
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>CSS Highlight API Test: Painting</title>
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<meta name="assert" value="Highlighted elements must be correctly painted and there should be no caching that doesn't take highlight names into account">
  #affected::highlight(foo) {
    background-color: yellow;
    color: blue;
<body><span></span><span id="affected">One </span><span id="affected">two </span><span>three…</span>
  // The first <span> style resolution shouldn't cause caching an empty set of matched properties that could be used with the spans that should be highlighted later.
  const node = document.body;
  let r = new Range();
  r.setStart(node, 1);
  r.setEnd(node, 3);
  CSS.highlights.set("foo", new Highlight(r));