
 * Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#include "src/trace_processor/importers/proto/heap_graph_tracker.h"

#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <cinttypes>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <deque>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include "perfetto/base/logging.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/base/string_view.h"
#include "protos/perfetto/trace/profiling/heap_graph.pbzero.h"
#include "src/trace_processor/storage/stats.h"
#include "src/trace_processor/storage/trace_storage.h"
#include "src/trace_processor/tables/profiler_tables_py.h"
#include "src/trace_processor/util/profiler_util.h"

namespace perfetto::trace_processor {

namespace {


// Iterates all the references owned by the object `id`.
// Calls bool(*fn)(ObjectTable::RowReference) with the each row
// from the `storage.heap_graph_reference()` table associated to the |object|.
// When `fn` returns false (or when there are no more rows owned by |object|),
// stops the iteration.
template <typename F>
void ForReferenceSet(TraceStorage* storage,
                     ObjectTable::ConstRowReference object,
                     F fn) {}

struct ClassDescriptor {};

ClassDescriptor GetClassDescriptor(const TraceStorage& storage,
                                   ObjectTable::Id obj_id) {}

std::optional<ObjectTable::Id> GetReferredObj(const TraceStorage& storage,
                                              uint32_t ref_set_id,
                                              const std::string& field_name) {}

// Maps from normalized class name and location, to superclass.
std::map<ClassDescriptor, ClassDescriptor>
BuildSuperclassMap(UniquePid upid, int64_t ts, TraceStorage* storage) {}

// Extract the size from `nar_size`, which is the value of a
// libcore.util.NativeAllocationRegistry.size field: it encodes the size, but
// uses the least significant bit to represent the source of the allocation.
int64_t GetSizeFromNativeAllocationRegistry(int64_t nar_size) {}

// A given object can be a heap root in different ways. Ensure analysis is
// consistent.
constexpr std::array<protos::pbzero::HeapGraphRoot::Type, 3>
    kRootTypePrecedence =;
}  // namespace

std::optional<base::StringView> GetStaticClassTypeName(base::StringView type) {}

size_t NumberOfArrays(base::StringView type) {}

NormalizedType GetNormalizedType(base::StringView type) {}

base::StringView NormalizeTypeName(base::StringView type) {}

std::string DenormalizeTypeName(NormalizedType normalized,
                                base::StringView deobfuscated_type_name) {}

HeapGraphTracker::HeapGraphTracker(TraceStorage* storage)

HeapGraphTracker::SequenceState& HeapGraphTracker::GetOrCreateSequence(
    uint32_t seq_id) {}

bool HeapGraphTracker::SetPidAndTimestamp(SequenceState* sequence_state,
                                          UniquePid upid,
                                          int64_t ts) {}

ObjectTable::RowReference HeapGraphTracker::GetOrInsertObject(
    SequenceState* sequence_state,
    uint64_t object_id) {}

ClassTable::RowReference HeapGraphTracker::GetOrInsertType(
    SequenceState* sequence_state,
    uint64_t type_id) {}

void HeapGraphTracker::AddObject(uint32_t seq_id,
                                 UniquePid upid,
                                 int64_t ts,
                                 SourceObject obj) {}

void HeapGraphTracker::AddRoot(uint32_t seq_id,
                               UniquePid upid,
                               int64_t ts,
                               SourceRoot root) {}

void HeapGraphTracker::AddInternedLocationName(uint32_t seq_id,
                                               uint64_t intern_id,
                                               StringId strid) {}

void HeapGraphTracker::AddInternedType(
    uint32_t seq_id,
    uint64_t intern_id,
    StringId strid,
    std::optional<uint64_t> location_id,
    uint64_t object_size,
    std::vector<uint64_t> field_name_ids,
    uint64_t superclass_id,
    uint64_t classloader_id,
    bool no_fields,
    protos::pbzero::HeapGraphType::Kind kind) {}

void HeapGraphTracker::AddInternedFieldName(uint32_t seq_id,
                                            uint64_t intern_id,
                                            base::StringView str) {}

void HeapGraphTracker::SetPacketIndex(uint32_t seq_id, uint64_t index) {}

// This only works on Android S+ traces. We need to have ingested the whole
// profile before calling this function (e.g. in FinalizeProfile).
HeapGraphTracker::InternedType* HeapGraphTracker::GetSuperClass(
    SequenceState* sequence_state,
    const InternedType* current_type) {}

void HeapGraphTracker::FinalizeProfile(uint32_t seq_id) {}

std::optional<ObjectTable::Id> HeapGraphTracker::GetReferenceByFieldName(
    ObjectTable::Id obj,
    StringId field) {}

void HeapGraphTracker::PopulateNativeSize(const SequenceState& seq) {}

// TODO(fmayer): For Android S+ traces, use the superclass_id from the trace.
void HeapGraphTracker::PopulateSuperClasses(const SequenceState& seq) {}

void HeapGraphTracker::GetChildren(ObjectTable::RowReference object,
                                   std::vector<ObjectTable::Id>& children) {}

size_t HeapGraphTracker::RankRoot(StringId type) {}

void HeapGraphTracker::MarkRoot(ObjectTable::RowReference row_ref,
                                StringId type) {}

void HeapGraphTracker::UpdateShortestPaths(ObjectTable::RowReference row_ref) {}

void HeapGraphTracker::FindPathFromRoot(ObjectTable::RowReference row_ref,
                                        PathFromRoot* path) {}

HeapGraphTracker::BuildFlamegraph(const int64_t current_ts,
                                  const UniquePid current_upid) {}

void HeapGraphTracker::FinalizeAllProfiles() {}

bool HeapGraphTracker::IsTruncated(UniquePid upid, int64_t ts) {}

StringId HeapGraphTracker::InternRootTypeString(
    protos::pbzero::HeapGraphRoot::Type root_type) {}

StringId HeapGraphTracker::InternTypeKindString(
    protos::pbzero::HeapGraphType::Kind kind) {}

HeapGraphTracker::~HeapGraphTracker() = default;

}  // namespace perfetto::trace_processor