
// Copyright 2014 The PDFium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.

#include "xfa/fxfa/formcalc/cxfa_fmparser.h"

#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include "core/fxcrt/autorestorer.h"
#include "v8/include/cppgc/heap.h"

namespace {

constexpr unsigned int kMaxParseDepth =;
constexpr unsigned int kMaxPostExpressions =;
constexpr unsigned int kMaxExpressionListSize =;

}  // namespace

CXFA_FMParser::CXFA_FMParser(cppgc::Heap* pHeap, CXFA_FMLexer* pLexer)

CXFA_FMParser::~CXFA_FMParser() = default;

CXFA_FMAST* CXFA_FMParser::Parse() {}

bool CXFA_FMParser::NextToken() {}

bool CXFA_FMParser::CheckThenNext(XFA_FM_TOKEN op) {}

bool CXFA_FMParser::IncrementParseDepthAndCheck() {}

CXFA_FMParser::ParseExpressionList() {}

// Func := 'func' Identifier '(' ParameterList ')' do ExpressionList 'endfunc'
// ParamterList := (Not actually defined in the grammar) .....
//                 (Identifier (',' Identifier)*)?
CXFA_FMExpression* CXFA_FMParser::ParseFunction() {}

// Expression := IfExpression | WhileExpression | ForExpression |
//               ForEachExpression | AssignmentExpression |
//               DeclarationExpression | SimpleExpression
CXFA_FMExpression* CXFA_FMParser::ParseExpression() {}

// Declaration := 'var' Variable | 'var' Variable '=' SimpleExpression |
//           'Func' Identifier '(' ParameterList ')' do ExpressionList 'EndFunc'
// TODO(dsinclair): We appear to be handling the 'func' case elsewhere.
CXFA_FMExpression* CXFA_FMParser::ParseDeclarationExpression() {}

// SimpleExpression := LogicalOrExpression
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* CXFA_FMParser::ParseSimpleExpression() {}

// Exp := SimpleExpression ( '=' SimpleExpression )?
CXFA_FMExpression* CXFA_FMParser::ParseExpExpression() {}

// LogicalOr := LogicalAndExpression |
//              LogicalOrExpression LogicalOrOperator LogicalAndExpression
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* CXFA_FMParser::ParseLogicalOrExpression() {}

// LogicalAnd := EqualityExpression |
//               LogicalAndExpression LogicalAndOperator EqualityExpression
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* CXFA_FMParser::ParseLogicalAndExpression() {}

// Equality := RelationExpression |
//             EqualityExpression EqulaityOperator RelationalExpression
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* CXFA_FMParser::ParseEqualityExpression() {}

// Relational := AdditiveExpression |
//               RelationalExpression RelationalOperator AdditiveExpression
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* CXFA_FMParser::ParseRelationalExpression() {}

// Additive := MultiplicativeExpression |
//             AdditiveExpression AdditiveOperator MultiplicativeExpression
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* CXFA_FMParser::ParseAdditiveExpression() {}

// Multiplicative := UnaryExpression |
//                 MultiplicateExpression MultiplicativeOperator UnaryExpression
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* CXFA_FMParser::ParseMultiplicativeExpression() {}

// Unary := PrimaryExpression | UnaryOperator UnaryExpression
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* CXFA_FMParser::ParseUnaryExpression() {}

// Primary := Literal | FunctionCall | Accessor ('.*' )? |
//           '(' SimpleExpression ')'
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* CXFA_FMParser::ParsePrimaryExpression() {}

// Literal := String | Number | Null
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* CXFA_FMParser::ParseLiteral() {}

// TODO(dsinclair): Make this match up to the grammar
// I believe this is parsing the accessor ( '.' | '..' | '.#' )
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* CXFA_FMParser::ParsePostExpression(
    CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* expr) {}

// Argument lists are zero or more comma seperated simple expressions found
// between '(' and ')'
CXFA_FMParser::ParseArgumentList() {}

// Index := '[' ('*' | '+' SimpleExpression | '-' SimpleExpression) ']'
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* CXFA_FMParser::ParseIndexExpression() {}

// Paren := '(' SimpleExpression ')'
CXFA_FMSimpleExpression* CXFA_FMParser::ParseParenExpression() {}

// If := 'if' '(' SimpleExpression ')' 'then' ExpressionList
//       ('elseif' '(' SimpleExpression ')' 'then' ExpressionList)*
//       ('else' ExpressionList)?
//       'endif'
CXFA_FMExpression* CXFA_FMParser::ParseIfExpression() {}

// While := 'while' '(' SimpleExpression ')' 'do' ExpressionList 'endwhile'
CXFA_FMExpression* CXFA_FMParser::ParseWhileExpression() {}

// For := 'for' Assignment 'upto' Accessor ('step' SimpleExpression)?
//            'do' ExpressionList 'endfor' |
//         'for' Assignment 'downto' Accessor ('step' SimpleExpression)?
//            'do' ExpressionList 'endfor'
CXFA_FMExpression* CXFA_FMParser::ParseForExpression() {}

// Foreach := 'foreach' Identifier 'in' '(' ArgumentList ')'
//            'do' ExpressionList 'endfor'
CXFA_FMExpression* CXFA_FMParser::ParseForeachExpression() {}

// Block := 'do' ExpressionList 'end'
CXFA_FMExpression* CXFA_FMParser::ParseDoExpression() {}

bool CXFA_FMParser::HasError() const {}