
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Testing the inheritance of the font-variation-settings property</title>
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    <div id="inheritanceTestParent" style="font-variation-settings: 'xxxx' 1, 'xxxx' 2;">
        <span id="inheritanceTestChildInherited">Abc</span>
        <span id="inheritanceTestChildOverride" style="font-variation-settings: 'cccc' 1, 'bbbb' 2, 'aaaa' 3, 'aaaa' calc(2 + 2);">Abc</span>

        // Verify computed inheritance of nested elements.
        var elementParent = document.getElementById("inheritanceTestParent");
        var elementChildInherited = document.getElementById("inheritanceTestChildInherited");
        var elementChildOverride = document.getElementById("inheritanceTestChildOverride");

        var parentValue = "'yyyy' 1, 'yyyy' 2"; = parentValue;

        test(() => {
            var actualValue = window.getComputedStyle(elementParent).fontVariationSettings;
            // The following strict test is subject to debate; softening for now:
            // assert_equals(actualValue, "\"yyyy\" 2", "Duplicate axis tags should be removed, favoring the latter axis tag's value.");
            assert_equals((/.*(?:"|')yyyy(?:"|') (\d)/.exec(actualValue)||[])[1], '2', "Child should override parent value.");
        }, "Test font-variation-settings for duplicates using " + parentValue);

        test(() => {
            var actualValue = window.getComputedStyle(elementChildInherited).fontVariationSettings;
            // The following strict test is subject to debate; softening for now:
            // assert_equals(actualValue, "\"yyyy\" 2", "Child should inherit the parent value directly.");
            assert_equals((/.*(?:"|')yyyy(?:"|') (\d)/.exec(actualValue)||[])[1], '2', "Child should override parent value.");
        }, "Test font-variation-settings for child inheritance");

        test(() => {
            var actualValue = window.getComputedStyle(elementChildOverride).fontVariationSettings;
            // The following strict test is subject to debate; softening for now:
            // assert_equals(actualValue, "\"aaaa\" 4, \"bbbb\" 2, \"cccc\" 1", "Child should override parent value.");
            assert_equals((/.*(?:"|')aaaa(?:"|') (\d)/.exec(actualValue)||[])[1], '4', "Child should override parent value.");
            assert_equals((/.*(?:"|')yyyy(?:"|') (\d)/.exec(actualValue)||[])[1], undefined, "Child should override parent value.");
        }, "Test font-variation-settings for child override");
