
// Copyright 2006 The RE2 Authors.  All Rights Reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

#ifndef RE2_WALKER_INL_H_
#define RE2_WALKER_INL_H_

// Helper class for traversing Regexps without recursion.
// Clients should declare their own subclasses that override
// the PreVisit and PostVisit methods, which are called before
// and after visiting the subexpressions.

// Not quite the Visitor pattern, because (among other things)
// the Visitor pattern is recursive.

#include <stack>

#include "absl/base/macros.h"
#include "absl/log/absl_check.h"
#include "absl/log/absl_log.h"
#include "re2/regexp.h"

namespace re2 {

template<typename T> struct WalkState;

template<typename T> class Regexp::Walker {};

template<typename T> T Regexp::Walker<T>::PreVisit(Regexp* re,
                                                   T parent_arg,
                                                   bool* stop) {}

template<typename T> T Regexp::Walker<T>::PostVisit(Regexp* re,
                                                    T parent_arg,
                                                    T pre_arg,
                                                    T* child_args,
                                                    int nchild_args) {}

template<typename T> T Regexp::Walker<T>::Copy(T arg) {}

// State about a single level in the traversal.
template<typename T> struct WalkState {};

template<typename T> Regexp::Walker<T>::Walker() {}

template<typename T> Regexp::Walker<T>::~Walker() {}

// Clears the stack.  Should never be necessary, since
// Walk always enters and exits with an empty stack.
// Logs DFATAL if stack is not already clear.
template<typename T> void Regexp::Walker<T>::Reset() {}

template<typename T> T Regexp::Walker<T>::WalkInternal(Regexp* re, T top_arg,
                                                       bool use_copy) {}

template<typename T> T Regexp::Walker<T>::Walk(Regexp* re, T top_arg) {}

template<typename T> T Regexp::Walker<T>::WalkExponential(Regexp* re, T top_arg,
                                                          int max_visits) {}

}  // namespace re2

#endif  // RE2_WALKER_INL_H_