<!DOCTYPE html>
<html class="reftest-wait">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>CSS Images: image-orientation, CORS detection for SVG content</title>
<link rel="author" title="Stephen Chenney" href="mailto:[email protected]">
<link rel="help" href="https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/5165">
<link rel="match" href="reference/image-orientation-none-cross-origin-svg-ref.html">
<script src="/common/get-host-info.sub.js"></script>
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.image {
width: 40px;
height: 20px;
position: fixed;
function toCors(src) {
return src.replace(new URL(src).origin, get_host_info().HTTP_REMOTE_ORIGIN)
window.onload = () => {
const images = [
id_image: "cors_from_image",
id_foreign: "cors_from_foreign",
cors: true,
orientation: 'from-image',
shouldBeRotated: true,
left: '10px'
id_image: "cors_none_image",
id_foreign: "cors_none_foreign",
cors: true,
orientation: 'none',
shouldBeRotated: true,
left: '60px'
id_image: "same_from_image",
id_foreign: "same_from_foreign",
cors: false,
orientation: 'from-image',
shouldBeRotated: true,
left: '110px'
id_image: "same_none_image",
id_foreign: "same_none_foreign",
cors: false,
orientation: 'none',
shouldBeRotated: false,
left: '160px'
images.forEach(data => {
if (data.cors) {
image_src = document.getElementById("cors_img");
image = document.getElementById(data.id_image);
image.setAttribute("href", image_src.src);
foreign = document.getElementById(data.id_foreign);
foreign.src = image_src.src;
} else {
image_src = document.getElementById("same_img");
image = document.getElementById(data.id_image);
image.setAttribute("href", image_src.src);
foreign = document.getElementById(data.id_foreign);
foreign.src = image_src.src;
const canvas_svg_image = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas_svg_image.className = "image";
canvas_svg_image.width = canvas_svg_image.height = 1;
canvas_svg_image.style.left = data.left;
canvas_svg_image.style.top = "140px";
// The source of image-orientation preference for canvas drawImage
// is currently not standardized.
// See https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/4666
canvas_svg_image.style.imageOrientation = data.orientation;
ctx = canvas_svg_image.getContext('2d');
sx = data.shouldBeRotated ? 80 : 0;
sy = data.shouldBeRotated ? 40 : 0;
ctx.drawImage(image, sx, sy, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1);
const canvas_svg_foreign = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas_svg_foreign.className = "image";
canvas_svg_foreign.width = canvas_svg_foreign.height = 1;
canvas_svg_foreign.style.left = data.left;
canvas_svg_foreign.style.top = "170px";
canvas_svg_foreign.style.imageOrientation = data.orientation;
ctx = canvas_svg_foreign.getContext('2d');
sx = data.shouldBeRotated ? 80 : 0;
sy = data.shouldBeRotated ? 40 : 0;
ctx.drawImage(foreign, sx, sy, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1);
waitForAtLeastOneFrame().then(() => { takeScreenshot() });
<svg class="image" id="svg_cors_from" style="left: 10px; top: 50px; image-orientation: from-image;">
<image id="cors_from_image" href="support/exif-orientation-3-lr.jpg" X="-57" Y="-27"></image>
<!-- This should be functionally identical to a plain <img> element. We test it here to verify
that SVG foreign object correctly tracks the security origin for the image. -->
<svg class="image" style="left: 10px; top: 80px; image-orientation: from-image;">
<foreignObject x="-57" y="-27" width="100" height="50">
<img id="cors_from_foreign" src="support/exif-orientation-3-lr.jpg"></img>
<!-- Note SVG-as-image requires any <image> elements to use (base64 encoded) data: URLs, that can
never be cross origin. This just tests that we don't crash or do other strange things. -->
<img class="image" id="img_cors_from" src="support/svg-with-image-rotated.svg" style="left: 10px; top: 110px; image-orientation: from-image;"/>
<svg class="image" style="left: 60px; top: 50px; image-orientation: none;">
<image id="cors_none_image" href="support/exif-orientation-3-lr.jpg" X="-57" Y="-27"></image>
<!-- This should be functionally identical to a plain <img> element. We test it here to verify
that SVG foreign object correctly tracks the security origin for the image. -->
<svg class="image" style="left: 60px; top: 80px; image-orientation: none;">
<foreignObject x="-57" y="-27" width="100" height="50">
<img id="cors_none_foreign" src="support/exif-orientation-3-lr.jpg"></img>
<!-- Note SVG-as-image requires any <image> elements to use (base64 encoded) data: URLs, that can
never be cross origin. This just tests that we don't crash or do other strange things. -->
<img class="image" id="img_cors_none" src="support/svg-with-image-rotated.svg" style="left: 60px; top: 110px; image-orientation: none;"/>
<svg class="image" style="left: 110px; top: 50px; image-orientation: from-image;">
<image id="same_from_image" href="support/exif-orientation-3-lr.jpg" X="-57" Y="-27"></image>
<!-- This should be functionally identical to a plain <img> element. We test it here to verify
that SVG foreign object correctly tracks the security origin for the image. -->
<svg class="image" style="left: 110px; top: 80px; image-orientation: from-image;">
<foreignObject x="-57" y="-27" width="100" height="50">
<img id="same_from_foreign" src="support/exif-orientation-3-lr.jpg"></img>
<!-- Note SVG-as-image requires any <image> elements to use (base64 encoded) data: URLs, that can
never be cross origin. This just tests that we don't crash or do other strange things. -->
<img class="image" id="img_same_from" src="support/svg-with-image-rotated.svg" style="left: 110px; top: 110px; image-orientation: from-image;"/>
<svg class="image" style="left: 160px; top: 50px; image-orientation: none;">
<image id="same_none_image" href="support/exif-orientation-3-lr.jpg" X="0" Y="0"></image>
<!-- This should be functionally identical to a plain <img> element. We test it here to verify
that SVG foreign object correctly tracks the security origin for the image. -->
<svg class="image" style="left: 160px; top: 80px; image-orientation: none;">
<foreignObject x="0" y="0" width="100" height="50">
<img id="same_none_foreign" src="support/exif-orientation-3-lr.jpg"></img>
<!-- Note SVG-as-image requires any <image> elements to use (base64 encoded) data: URLs, that can
never be cross origin. This just tests that we don't crash or do other strange things. -->
<img class="image" id="img_same_none" src="support/svg-with-image-rotated.svg" style="left: 160px; top: 110px; image-orientation: none;"/>
<!-- This is the easiest way to get a cross origin url for SVG <image> -->
const img = document.createElement('img')
img.src = "support/exif-orientation-3-lr.jpg"
img.id = "same_img";
img.style.display = "none";
const imgCors = document.createElement('img')
imgCors.src = img.src
imgCors.src = toCors(imgCors.src)
imgCors.id = "cors_img";
imgCors.style.display = "none";