
// Copyright 2014 The PDFium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// Original code by Matt McCutchen, see the LICENSE file.


#include "BigUnsigned.hh"

/* A BigInteger object represents a signed integer of size limited only by
 * available memory.  BigUnsigneds support most mathematical operators and can
 * be converted to and from most primitive integer types.
 * A BigInteger is just an aggregate of a BigUnsigned and a sign.  (It is no
 * longer derived from BigUnsigned because that led to harmful implicit
 * conversions.) */
class BigInteger {};

/* These create an object to hold the result and invoke
 * the appropriate put-here operation on it, passing
 * this and x.  The new object is then returned. */
inline BigInteger BigInteger::operator +(const BigInteger &x) const {}
inline BigInteger BigInteger::operator -(const BigInteger &x) const {}
inline BigInteger BigInteger::operator *(const BigInteger &x) const {}
inline BigInteger BigInteger::operator /(const BigInteger &x) const {}
inline BigInteger BigInteger::operator %(const BigInteger &x) const {}
inline BigInteger BigInteger::operator -() const {}

 * Now the responsibility for making a temporary copy if necessary
 * belongs to the put-here operations.  See Assignment Operators in
 * BigUnsigned.hh.
inline BigInteger& BigInteger::operator +=(const BigInteger &x) {}
inline BigInteger& BigInteger::operator -=(const BigInteger &x) {}
inline BigInteger& BigInteger::operator *=(const BigInteger &x) {}
inline BigInteger& BigInteger::operator /=(const BigInteger &x) {}
inline BigInteger& BigInteger::operator %=(const BigInteger &x) {}
// This one is trivial
inline void BigInteger::flipSign() {}
