
<!DOCTYPE html>
     Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>CSS Reftest Reference</title>
    <link rel="author" title="Daniel Holbert" href="mailto:[email protected]">
    <style type="text/css">
      div {
        background: lightgray;
        margin-right: 2px;
        background-image: url("support/colors-16x8.png");
        background-size: contain;
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        float: left;
        width: 20px;
        height: 20px;

      .op_y-7  { background-position: 50%  -7% }
      .op_y13  { background-position: 50%  13% }
      .op_y23  { background-position: 50%  23% }
      .op_y50  { background-position: 50%  50% }
      .op_y75  { background-position: 50%  75% }
      .op_y88  { background-position: 50%  88% }
      .op_y111 { background-position: 50% 111% }

    <div class="op_y-7"></div>
    <div class="op_y13"></div>
    <div class="op_y23"></div>
    <div class="op_y50"></div>
    <div class="op_y75"></div>
    <div class="op_y88"></div>
    <div class="op_y111"></div>