
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>CSS Test: font family name should not match postscript font name</title>
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<meta name="assert" content="The 'font-family' property set to and installed font renders the appropriate font. Postscript name should not match." />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/fonts/ahem.css" />
body { font-size: 36px; }
span#verify { font-family: CSSTest Verify; }
p.test {
  /* Verdana-Bold is a standard supplied font on Windows, Mac, and Linux
     allowing this test to actually work on most systems without the CSS
     test fonts. */
  font-family: CSSTestBasic-Bold, Verdana-Bold, ahem, monospace;
p {
  font-family: ahem, monospace;
<div><a href="">Test fonts</a> must be installed for this test: <span id="verify">FAIL</span></div>
<p class="test">These two lines should use the same font.</p>
<p>These two lines should use the same font.</p>