
// Copyright (c) 2019 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

// This pass injects code in a graphics shader to implement guarantees
// satisfying Vulkan's robustBufferAccess rules.  Robust access rules permit
// an out-of-bounds access to be redirected to an access of the same type
// (load, store, etc.) but within the same root object.
// We assume baseline functionality in Vulkan, i.e. the module uses
// logical addressing mode, without VK_KHR_variable_pointers.
//    - Logical addressing mode implies:
//      - Each root pointer (a pointer that exists other than by the
//        execution of a shader instruction) is the result of an OpVariable.
//      - Instructions that result in pointers are:
//          OpVariable
//          OpAccessChain
//          OpInBoundsAccessChain
//          OpFunctionParameter
//          OpImageTexelPointer
//          OpCopyObject
//      - Instructions that use a pointer are:
//          OpLoad
//          OpStore
//          OpAccessChain
//          OpInBoundsAccessChain
//          OpFunctionCall
//          OpImageTexelPointer
//          OpCopyMemory
//          OpCopyObject
//          all OpAtomic* instructions
// We classify pointer-users into:
//  - Accesses:
//    - OpLoad
//    - OpStore
//    - OpAtomic*
//    - OpCopyMemory
//  - Address calculations:
//    - OpAccessChain
//    - OpInBoundsAccessChain
//  - Pass-through:
//    - OpFunctionCall
//    - OpFunctionParameter
//    - OpCopyObject
// The strategy is:
//  - Handle only logical addressing mode. In particular, don't handle a module
//    if it uses one of the variable-pointers capabilities.
//  - Don't handle modules using capability RuntimeDescriptorArrayEXT.  So the
//    only runtime arrays are those that are the last member in a
//    Block-decorated struct.  This allows us to feasibly/easily compute the
//    length of the runtime array. See below.
//  - The memory locations accessed by OpLoad, OpStore, OpCopyMemory, and
//    OpAtomic* are determined by their pointer parameter or parameters.
//    Pointers are always (correctly) typed and so the address and number of
//    consecutive locations are fully determined by the pointer.
//  - A pointer value originates as one of few cases:
//    - OpVariable for an interface object or an array of them: image,
//      buffer (UBO or SSBO), sampler, sampled-image, push-constant, input
//      variable, output variable. The execution environment is responsible for
//      allocating the correct amount of storage for these, and for ensuring
//      each resource bound to such a variable is big enough to contain the
//      SPIR-V pointee type of the variable.
//    - OpVariable for a non-interface object.  These are variables in
//      Workgroup, Private, and Function storage classes.  The compiler ensures
//      the underlying allocation is big enough to store the entire SPIR-V
//      pointee type of the variable.
//    - An OpFunctionParameter. This always maps to a pointer parameter to an
//      OpFunctionCall.
//      - In logical addressing mode, these are severely limited:
//        "Any pointer operand to an OpFunctionCall must be:
//          - a memory object declaration, or
//          - a pointer to an element in an array that is a memory object
//          declaration, where the element type is OpTypeSampler or OpTypeImage"
//      - This has an important simplifying consequence:
//        - When looking for a pointer to the structure containing a runtime
//          array, you begin with a pointer to the runtime array and trace
//          backward in the function.  You never have to trace back beyond
//          your function call boundary.  So you can't take a partial access
//          chain into an SSBO, then pass that pointer into a function.  So
//          we don't resort to using fat pointers to compute array length.
//          We can trace back to a pointer to the containing structure,
//          and use that in an OpArrayLength instruction. (The structure type
//          gives us the member index of the runtime array.)
//        - Otherwise, the pointer type fully encodes the range of valid
//          addresses. In particular, the type of a pointer to an aggregate
//          value fully encodes the range of indices when indexing into
//          that aggregate.
//    - The pointer is the result of an access chain instruction.  We clamp
//      indices contributing to address calculations.  As noted above, the
//      valid ranges are either bound by the length of a runtime array, or
//      by the type of the base pointer.  The length of a runtime array is
//      the result of an OpArrayLength instruction acting on the pointer of
//      the containing structure as noted above.
//      - Access chain indices are always treated as signed, so:
//        - Clamp the upper bound at the signed integer maximum.
//        - Use SClamp for all clamping.
//    - TODO(dneto): OpImageTexelPointer:
//      - Clamp coordinate to the image size returned by OpImageQuerySize
//      - If multi-sampled, clamp the sample index to the count returned by
//        OpImageQuerySamples.
//      - If not multi-sampled, set the sample index to 0.
//  - Rely on the external validator to check that pointers are only
//    used by the instructions as above.
//  - Handles OpTypeRuntimeArray
//    Track pointer back to original resource (pointer to struct), so we can
//    query the runtime array size.

#include "graphics_robust_access_pass.h"

#include <functional>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <utility>

#include "function.h"
#include "ir_context.h"
#include "pass.h"
#include "source/diagnostic.h"
#include "source/util/make_unique.h"
#include "spirv-tools/libspirv.h"
#include "spirv/unified1/GLSL.std.450.h"
#include "type_manager.h"
#include "types.h"

namespace spvtools {
namespace opt {


GraphicsRobustAccessPass::GraphicsRobustAccessPass() :{}

Pass::Status GraphicsRobustAccessPass::Process() {}

spvtools::DiagnosticStream GraphicsRobustAccessPass::Fail() {}

spv_result_t GraphicsRobustAccessPass::IsCompatibleModule() {}

spv_result_t GraphicsRobustAccessPass::ProcessCurrentModule() {}

bool GraphicsRobustAccessPass::ProcessAFunction(opt::Function* function) {}

void GraphicsRobustAccessPass::ClampIndicesForAccessChain(
    Instruction* access_chain) {}

uint32_t GraphicsRobustAccessPass::GetGlslInsts() {}

opt::Instruction* opt::GraphicsRobustAccessPass::GetValueForType(
    uint64_t value, const analysis::Integer* type) {}

opt::Instruction* opt::GraphicsRobustAccessPass::WidenInteger(
    bool sign_extend, uint32_t bit_width, Instruction* value,
    Instruction* before_inst) {}

Instruction* GraphicsRobustAccessPass::MakeUMinInst(
    const analysis::TypeManager& tm, Instruction* x, Instruction* y,
    Instruction* where) {}

Instruction* GraphicsRobustAccessPass::MakeSClampInst(
    const analysis::TypeManager& tm, Instruction* x, Instruction* min,
    Instruction* max, Instruction* where) {}

Instruction* GraphicsRobustAccessPass::MakeRuntimeArrayLengthInst(
    Instruction* access_chain, uint32_t operand_index) {}

spv_result_t GraphicsRobustAccessPass::ClampCoordinateForImageTexelPointer(
    opt::Instruction* image_texel_pointer) {}

opt::Instruction* GraphicsRobustAccessPass::InsertInst(
    opt::Instruction* where_inst, spv::Op opcode, uint32_t type_id,
    uint32_t result_id, const Instruction::OperandList& operands) {}

}  // namespace opt
}  // namespace spvtools