
// Copyright 2019 The PDFium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "public/fpdf_sysfontinfo.h"

#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "core/fxcrt/compiler_specific.h"
#include "testing/embedder_test.h"
#include "testing/embedder_test_environment.h"
#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"

namespace {

extern "C" {

void FakeRelease(FPDF_SYSFONTINFO* pThis) {}
void FakeEnumFonts(FPDF_SYSFONTINFO* pThis, void* pMapper) {}

void* FakeMapFont(FPDF_SYSFONTINFO* pThis,
                  int weight,
                  FPDF_BOOL bItalic,
                  int charset,
                  int pitch_family,
                  const char* face,
                  FPDF_BOOL* bExact) {}

void* FakeGetFont(FPDF_SYSFONTINFO* pThis, const char* face) {}

unsigned long FakeGetFontData(FPDF_SYSFONTINFO* pThis,
                              void* hFont,
                              unsigned int table,
                              unsigned char* buffer,
                              unsigned long buf_size) {}

unsigned long FakeGetFaceName(FPDF_SYSFONTINFO* pThis,
                              void* hFont,
                              char* buffer,
                              unsigned long buf_size) {}

int FakeGetFontCharset(FPDF_SYSFONTINFO* pThis, void* hFont) {}

void FakeDeleteFont(FPDF_SYSFONTINFO* pThis, void* hFont) {}

}  // extern "C"

class FPDFUnavailableSysFontInfoEmbedderTest : public EmbedderTest {};

class FPDFSysFontInfoEmbedderTest : public EmbedderTest {};

}  // namespace

TEST_F(FPDFUnavailableSysFontInfoEmbedderTest, Bug972518) {}

TEST_F(FPDFSysFontInfoEmbedderTest, DefaultSystemFontInfo) {}

TEST_F(FPDFSysFontInfoEmbedderTest, DefaultTTFMap) {}

TEST_F(FPDFSysFontInfoEmbedderTest, DefaultTTFMapCountAndEntries) {}