
// Copyright 2014 The PDFium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// Original code by Matt McCutchen, see the LICENSE file.


#include "NumberlikeArray.hh"
#include "BigUnsigned.hh"
#include <string>

 * A BigUnsignedInABase object represents a nonnegative integer of size limited
 * only by available memory, represented in a user-specified base that can fit
 * in an `unsigned short' (most can, and this saves memory).
 * BigUnsignedInABase is intended as an intermediary class with little
 * functionality of its own.  BigUnsignedInABase objects can be constructed
 * from, and converted to, BigUnsigneds (requiring multiplication, mods, etc.)
 * and `std::string's (by switching digit values for appropriate characters).
 * BigUnsignedInABase is similar to BigUnsigned.  Note the following:
 * (1) They represent the number in exactly the same way, except that
 * BigUnsignedInABase uses ``digits'' (or Digit) where BigUnsigned uses
 * ``blocks'' (or Blk).
 * (2) Both use the management features of NumberlikeArray.  (In fact, my desire
 * to add a BigUnsignedInABase class without duplicating a lot of code led me to
 * introduce NumberlikeArray.)
 * (3) The only arithmetic operation supported by BigUnsignedInABase is an
 * equality test.  Use BigUnsigned for arithmetic.

class BigUnsignedInABase : protected NumberlikeArray<unsigned short> {};
