
/* Copyright 2019 Google LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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// Implementation of MulFrontEnd, the front-end part of ruy.
// This is what the ruy::Mul entry point calls, and this ends in a call to
// TrMul, at which point we enter the middle-end.
// The front-end work includes parameter validation (Validate), detemplatization
// and resolution of the specific code path to take (CreateTrMulParams), and
// any additional logic best done upfront before entering the middle-end
// (e.g. HandlePrepackedCaching).
// The call to CreateTrMulParams is an important watershed in this code's
// structure: code before it needs to be templatized like the ruy::Mul entry
// point, code after it is un-templatized.


#include "ruy/create_trmul_params.h"
#include "ruy/ctx.h"
#include "ruy/profiler/instrumentation.h"
#include "ruy/trace.h"
#include "ruy/trmul_params.h"
#include "ruy/validate.h"

namespace ruy {

// The first half of front-end work, up to the point where we have TrMulParams.
// In other words, this is the part of the front-end work that needs to be
// templatized like the entry point, and that performs the initial work that
// requires this templatization, and the de-templatization. The output of this
// function is the TrMulParams, which contain enough information to allow the
// un-templatized code to take over from there.
template <Path CompiledPaths, typename LhsScalar, typename RhsScalar,
          typename AccumScalar, typename DstScalar>
void MulFrontEndUpToCreateTrMulParams(
    const Mat<LhsScalar>& lhs, const Mat<RhsScalar>& rhs,
    const Mat<DstScalar>& dst,
    const MulParams<AccumScalar, DstScalar>& mul_params, Ctx* ctx,
    TrMulParams* params) {}

// The second part of the front-end work, starting from where we have freshly
// created TrMulParams, performing any remaining front-end work and entering the
// middle-end.
void MulFrontEndFromTrMulParams(Ctx* ctx, TrMulParams* params);

// Top-level function orchestrating the two halves of front-end work:
// before and after we have detemplatized the call by creating TrMulParams.
template <Path CompiledPaths, typename LhsScalar, typename RhsScalar,
          typename AccumScalar, typename DstScalar>
void MulFrontEnd(const Mat<LhsScalar>& lhs, const Mat<RhsScalar>& rhs,
                 const MulParams<AccumScalar, DstScalar>& mul_params, Ctx* ctx,
                 Mat<DstScalar>* dst) {}

}  // namespace ruy

#endif  // RUY_RUY_FRONTEND_H_