
// Copyright 2015 The PDFium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include <math.h>

#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_document.h"
#include "core/fxge/cfx_defaultrenderdevice.h"
#include "fpdfsdk/cpdfsdk_helpers.h"
#include "fpdfsdk/fpdf_view_c_api_test.h"
#include "public/cpp/fpdf_scopers.h"
#include "public/fpdfview.h"
#include "testing/embedder_test.h"
#include "testing/embedder_test_constants.h"
#include "testing/embedder_test_environment.h"
#include "testing/fx_string_testhelpers.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "testing/utils/file_util.h"
#include "testing/utils/hash.h"
#include "testing/utils/path_service.h"

#if defined(PDF_USE_SKIA)
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkCanvas.h"           // nogncheck
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"            // nogncheck
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColorType.h"        // nogncheck
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkImage.h"            // nogncheck
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkImageInfo.h"        // nogncheck
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkPicture.h"          // nogncheck
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkPictureRecorder.h"  // nogncheck
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkRefCnt.h"           // nogncheck
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkSize.h"             // nogncheck
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkSurface.h"          // nogncheck
#endif  // defined(PDF_USE_SKIA)


namespace {

constexpr char kFirstAlternate[] =;
constexpr char kLastAlternate[] =;

const char kExpectedRectanglePostScript[] = R"(
/im/initmatrix load def
/n/newpath load def/m/moveto load def/l/lineto load def/c/curveto load def/h/closepath load def
/f/fill load def/F/eofill load def/s/stroke load def/W/clip load def/W*/eoclip load def
/rg/setrgbcolor load def/k/setcmykcolor load def
/J/setlinecap load def/j/setlinejoin load def/w/setlinewidth load def/M/setmiterlimit load def/d/setdash load def
/q/gsave load def/Q/grestore load def/iM/imagemask load def
/Tj/show load def/Ff/findfont load def/Fs/scalefont load def/Sf/setfont load def
/cm/concat load def/Cm/currentmatrix load def/mx/matrix load def/sm/setmatrix load def
0 300 m 0 0 l 200 0 l 200 300 l 0 300 l h W n
0 300 m 0 0 l 200 0 l 200 300 l 0 300 l h W n
0 J
[]0 d
0 j
1 w
10 M
mx Cm [1 0 0 -1 0 300]cm 0 290 m 10 290 l 10 300 l 0 300 l 0 290 l h 0 0 0 rg
q F Q s sm
mx Cm [1 0 0 -1 0 300]cm 10 150 m 60 150 l 60 180 l 10 180 l 10 150 l h q F Q s sm
mx Cm [1 0 0 -1 0 300]cm 190 290 m 200 290 l 200 300 l 190 300 l 190 290 l h 0 0 1 rg
q F Q 0 0 0 rg
s sm
mx Cm [1 0 0 -1 0 300]cm 70 232 m 120 232 l 120 262 l 70 262 l 70 232 l h 0 0 1 rg
q F Q 0 0 0 rg
s sm
mx Cm [1 0 0 -1 0 300]cm 190 0 m 200 0 l 200 10 l 190 10 l 190 0 l h 0 1 0 rg
q F Q 0 0 0 rg
s sm
mx Cm [1 0 0 -1 0 300]cm 130 150 m 180 150 l 180 180 l 130 180 l 130 150 l h 0 1 0 rg
q F Q 0 0 0 rg
s sm
mx Cm [1 0 0 -1 0 300]cm 0 0 m 10 0 l 10 10 l 0 10 l 0 0 l h 1 0 0 rg
q F Q 0 0 0 rg
s sm
mx Cm [1 0 0 -1 0 300]cm 70 67 m 120 67 l 120 97 l 70 97 l 70 67 l h 1 0 0 rg
q F Q 0 0 0 rg
s sm

#endif  // BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN)

class MockDownloadHints final : public FX_DOWNLOADHINTS {};

#if defined(PDF_USE_SKIA)
ScopedFPDFBitmap SkImageToPdfiumBitmap(const SkImage& image) {}

ScopedFPDFBitmap SkPictureToPdfiumBitmap(sk_sp<SkPicture> picture,
                                         const SkISize& size) {}
#endif  // defined(PDF_USE_SKIA)

}  // namespace

TEST(fpdf, CApiTest) {}

class FPDFViewEmbedderTest : public EmbedderTest {};

// Test for conversion of a point in device coordinates to page coordinates
TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, DeviceCoordinatesToPageCoordinates) {}

// Test for conversion of a point in page coordinates to device coordinates.
TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, PageCoordinatesToDeviceCoordinates) {}

TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, MultipleInitDestroy) {}

TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, RepeatedInitDestroy) {}

TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, Document) {}

TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, LoadDocument64) {}

TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, LoadNonexistentDocument) {}

TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, DocumentWithNoPageCount) {}

TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, DocumentWithEmptyPageTreeNode) {}

// See
TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, EmptyDocument) {}

TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, SandboxDocument) {}

TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, LinearizedDocument) {}

TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, LoadCustomDocumentWithoutFileAccess) {}

// See
TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, LoadCustomDocumentWithShortLivedFileAccess) {}

TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, Page) {}

TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, ViewerRefDummy) {}

TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, ViewerRef) {}

TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, NamedDests) {}

TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, NamedDestsByName) {}

TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, NamedDestsOldStyle) {}

// The following tests pass if the document opens without crashing.
TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, Crasher113) {}

TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, Crasher451830) {}

TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, Crasher452455) {}

TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, Crasher454695) {}

TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, Crasher572871) {}

// It tests that document can still be loaded even the trailer has no 'Size'
// field if other information is right.
TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, Failed213) {}

// The following tests pass if the document opens without infinite looping.
TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, Hang298) {}

TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, Crasher773229) {}

// Test if the document opens without infinite looping.
// Previously this test will hang in a loop inside LoadAllCrossRefV4. After
// the fix, LoadAllCrossRefV4 will return false after detecting a cross
// reference loop. Cross references will be rebuilt successfully.
TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, CrossRefV4Loop) {}

// The test should pass when circular references to ParseIndirectObject will not
// cause infinite loop.
TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, Hang343) {}

// The test should pass when the absence of 'Contents' field in a signature
// dictionary will not cause an infinite loop in CPDF_SyntaxParser::GetObject().
TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, Hang344) {}

// The test should pass when there is no infinite recursion in
// CPDF_SyntaxParser::GetString().
TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, Hang355) {}
// The test should pass even when the file has circular references to pages.
TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, Hang360) {}

// Deliberately damaged version of linearized.pdf with bad data in the shared
// object hint table.
TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, Hang1055) {}

TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, FPDFRenderPageBitmapWithMatrix) {}

TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, FPDFGetPageSizeByIndexF) {}

TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, FPDFGetPageSizeByIndex) {}

TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, GetXFAArrayData) {}

TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, GetXFAStreamData) {}

TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, GetXFADataForNoForm) {}

TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, GetXFADataForAcroForm) {}

class RecordUnsupportedErrorDelegate final : public EmbedderTest::Delegate {};

TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, UnSupportedOperationsNotFound) {}

TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, UnSupportedOperationsLoadCustomDocument) {}

TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, UnSupportedOperationsLoadDocument) {}

TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, DocumentHasValidCrossReferenceTable) {}

TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, DocumentHasInvalidCrossReferenceTable) {}

// Related to
TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, LoadDocumentWithEmptyXRefConsistently) {}

TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, RenderBug664284WithNoNativeText) {}

TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, RenderAnnotationWithPrintingFlag) {}

// TODO( Remove this test once pixel tests can pass with
// `reverse-byte-order` option.
TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, RenderBlueAndRedImagesWithReverByteOrderFlag) {}

TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, RenderJpxLzwImageWithFlags) {}

TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, RenderManyRectanglesWithFlags) {}

TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, RenderManyRectanglesWithAndWithoutExternalMemory) {}

TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, RenderHelloWorldWithFlags) {}

// Deliberately disabled because this test case renders a large bitmap, which is
// very slow for debug builds.
#if defined(NDEBUG)
#define MAYBE_LargeImageDoesNotRenderBlank
#define MAYBE_LargeImageDoesNotRenderBlank
TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, MAYBE_LargeImageDoesNotRenderBlank) {}

TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, FPDFRenderPageEmf) {
  FPDF_PAGE page = LoadPage(0);

  std::vector<uint8_t> emf_normal = RenderPageWithFlagsToEmf(page, 0);
  EXPECT_EQ(3772u, emf_normal.size());

  // FPDF_REVERSE_BYTE_ORDER is ignored since EMFs are always BGR.
  std::vector<uint8_t> emf_reverse_byte_order =
      RenderPageWithFlagsToEmf(page, FPDF_REVERSE_BYTE_ORDER);
  EXPECT_EQ(emf_normal, emf_reverse_byte_order);


class PostScriptRenderEmbedderTestBase : public FPDFViewEmbedderTest {
  ~PostScriptRenderEmbedderTestBase() override = default;

  // FPDFViewEmbedderTest:
  void TearDown() override {

class PostScriptLevel2EmbedderTest : public PostScriptRenderEmbedderTestBase {
  PostScriptLevel2EmbedderTest() = default;
  ~PostScriptLevel2EmbedderTest() override = default;

  // FPDFViewEmbedderTest:
  void SetUp() override {

class PostScriptLevel3EmbedderTest : public PostScriptRenderEmbedderTestBase {
  PostScriptLevel3EmbedderTest() = default;
  ~PostScriptLevel3EmbedderTest() override = default;

  // FPDFViewEmbedderTest:
  void SetUp() override {

TEST_F(PostScriptLevel2EmbedderTest, Rectangles) {
  FPDF_PAGE page = LoadPage(0);

  std::vector<uint8_t> emf_normal = RenderPageWithFlagsToEmf(page, 0);
  std::string ps_data = GetPostScriptFromEmf(emf_normal);
  EXPECT_EQ(kExpectedRectanglePostScript, ps_data);

  // FPDF_REVERSE_BYTE_ORDER is ignored since PostScript is not bitmap-based.
  std::vector<uint8_t> emf_reverse_byte_order =
      RenderPageWithFlagsToEmf(page, FPDF_REVERSE_BYTE_ORDER);
  EXPECT_EQ(emf_normal, emf_reverse_byte_order);


TEST_F(PostScriptLevel3EmbedderTest, Rectangles) {
  FPDF_PAGE page = LoadPage(0);

  std::vector<uint8_t> emf_normal = RenderPageWithFlagsToEmf(page, 0);
  std::string ps_data = GetPostScriptFromEmf(emf_normal);
  EXPECT_EQ(kExpectedRectanglePostScript, ps_data);

  // FPDF_REVERSE_BYTE_ORDER is ignored since PostScript is not bitmap-based.
  std::vector<uint8_t> emf_reverse_byte_order =
      RenderPageWithFlagsToEmf(page, FPDF_REVERSE_BYTE_ORDER);
  EXPECT_EQ(emf_normal, emf_reverse_byte_order);


TEST_F(PostScriptLevel2EmbedderTest, Image) {
  const char kExpected[] =
      "/im/initmatrix load def\n"
      "/n/newpath load def/m/moveto load def/l/lineto load def/c/curveto load "
      "def/h/closepath load def\n"
      "/f/fill load def/F/eofill load def/s/stroke load def/W/clip load "
      "def/W*/eoclip load def\n"
      "/rg/setrgbcolor load def/k/setcmykcolor load def\n"
      "/J/setlinecap load def/j/setlinejoin load def/w/setlinewidth load "
      "def/M/setmiterlimit load def/d/setdash load def\n"
      "/q/gsave load def/Q/grestore load def/iM/imagemask load def\n"
      "/Tj/show load def/Ff/findfont load def/Fs/scalefont load def/Sf/setfont "
      "load def\n"
      "/cm/concat load def/Cm/currentmatrix load def/mx/matrix load "
      "def/sm/setmatrix load def\n"
      "0 792 m 0 0 l 612 0 l 612 792 l 0 792 l h W n\n"
      "0 792 m 0 0 l 612 0 l 612 792 l 0 792 l h W n\n"
      "281 106.7 m 331 106.7 l 331 56.7 l 281 56.7 l 281 106.7 l h W* n\n"
      "[49.9 0 0 -50 281.1 106.6]cm 50 50 8[50 0 0 -50 0 "
      "50]currentfile/ASCII85Decode filter /DCTDecode filter false 3 "

  FPDF_PAGE page = LoadPage(0);

  std::vector<uint8_t> emf = RenderPageWithFlagsToEmf(page, 0);
  std::string ps_data = GetPostScriptFromEmf(emf);
  EXPECT_EQ(kExpected, ps_data);


TEST_F(PostScriptLevel3EmbedderTest, Image) {
  const char kExpected[] = R"(
/im/initmatrix load def
/n/newpath load def/m/moveto load def/l/lineto load def/c/curveto load def/h/closepath load def
/f/fill load def/F/eofill load def/s/stroke load def/W/clip load def/W*/eoclip load def
/rg/setrgbcolor load def/k/setcmykcolor load def
/J/setlinecap load def/j/setlinejoin load def/w/setlinewidth load def/M/setmiterlimit load def/d/setdash load def
/q/gsave load def/Q/grestore load def/iM/imagemask load def
/Tj/show load def/Ff/findfont load def/Fs/scalefont load def/Sf/setfont load def
/cm/concat load def/Cm/currentmatrix load def/mx/matrix load def/sm/setmatrix load def
0 792 m 0 0 l 612 0 l 612 792 l 0 792 l h W n
0 792 m 0 0 l 612 0 l 612 792 l 0 792 l h W n
281 106.7 m 331 106.7 l 331 56.7 l 281 56.7 l 281 106.7 l h W* n
[49.9 0 0 -50 281.1 106.6]cm 50 50 8[50 0 0 -50 0 50]currentfile/ASCII85Decode filter /FlateDecode filter false 3 colorimage


  FPDF_PAGE page = LoadPage(0);

  std::vector<uint8_t> emf = RenderPageWithFlagsToEmf(page, 0);
  std::string ps_data = GetPostScriptFromEmf(emf);
  EXPECT_EQ(kExpected, ps_data);


TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, ImageMask) {
  FPDF_PAGE page = LoadPage(0);

  // Render the page with more efficient processing of image masks.
  std::vector<uint8_t> emf_image_masks = RenderPageWithFlagsToEmf(page, 0);

  // Render the page normally.
  std::vector<uint8_t> emf_normal = RenderPageWithFlagsToEmf(page, 0);

  EXPECT_LT(emf_image_masks.size(), emf_normal.size());

#endif  // BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN)

TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, GetTrailerEnds) {}

TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, GetTrailerEndsHelloWorld) {}

TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, GetTrailerEndsAnnotationStamp) {}

TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, GetTrailerEndsLinearized) {}

TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, GetTrailerEndsWhitespace) {}

TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, RenderXfaPage) {}

#if defined(PDF_USE_SKIA)
TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, RenderPageToSkp) {}

TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, RenderXfaPageToSkp) {}

TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, Bug2087) {}
#endif  // defined(PDF_USE_SKIA)

TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, NoSmoothTextItalicOverlappingGlyphs) {}

TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, RenderTransparencyOnWhiteBackground) {}

TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, Bug2112) {}

TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, RenderAnnotsGrayScale) {}

TEST_F(FPDFViewEmbedderTest, BadFillRectInput) {}