value,
                   const FX_BGRA_STRUCT<uint8_t>& bgra,
                   uint8_t* dest) {}

void NormalizeSrc(bool has_alpha,
                  int src_value,
                  const FX_BGRA_STRUCT<uint8_t>& bgra,
                  uint8_t* dest) {}

void NextPixel(const uint8_t** src_scan, uint8_t** dst_scan, int bpp) {}

void SetAlpha(bool has_alpha, uint8_t* alpha) {}

void DrawNormalTextHelper(const RetainPtr<CFX_DIBitmap>& bitmap,
                          const RetainPtr<CFX_DIBitmap>& pGlyph,
                          int nrows,
                          int left,
                          int top,
                          int start_col,
                          int end_col,
                          bool normalize,
                          int x_subpixel,
                          const FX_BGRA_STRUCT<uint8_t>& bgra) {}

bool ShouldDrawDeviceText(const CFX_Font* pFont,
                          const CFX_TextRenderOptions& options) {}

// Returns true if the path is a 3-point path that draws A->B->A and forms a
// zero area, or a 2-point path which draws A->B.
bool CheckSimpleLinePath(pdfium::span<const CFX_Path::Point> points,
                         const CFX_Matrix* matrix,
                         bool adjust,
                         CFX_Path* new_path,
                         bool* thin,
                         bool* set_identity) {}

// Returns true if `points` is palindromic and forms zero area. Otherwise,
// returns false.
bool CheckPalindromicPath(pdfium::span<const CFX_Path::Point> points,
                          CFX_Path* new_path,
                          bool* thin) {}

bool IsFoldingVerticalLine(const CFX_PointF& a,
                           const CFX_PointF& b,
                           const CFX_PointF& c) {}

bool IsFoldingHorizontalLine(const CFX_PointF& a,
                             const CFX_PointF& b,
                             const CFX_PointF& c) {}

bool IsFoldingDiagonalLine(const CFX_PointF& a,
                           const CFX_PointF& b,
                           const CFX_PointF& c) {}

bool GetZeroAreaPath(pdfium::span<const CFX_Path::Point> points,
                     const CFX_Matrix* matrix,
                     bool adjust,
                     CFX_Path* new_path,
                     bool* thin,
                     bool* set_identity) {}

FXDIB_Format GetCreateCompatibleBitmapFormat(int render_caps,
                                             bool use_argb_premul) {}

}  // namespace

CFX_RenderDevice::CFX_RenderDevice() = default;

CFX_RenderDevice::~CFX_RenderDevice() {}

// static
CFX_Matrix CFX_RenderDevice::GetFlipMatrix(float width,
                                           float height,
                                           float left,
                                           float top) {}

void CFX_RenderDevice::SetDeviceDriver(
    std::unique_ptr<RenderDeviceDriverIface> pDriver) {}

void CFX_RenderDevice::InitDeviceInfo() {}

void CFX_RenderDevice::SaveState() {}

void CFX_RenderDevice::RestoreState(bool bKeepSaved) {}

int CFX_RenderDevice::GetDeviceCaps(int caps_id) const {}

RetainPtr<CFX_DIBitmap> CFX_RenderDevice::GetBitmap() {}

RetainPtr<const CFX_DIBitmap> CFX_RenderDevice::GetBitmap() const {}

void CFX_RenderDevice::SetBitmap(RetainPtr<CFX_DIBitmap> bitmap) {}

bool CFX_RenderDevice::CreateCompatibleBitmap(
    const RetainPtr<CFX_DIBitmap>& pDIB,
    int width,
    int height) const {}

void CFX_RenderDevice::SetBaseClip(const FX_RECT& rect) {}

bool CFX_RenderDevice::SetClip_PathFill(
    const CFX_Path& path,
    const CFX_Matrix* pObject2Device,
    const CFX_FillRenderOptions& fill_options) {}

bool CFX_RenderDevice::SetClip_PathStroke(
    const CFX_Path& path,
    const CFX_Matrix* pObject2Device,
    const CFX_GraphStateData* pGraphState) {}

bool CFX_RenderDevice::SetClip_Rect(const FX_RECT& rect) {}

void CFX_RenderDevice::UpdateClipBox() {}

bool CFX_RenderDevice::DrawPath(const CFX_Path& path,
                                const CFX_Matrix* pObject2Device,
                                const CFX_GraphStateData* pGraphState,
                                uint32_t fill_color,
                                uint32_t stroke_color,
                                const CFX_FillRenderOptions& fill_options) {}

// This can be removed once PDFium entirely relies on Skia
bool CFX_RenderDevice::DrawFillStrokePath(
    const CFX_Path& path,
    const CFX_Matrix* pObject2Device,
    const CFX_GraphStateData* pGraphState,
    uint32_t fill_color,
    uint32_t stroke_color,
    const CFX_FillRenderOptions& fill_options) {}

bool CFX_RenderDevice::FillRect(const FX_RECT& rect, uint32_t fill_color) {}

bool CFX_RenderDevice::DrawCosmeticLine(
    const CFX_PointF& ptMoveTo,
    const CFX_PointF& ptLineTo,
    uint32_t color,
    const CFX_FillRenderOptions& fill_options) {}

void CFX_RenderDevice::DrawZeroAreaPath(
    const std::vector<CFX_Path::Point>& path,
    const CFX_Matrix* matrix,
    bool adjust,
    bool aliased_path,
    uint32_t fill_color,
    uint8_t fill_alpha) {}

bool CFX_RenderDevice::GetDIBits(RetainPtr<CFX_DIBitmap> bitmap,
                                 int left,
                                 int top) const {}

bool CFX_RenderDevice::SetDIBits(RetainPtr<const CFX_DIBBase> bitmap,
                                 int left,
                                 int top) {}

RetainPtr<const CFX_DIBitmap> CFX_RenderDevice::GetBackDrop() const {}

bool CFX_RenderDevice::SetDIBitsWithBlend(RetainPtr<const CFX_DIBBase> bitmap,
                                          int left,
                                          int top,
                                          BlendMode blend_mode) {}

bool CFX_RenderDevice::StretchDIBits(RetainPtr<const CFX_DIBBase> bitmap,
                                     int left,
                                     int top,
                                     int dest_width,
                                     int dest_height) {}

bool CFX_RenderDevice::StretchDIBitsWithFlagsAndBlend(
    RetainPtr<const CFX_DIBBase> bitmap,
    int left,
    int top,
    int dest_width,
    int dest_height,
    const FXDIB_ResampleOptions& options,
    BlendMode blend_mode) {}

bool CFX_RenderDevice::SetBitMask(RetainPtr<const CFX_DIBBase> bitmap,
                                  int left,
                                  int top,
                                  uint32_t argb) {}

bool CFX_RenderDevice::StretchBitMask(RetainPtr<CFX_DIBBase> bitmap,
                                      int left,
                                      int top,
                                      int dest_width,
                                      int dest_height,
                                      uint32_t color) {}

bool CFX_RenderDevice::StretchBitMaskWithFlags(
    RetainPtr<CFX_DIBBase> bitmap,
    int left,
    int top,
    int dest_width,
    int dest_height,
    uint32_t argb,
    const FXDIB_ResampleOptions& options) {}

RenderDeviceDriverIface::StartResult CFX_RenderDevice::StartDIBits(
    RetainPtr<const CFX_DIBBase> bitmap,
    float alpha,
    uint32_t argb,
    const CFX_Matrix& matrix,
    const FXDIB_ResampleOptions& options) {}

RenderDeviceDriverIface::StartResult CFX_RenderDevice::StartDIBitsWithBlend(
    RetainPtr<const CFX_DIBBase> bitmap,
    float alpha,
    uint32_t argb,
    const CFX_Matrix& matrix,
    const FXDIB_ResampleOptions& options,
    BlendMode blend_mode) {}

bool CFX_RenderDevice::ContinueDIBits(CFX_AggImageRenderer* handle,
                                      PauseIndicatorIface* pPause) {}

#if defined(PDF_USE_SKIA)
bool CFX_RenderDevice::DrawShading(const CPDF_ShadingPattern& pattern,
                                   const CFX_Matrix& matrix,
                                   const FX_RECT& clip_rect,
                                   int alpha) {}

bool CFX_RenderDevice::SetBitsWithMask(RetainPtr<const CFX_DIBBase> bitmap,
                                       RetainPtr<const CFX_DIBBase> mask,
                                       int left,
                                       int top,
                                       float alpha,
                                       BlendMode blend_type) {}

void CFX_RenderDevice::SyncInternalBitmaps() {}
#endif  // defined(PDF_USE_SKIA)

bool CFX_RenderDevice::DrawNormalText(pdfium::span<const TextCharPos> pCharPos,
                                      CFX_Font* pFont,
                                      float font_size,
                                      const CFX_Matrix& mtText2Device,
                                      uint32_t fill_color,
                                      const CFX_TextRenderOptions& options) {}

bool CFX_RenderDevice::DrawTextPath(pdfium::span<const TextCharPos> pCharPos,
                                    CFX_Font* pFont,
                                    float font_size,
                                    const CFX_Matrix& mtText2User,
                                    const CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device,
                                    const CFX_GraphStateData* pGraphState,
                                    uint32_t fill_color,
                                    FX_ARGB stroke_color,
                                    CFX_Path* pClippingPath,
                                    const CFX_FillRenderOptions& fill_options) {}

void CFX_RenderDevice::DrawFillRect(const CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device,
                                    const CFX_FloatRect& rect,
                                    const FX_COLORREF& color) {}

void CFX_RenderDevice::DrawFillArea(const CFX_Matrix& mtUser2Device,
                                    const std::vector<CFX_PointF>& points,
                                    const FX_COLORREF& color) {}

void CFX_RenderDevice::DrawStrokeRect(const CFX_Matrix& mtUser2Device,
                                      const CFX_FloatRect& rect,
                                      const FX_COLORREF& color,
                                      float fWidth) {}

void CFX_RenderDevice::DrawStrokeLine(const CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device,
                                      const CFX_PointF& ptMoveTo,
                                      const CFX_PointF& ptLineTo,
                                      const FX_COLORREF& color,
                                      float fWidth) {}

void CFX_RenderDevice::DrawFillRect(const CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device,
                                    const CFX_FloatRect& rect,
                                    const CFX_Color& color,
                                    int32_t nTransparency) {}

void CFX_RenderDevice::DrawShadow(const CFX_Matrix& mtUser2Device,
                                  const CFX_FloatRect& rect,
                                  int32_t nTransparency,
                                  int32_t nStartGray,
                                  int32_t nEndGray) {}

void CFX_RenderDevice::DrawBorder(const CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device,
                                  const CFX_FloatRect& rect,
                                  float fWidth,
                                  const CFX_Color& color,
                                  const CFX_Color& crLeftTop,
                                  const CFX_Color& crRightBottom,
                                  BorderStyle nStyle,
                                  int32_t nTransparency) {}

bool CFX_RenderDevice::MultiplyAlpha(float alpha) {}

bool CFX_RenderDevice::MultiplyAlphaMask(RetainPtr<const CFX_DIBitmap> mask) {}

CFX_RenderDevice::StateRestorer::StateRestorer(CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice)

CFX_RenderDevice::StateRestorer::~StateRestorer() {}