
// Copyright (c) 2017 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include "source/diagnostic.h"
#include "source/opcode.h"
#include "source/spirv_constant.h"
#include "source/spirv_target_env.h"
#include "source/spirv_validator_options.h"
#include "source/util/string_utils.h"
#include "source/val/validate_scopes.h"
#include "source/val/validation_state.h"

namespace spvtools {
namespace val {
namespace {

// Distinguish between row and column major matrix layouts.
enum MatrixLayout {};

// A functor for hashing a pair of integers.
struct PairHash {};

// Struct member layout attributes that are inherited through arrays.
struct LayoutConstraints {};

// A type for mapping (struct id, member id) to layout constraints.

// Returns the array stride of the given array type.
uint32_t GetArrayStride(uint32_t array_id, ValidationState_t& vstate) {}

// Returns true if the given structure type has a Block decoration.
bool isBlock(uint32_t struct_id, ValidationState_t& vstate) {}

// Returns true if the given ID has the Import LinkageAttributes decoration.
bool hasImportLinkageAttribute(uint32_t id, ValidationState_t& vstate) {}

// Returns a vector of all members of a structure.
std::vector<uint32_t> getStructMembers(uint32_t struct_id,
                                       ValidationState_t& vstate) {}

// Returns a vector of all members of a structure that have specific type.
std::vector<uint32_t> getStructMembers(uint32_t struct_id, spv::Op type,
                                       ValidationState_t& vstate) {}

// Returns whether the given structure is missing Offset decoration for any
// member. Handles also nested structures.
bool isMissingOffsetInStruct(uint32_t struct_id, ValidationState_t& vstate) {}

// Rounds x up to the next alignment. Assumes alignment is a power of two.
uint32_t align(uint32_t x, uint32_t alignment) {}

// Returns base alignment of struct member. If |roundUp| is true, also
// ensure that structs, arrays, and matrices are aligned at least to a
// multiple of 16 bytes.  (That is, when roundUp is true, this function
// returns the *extended* alignment as it's called by the Vulkan spec.)
uint32_t getBaseAlignment(uint32_t member_id, bool roundUp,
                          const LayoutConstraints& inherited,
                          MemberConstraints& constraints,
                          ValidationState_t& vstate) {}

// Returns scalar alignment of a type.
uint32_t getScalarAlignment(uint32_t type_id, ValidationState_t& vstate) {}

// Returns size of a struct member. Doesn't include padding at the end of struct
// or array.  Assumes that in the struct case, all members have offsets.
uint32_t getSize(uint32_t member_id, const LayoutConstraints& inherited,
                 MemberConstraints& constraints, ValidationState_t& vstate) {}

// A member is defined to improperly straddle if either of the following are
// true:
// - It is a vector with total size less than or equal to 16 bytes, and has
// Offset decorations placing its first byte at F and its last byte at L, where
// floor(F / 16) != floor(L / 16).
// - It is a vector with total size greater than 16 bytes and has its Offset
// decorations placing its first byte at a non-integer multiple of 16.
bool hasImproperStraddle(uint32_t id, uint32_t offset,
                         const LayoutConstraints& inherited,
                         MemberConstraints& constraints,
                         ValidationState_t& vstate) {}

// Returns true if |offset| satsifies an alignment to |alignment|.  In the case
// of |alignment| of zero, the |offset| must also be zero.
bool IsAlignedTo(uint32_t offset, uint32_t alignment) {}

// Returns SPV_SUCCESS if the given struct satisfies standard layout rules for
// Block or BufferBlocks in Vulkan.  Otherwise emits a diagnostic and returns
// something other than SPV_SUCCESS.  Matrices inherit the specified column
// or row major-ness.
spv_result_t checkLayout(uint32_t struct_id, const char* storage_class_str,
                         const char* decoration_str, bool blockRules,
                         bool scalar_block_layout,
                         uint32_t incoming_offset,
                         MemberConstraints& constraints,
                         ValidationState_t& vstate) {}

// Returns true if variable or structure id has given decoration. Handles also
// nested structures.
bool hasDecoration(uint32_t id, spv::Decoration decoration,
                   ValidationState_t& vstate) {}

// Returns true if all ids of given type have a specified decoration.
bool checkForRequiredDecoration(uint32_t struct_id,
                                std::function<bool(spv::Decoration)> checker,
                                spv::Op type, ValidationState_t& vstate) {}

spv_result_t CheckLinkageAttrOfFunctions(ValidationState_t& vstate) {}

// Checks whether an imported variable is initialized by this module.
spv_result_t CheckImportedVariableInitialization(ValidationState_t& vstate) {}

// Checks whether a builtin variable is valid.
spv_result_t CheckBuiltInVariable(uint32_t var_id, ValidationState_t& vstate) {}

// Checks whether proper decorations have been applied to the entry points.
spv_result_t CheckDecorationsOfEntryPoints(ValidationState_t& vstate) {}

// Load |constraints| with all the member constraints for structs contained
// within the given array type.
void ComputeMemberConstraintsForArray(MemberConstraints* constraints,
                                      uint32_t array_id,
                                      const LayoutConstraints& inherited,
                                      ValidationState_t& vstate);

// Load |constraints| with all the member constraints for the given struct,
// and all its contained structs.
void ComputeMemberConstraintsForStruct(MemberConstraints* constraints,
                                       uint32_t struct_id,
                                       const LayoutConstraints& inherited,
                                       ValidationState_t& vstate) {}

void ComputeMemberConstraintsForArray(MemberConstraints* constraints,
                                      uint32_t array_id,
                                      const LayoutConstraints& inherited,
                                      ValidationState_t& vstate) {}

spv_result_t CheckDecorationsOfBuffers(ValidationState_t& vstate) {}

// Returns true if |decoration| cannot be applied to the same id more than once.
bool AtMostOncePerId(spv::Decoration decoration) {}

// Returns true if |decoration| cannot be applied to the same member more than
// once.
bool AtMostOncePerMember(spv::Decoration decoration) {}

spv_result_t CheckDecorationsCompatibility(ValidationState_t& vstate) {}

spv_result_t CheckVulkanMemoryModelDeprecatedDecorations(
    ValidationState_t& vstate) {}

// Returns SPV_SUCCESS if validation rules are satisfied for FPRoundingMode
// decorations.  Otherwise emits a diagnostic and returns something other than
spv_result_t CheckFPRoundingModeForShaders(ValidationState_t& vstate,
                                           const Instruction& inst,
                                           const Decoration& decoration) {}

// Returns SPV_SUCCESS if validation rules are satisfied for the NonWritable
// decoration.  Otherwise emits a diagnostic and returns something other than
// SPV_SUCCESS.  The |inst| parameter is the object being decorated.  This must
// be called after TypePass and AnnotateCheckDecorationsOfBuffers are called.
spv_result_t CheckNonWritableDecoration(ValidationState_t& vstate,
                                        const Instruction& inst,
                                        const Decoration& decoration) {}

// Returns SPV_SUCCESS if validation rules are satisfied for Uniform or
// UniformId decorations. Otherwise emits a diagnostic and returns something
// other than SPV_SUCCESS. Assumes each decoration on a group has been
// propagated down to the group members.  The |inst| parameter is the object
// being decorated.
spv_result_t CheckUniformDecoration(ValidationState_t& vstate,
                                    const Instruction& inst,
                                    const Decoration& decoration) {}

// Returns SPV_SUCCESS if validation rules are satisfied for NoSignedWrap or
// NoUnsignedWrap decorations. Otherwise emits a diagnostic and returns
// something other than SPV_SUCCESS. Assumes each decoration on a group has been
// propagated down to the group members.
spv_result_t CheckIntegerWrapDecoration(ValidationState_t& vstate,
                                        const Instruction& inst,
                                        const Decoration& decoration) {}

// Returns SPV_SUCCESS if validation rules are satisfied for the Component
// decoration.  Otherwise emits a diagnostic and returns something other than
spv_result_t CheckComponentDecoration(ValidationState_t& vstate,
                                      const Instruction& inst,
                                      const Decoration& decoration) {}

// Returns SPV_SUCCESS if validation rules are satisfied for the Block
// decoration.  Otherwise emits a diagnostic and returns something other than
spv_result_t CheckBlockDecoration(ValidationState_t& vstate,
                                  const Instruction& inst,
                                  const Decoration& decoration) {}

spv_result_t CheckLocationDecoration(ValidationState_t& vstate,
                                     const Instruction& inst,
                                     const Decoration& decoration) {}

spv_result_t CheckRelaxPrecisionDecoration(ValidationState_t& vstate,
                                           const Instruction& inst,
                                           const Decoration& decoration) {}

#define PASS_OR_BAIL(X)

// Check rules for decorations where we start from the decoration rather
// than the decorated object.  Assumes each decoration on a group have been
// propagated down to the group members.
spv_result_t CheckDecorationsFromDecoration(ValidationState_t& vstate) {}

}  // namespace

spv_result_t ValidateDecorations(ValidationState_t& vstate) {}

}  // namespace val
}  // namespace spvtools