<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Testing @font-face font matching logic introduced in CSS Fonts level 4</title>
<link rel="help" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/css-fonts-4/#font-matching-algorithm" />
<meta name="timeout" content="long">
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
border:1px solid red;
white-space: nowrap;
@font-face { font-family: W100; src: url('./resources/csstest-weights-100-kerned.ttf'); }
@font-face { font-family: W200; src: url('./resources/csstest-weights-200-kerned.ttf'); }
@font-face { font-family: W300; src: url('./resources/csstest-weights-300-kerned.ttf'); }
@font-face { font-family: descriptorPriorityTest; src: url('./resources/csstest-weights-100-kerned.ttf'); font-stretch : 125%; }
@font-face { font-family: descriptorPriorityTest; src: url('./resources/csstest-weights-200-kerned.ttf'); font-style: italic; }
@font-face { font-family: descriptorPriorityTest; src: url('./resources/csstest-weights-300-kerned.ttf'); font-weight: 350; }
<style id="dynamicStyles">
<span style="position: absolute; top: -100vh;">
<span style="font-family: 'W100';">A</span>
<span style="font-family: 'W200';">A</span>
<span style="font-family: 'W300';">A</span>
<span style="font-family: 'descriptorPriorityTest'; font-stretch: 125%;">A</span>
<span style="font-family: 'descriptorPriorityTest'; font-style: italic;">A</span>
<span style="font-family: 'descriptorPriorityTest'; font-weight: 350;">A</span>
<div id="master" class="test">A1 A2 A2 A3 A3 A3</div>
<div id="test" class="test">A1 A2 A2 A3 A3 A3</div>
<div style="clear:both"></div>
// wait for the fonts to load
// -- this should not be necessary if the fonts are installed as required
// -- but if they are not, the test is otherwise unstable
var once_fonts_are_ready = (document.fonts ? document.fonts.ready : new Promise(function(ready) { window.onload = time => [...document.querySelectorAll('body > span:nth-child(1) > span')].every(e => e.offsetWidth > 20) ? ready() : requestAnimationFrame(window.onload) }));
var masterElement = document.getElementById("master");
var testElement = document.getElementById("test");
var dynamicStyles = document.getElementById("dynamicStyles");
function verifyFont(testFamily, testWeight, testStyle, testStretch, expectedFamily) {
testElement.style.fontWeight = "normal";
testElement.style.fontStyle = "normal";
testElement.style.fontStretch = "normal";
masterElement.style.fontFamily = expectedFamily;
let masterWidth = masterElement.offsetWidth;
testElement.style.fontFamily = expectedFamily;
assert_equals(masterWidth, testElement.offsetWidth, "Sanity test: same family name gets same width" + dynamicStyles.innerHTML);
testElement.style.fontFamily = "serif";
assert_not_equals(masterWidth, testElement.offsetWidth, "Sanity test: different family get different width");
testElement.style.fontWeight = testWeight;
testElement.style.fontStyle = testStyle;
testElement.style.fontStretch = testStretch;
testElement.style.fontFamily = testFamily;
assert_equals(masterWidth, testElement.offsetWidth, "Unexpected font on test element");
var descriptorPriorityCases = [
{ weight: "normal", style: "oblique -5deg", stretch: "125%", expectedFamily: "'W100'", description: "Stretch has higher priority than style"},
{ weight: "350", style: "normal", stretch: "125%", expectedFamily: "'W100'", description: "Stretch has higher priority than weight"},
{ weight: "350", style: "oblique -5deg", stretch: "normal", expectedFamily: "'W200'", description: "Style has higher priority than weight"}
descriptorPriorityCases.forEach(function (testCase) {
promise_test(() => {
return once_fonts_are_ready
.then(() => verifyFont("descriptorPriorityTest", testCase.weight, testCase.style, testCase.stretch, testCase.expectedFamily));
"Descriptor matching priority: " + testCase.description
function load(family, name, value) {
const el1 = document.createElement("span");
const el2 = document.createElement("span");
el1.innerText = "A";
el2.innerText = "A";
let value1, value2;
if (value.indexOf("deg") > 0) {
value1 = "oblique " + value.split(" ")[1];
value2 = "oblique " + (value.split(" ")[2] || value.split(" ")[1]);
} else {
value1 = value.split(" ")[0];
value2 = value.split(" ")[1] || value1;
el1.style[name] = value1;
el2.style[name] = value2;
const initialWidth1 = el1.offsetWidth;
const initialWidth2 = el2.offsetWidth;
return new Promise((resolve) => {
el1.style.fontFamily = family;
el2.style.fontFamily = family;
(function check() {
if (el1.offsetWidth !== initialWidth1 && el2.offsetWidth !== initialWidth2) {
} else {
function createFontFaceRules(fontFaceFamily, descriptorName, expectedMatch, unexpectedMatch) {
dynamicStyles.innerHTML =
"@font-face { font-family: " + fontFaceFamily + "; src: url('./resources/csstest-weights-100-kerned.ttf'); "+ descriptorName + ": " + expectedMatch + "; }" +
"@font-face { font-family: " + fontFaceFamily + "; src: url('./resources/csstest-weights-200-kerned.ttf'); " + descriptorName + ": " + unexpectedMatch + "; }";
return Promise.all([
load(fontFaceFamily, descriptorName, expectedMatch),
load(fontFaceFamily, descriptorName, unexpectedMatch)
let familyId = 0;
function testDescriptor(descriptorName, testCases) {
testCases.forEach(function (testCase) {
// Go though test cases, checking each descriptor has higher priority than next in the list
for(let i = 0; i < testCase.testDescriptors.length - 1; i++) {
let expectedMatch = testCase.testDescriptors[i];
let unexpectedMatch = testCase.testDescriptors[i + 1];
familyId += 1;
const family = "MatchTestFamily" + familyId;
() => {
return createFontFaceRules(family, descriptorName, expectedMatch, unexpectedMatch)
.then(() => {
let testWeight = (descriptorName == "font-weight") ? testCase.value : "normal";
let testStyle = (descriptorName == "font-style") ? testCase.value : "normal";
let testStretch = (descriptorName == "font-stretch") ? testCase.value : "normal";
verifyFont(family, testWeight, testStyle, testStretch, "'W100'");
"Matching " + descriptorName + ": '" + testCase.value + "' should prefer '" + expectedMatch + "' over '" + unexpectedMatch + "'");
// Each case defines property value being tested and set of descriptor values in order of matching priority from highest to lowest
testDescriptor("font-weight", [
{ value: "400", testDescriptors: ["400", "450 460", "500", "350 399", "351 398", "501 550", "502 560"] },
{ value: "430", testDescriptors: ["420 440", "450 460", "500", "400 425", "350 399", "340 398", "501 550", "502 560"] },
{ value: "500", testDescriptors: ["500", "450 460", "400", "350 399", "351 398", "501 550", "502 560"] },
{ value: "501", testDescriptors: ["501", "502 510", "503 520", "500", "450 460", "390 410", "300 350"] },
{ value: "399", testDescriptors: ["350 399", "340 360", "200 300", "400", "450 460", "500 501", "502 510"] }
testDescriptor("font-stretch", [
{ value: "100%", testDescriptors: ["100%", "110% 120%", "115% 116%"] },
{ value: "110%", testDescriptors: ["110% 120%", "115% 116%", "105%", "100%", "50% 80%", "60% 70%"] },
{ value: "90%", testDescriptors: ["90% 100%", "50% 80%", "60% 70%", "110% 140%", "120% 130%"] },
testDescriptor("font-style", [
{ value: "normal", testDescriptors: ["normal", "oblique 0deg", "oblique 10deg 40deg", "oblique 20deg 30deg", "oblique -50deg -20deg", "oblique -40deg -30deg" ] },
{ value: "italic", testDescriptors: ["italic", "oblique 20deg", "oblique 30deg 60deg", "oblique 40deg 50deg", "oblique 5deg 10deg", "oblique 5deg", "normal", "oblique 0deg", "oblique -60deg -30deg", "oblique -50deg -40deg" ] },
{ value: "oblique 20deg", testDescriptors: ["oblique 20deg", "oblique 30deg 60deg", "oblique 40deg 50deg", "oblique 10deg", "italic", "oblique 0deg", "oblique -50deg -20deg", "oblique -40deg -30deg" ] },
{ value: "oblique 21deg", testDescriptors: ["oblique 21deg", "oblique 30deg 60deg", "oblique 40deg 50deg", "oblique 20deg", "oblique 10deg", "italic", "oblique 0deg", "oblique -50deg -20deg", "oblique -40deg -30deg" ] },
{ value: "oblique 10deg", testDescriptors: ["oblique 10deg", "oblique 5deg", "oblique 15deg 20deg", "oblique 30deg 60deg", "oblique 40deg 50deg", "italic", "oblique 0deg", "oblique -50deg -20deg", "oblique -40deg -30deg" ] },
{ value: "oblique 0deg", testDescriptors: ["oblique 0deg", "oblique 5deg", "oblique 15deg 20deg", "oblique 30deg 60deg", "oblique 40deg 50deg", "italic", "oblique -50deg -20deg", "oblique -40deg -30deg" ] },
{ value: "oblique -10deg", testDescriptors: ["oblique -10deg", "oblique -5deg", "oblique -1deg 0deg", "oblique -20deg -15deg", "oblique -60deg -30deg", "oblique -50deg -40deg", "italic", "oblique 0deg 10deg", "oblique 40deg 50deg" ] },
{ value: "oblique -20deg", testDescriptors: ["oblique -20deg", "oblique -60deg -40deg", "oblique -10deg", "italic", "oblique 0deg", "oblique 30deg 60deg", "oblique 40deg 50deg"] },
{ value: "oblique -21deg", testDescriptors: ["oblique -21deg", "oblique -60deg -40deg", "oblique -10deg", "italic", "oblique 0deg", "oblique 30deg 60deg", "oblique 40deg 50deg"] },