
// Copyright (c) 2016 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.


#include <cstddef>  // for ptrdiff_t
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

namespace spvtools {
namespace opt {

// An ad hoc iterator class for std::vector<std::unique_ptr<|ValueType|>>. The
// purpose of this iterator class is to provide transparent access to those
// std::unique_ptr managed elements in the vector, behaving like we are using
// std::vector<|ValueType|>.
template <typename ValueType, bool IsConst = false>
class UptrVectorIterator {};

// Handy class for a (begin, end) iterator pair.
template <typename IteratorType>
class IteratorRange {};

// Returns a (begin, end) iterator pair for the given iterators.
// The iterators must belong to the same container.
template <typename IteratorType>
inline IteratorRange<IteratorType> make_range(const IteratorType& begin,
                                              const IteratorType& end) {}

// Returns a (begin, end) iterator pair for the given iterators.
// The iterators must belong to the same container.
template <typename IteratorType>
inline IteratorRange<IteratorType> make_range(IteratorType&& begin,
                                              IteratorType&& end) {}

// Returns a (begin, end) iterator pair for the given container.
template <typename ValueType,
          class IteratorType = UptrVectorIterator<ValueType>>
inline IteratorRange<IteratorType> make_range(
    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ValueType>>& container) {}

// Returns a const (begin, end) iterator pair for the given container.
template <typename ValueType,
          class IteratorType = UptrVectorIterator<ValueType, true>>
inline IteratorRange<IteratorType> make_const_range(
    const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ValueType>>& container) {}

// Wrapping iterator class that only consider elements that satisfy the given
// predicate |Predicate|. When moving to the next element of the iterator, the
// FilterIterator will iterate over the range until it finds an element that
// satisfies |Predicate| or reaches the end of the iterator.
// Currently this iterator is always an input iterator.
template <typename SubIterator, typename Predicate>
class FilterIterator {};

template <typename SubIterator, typename Predicate>
FilterIterator<SubIterator, Predicate> MakeFilterIterator(
    const IteratorRange<SubIterator>& sub_iterator_range, Predicate predicate) {}

template <typename SubIterator, typename Predicate>
FilterIterator<SubIterator, Predicate> MakeFilterIterator(
    const SubIterator& begin, const SubIterator& end, Predicate predicate) {}

template <typename SubIterator, typename Predicate>
typename FilterIterator<SubIterator, Predicate>::Range MakeFilterIteratorRange(
    const SubIterator& begin, const SubIterator& end, Predicate predicate) {}

template <typename VT, bool IC>
inline UptrVectorIterator<VT, IC>& UptrVectorIterator<VT, IC>::operator++() {}

template <typename VT, bool IC>
inline UptrVectorIterator<VT, IC> UptrVectorIterator<VT, IC>::operator++(int) {}

template <typename VT, bool IC>
inline UptrVectorIterator<VT, IC>& UptrVectorIterator<VT, IC>::operator--() {}

template <typename VT, bool IC>
inline UptrVectorIterator<VT, IC> UptrVectorIterator<VT, IC>::operator--(int) {}

template <typename VT, bool IC>
inline bool UptrVectorIterator<VT, IC>::operator==(
    const UptrVectorIterator& that) const {}

template <typename VT, bool IC>
inline bool UptrVectorIterator<VT, IC>::operator!=(
    const UptrVectorIterator& that) const {}

template <typename VT, bool IC>
inline ptrdiff_t UptrVectorIterator<VT, IC>::operator-(
    const UptrVectorIterator& that) const {}

template <typename VT, bool IC>
inline bool UptrVectorIterator<VT, IC>::operator<(
    const UptrVectorIterator& that) const {}

template <typename VT, bool IC>
template <bool IsConstForMethod>
    typename std::enable_if<!IsConstForMethod, UptrVectorIterator<VT, IC>>::type
    UptrVectorIterator<VT, IC>::InsertBefore(Uptr value) {}

template <typename VT, bool IC>
template <bool IsConstForMethod>
    typename std::enable_if<!IsConstForMethod, UptrVectorIterator<VT, IC>>::type
    UptrVectorIterator<VT, IC>::InsertBefore(UptrVector* values) {}

template <typename VT, bool IC>
template <bool IsConstForMethod>
    typename std::enable_if<!IsConstForMethod, UptrVectorIterator<VT, IC>>::type
    UptrVectorIterator<VT, IC>::Erase() {}

}  // namespace opt
}  // namespace spvtools