
// Copyright 2017 The PDFium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.

#include "xfa/fgas/crt/cfgas_stringformatter.h"

#include <iterator>

#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "core/fpdfapi/page/cpdf_pagemodule.h"
#include "core/fxcrt/cfx_datetime.h"
#include "testing/fx_string_testhelpers.h"
#include "testing/fxgc_unittest.h"
#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "testing/scoped_set_tz.h"
#include "v8/include/cppgc/persistent.h"
#include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_localemgr.h"


class CFGAS_StringFormatterTest : public FXGCUnitTest {};

// TODO(dsinclair): Looks like the formatter/parser does not handle the various
// 'g' flags.
TEST_F(CFGAS_StringFormatterTest, DateFormat) {}

TEST_F(CFGAS_StringFormatterTest, TimeFormat) {}

TEST_F(CFGAS_StringFormatterTest, DateTimeFormat) {}

TEST_F(CFGAS_StringFormatterTest, TimeDateFormat) {}

TEST_F(CFGAS_StringFormatterTest, DateParse) {}

// TODO(dsinclair): GetDateTimeFormat is broken and doesn't allow just returning
// a parsed Time. It will assume it's a Date. The method needs to be re-written.
// TEST_F(CFGAS_StringFormatterTest, TimeParse) {
//   struct {
//     const wchar_t* locale;
//     const wchar_t* input;
//     const wchar_t* pattern;
//     CFX_DateTime output;
//   } tests[] = {
//       {L"en", L"18:00", L"HH:MM", CFX_DateTime(0, 0, 0, 18, 0, 0, 0)},
//       {L"en", L"12.59 Uhr", L"H.MM 'Uhr'", CFX_DateTime(0, 0, 0, 12, 59, 0,
//       0)}, {L"en", L"1:05:10 PM PST", L"h:MM:SS A Z",
//        CFX_DateTime(0, 0, 0, 17, 05, 10, 0)}};
//   // Note, none of the full width date symbols are listed here as they are
//   // not supported. In theory there are the full width versions of kkk,
//   // kkkk, HHH, HHHH, KKK, KKKK, MMM, MMMM, SSS, SSSS plus 2 more that the
//   // spec apparently forgot to list the symbol.

//   for (size_t i = 0; i < std::size(tests); ++i) {
//     CFX_DateTime result;
//     EXPECT_TRUE(fmt(tests[i].locale)
//                   ->ParseDateTime(tests[i].input, tests[i].pattern,
//                                   CFGAS_StringFormatter::DateTimeType::kTime,
//                                   &result));
//     EXPECT_EQ(tests[i].output, result) << " TEST: " << i;
//   }
// }

TEST_F(CFGAS_StringFormatterTest, SplitFormatString) {}

TEST_F(CFGAS_StringFormatterTest, NumParse) {}

TEST_F(CFGAS_StringFormatterTest, NumFormat) {}

TEST_F(CFGAS_StringFormatterTest, TextParse) {}

TEST_F(CFGAS_StringFormatterTest, InvalidTextParse) {}

TEST_F(CFGAS_StringFormatterTest, TextFormat) {}

TEST_F(CFGAS_StringFormatterTest, NullParse) {}

TEST_F(CFGAS_StringFormatterTest, NullFormat) {}

TEST_F(CFGAS_StringFormatterTest, ZeroParse) {}

TEST_F(CFGAS_StringFormatterTest, ZeroFormat) {}

TEST_F(CFGAS_StringFormatterTest, GetCategory) {}