
This is a testharness.js-based test.
[FAIL] @font-face matching for quoted and unquoted emoji
  assert_equals: unquoted emoji does not match @font-face rule expected 25 but got 50
[FAIL] @font-face matching for quoted and unquoted fangsong
  assert_equals: unquoted fangsong does not match @font-face rule expected 25 but got 50
[FAIL] @font-face matching for quoted and unquoted ui-serif
  assert_equals: unquoted ui-serif does not match @font-face rule expected 25 but got 50
[FAIL] @font-face matching for quoted and unquoted ui-sans-serif
  assert_equals: unquoted ui-sans-serif does not match @font-face rule expected 25 but got 50
[FAIL] @font-face matching for quoted and unquoted ui-monospace
  assert_equals: unquoted ui-monospace does not match @font-face rule expected 25 but got 50
[FAIL] @font-face matching for quoted and unquoted ui-rounded
  assert_equals: unquoted ui-rounded does not match @font-face rule expected 25 but got 50
Harness: the test ran to completion.