
// Copyright (c) 2018 Google LLC.
// Modifications Copyright (C) 2020 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights
// reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include "source/opcode.h"
#include "source/spirv_target_env.h"
#include "source/val/instruction.h"
#include "source/val/validate.h"
#include "source/val/validate_scopes.h"
#include "source/val/validation_state.h"

namespace spvtools {
namespace val {
namespace {

bool AreLayoutCompatibleStructs(ValidationState_t&, const Instruction*,
                                const Instruction*);
bool HaveLayoutCompatibleMembers(ValidationState_t&, const Instruction*,
                                 const Instruction*);
bool HaveSameLayoutDecorations(ValidationState_t&, const Instruction*,
                               const Instruction*);
bool HasConflictingMemberOffsets(const std::set<Decoration>&,
                                 const std::set<Decoration>&);

bool IsAllowedTypeOrArrayOfSame(ValidationState_t& _, const Instruction* type,
                                std::initializer_list<spv::Op> allowed) {}

// Returns true if the two instructions represent structs that, as far as the
// validator can tell, have the exact same data layout.
bool AreLayoutCompatibleStructs(ValidationState_t& _, const Instruction* type1,
                                const Instruction* type2) {}

// Returns true if the operands to the OpTypeStruct instruction defining the
// types are the same or are layout compatible types. |type1| and |type2| must
// be OpTypeStruct instructions.
bool HaveLayoutCompatibleMembers(ValidationState_t& _, const Instruction* type1,
                                 const Instruction* type2) {}

// Returns true if all decorations that affect the data layout of the struct
// (like Offset), are the same for the two types. |type1| and |type2| must be
// OpTypeStruct instructions.
bool HaveSameLayoutDecorations(ValidationState_t& _, const Instruction* type1,
                               const Instruction* type2) {}

bool HasConflictingMemberOffsets(
    const std::set<Decoration>& type1_decorations,
    const std::set<Decoration>& type2_decorations) {}

// If |skip_builtin| is true, returns true if |storage| contains bool within
// it and no storage that contains the bool is builtin.
// If |skip_builtin| is false, returns true if |storage| contains bool within
// it.
bool ContainsInvalidBool(ValidationState_t& _, const Instruction* storage,
                         bool skip_builtin) {}

bool ContainsCooperativeMatrix(ValidationState_t& _,
                               const Instruction* storage) {}

std::pair<spv::StorageClass, spv::StorageClass> GetStorageClass(
    ValidationState_t& _, const Instruction* inst) {}

// Returns the number of instruction words taken up by a memory access
// argument and its implied operands.
int MemoryAccessNumWords(uint32_t mask) {}

// Returns the scope ID operand for MakeAvailable memory access with mask
// at the given operand index.
// This function is only called for OpLoad, OpStore, OpCopyMemory and
// OpCopyMemorySized, OpCooperativeMatrixLoadNV, and
// OpCooperativeMatrixStoreNV.
uint32_t GetMakeAvailableScope(const Instruction* inst, uint32_t mask,
                               uint32_t mask_index) {}

// This function is only called for OpLoad, OpStore, OpCopyMemory,
// OpCopyMemorySized, OpCooperativeMatrixLoadNV, and
// OpCooperativeMatrixStoreNV.
uint32_t GetMakeVisibleScope(const Instruction* inst, uint32_t mask,
                             uint32_t mask_index) {}

bool DoesStructContainRTA(const ValidationState_t& _, const Instruction* inst) {}

spv_result_t CheckMemoryAccess(ValidationState_t& _, const Instruction* inst,
                               uint32_t index) {}

spv_result_t ValidateVariable(ValidationState_t& _, const Instruction* inst) {}

spv_result_t ValidateLoad(ValidationState_t& _, const Instruction* inst) {}

spv_result_t ValidateStore(ValidationState_t& _, const Instruction* inst) {}

spv_result_t ValidateCopyMemoryMemoryAccess(ValidationState_t& _,
                                            const Instruction* inst) {}

spv_result_t ValidateCopyMemory(ValidationState_t& _, const Instruction* inst) {}

spv_result_t ValidateAccessChain(ValidationState_t& _,
                                 const Instruction* inst) {}

spv_result_t ValidateRawAccessChain(ValidationState_t& _,
                                    const Instruction* inst) {}

spv_result_t ValidatePtrAccessChain(ValidationState_t& _,
                                    const Instruction* inst) {}

spv_result_t ValidateArrayLength(ValidationState_t& state,
                                 const Instruction* inst) {}

spv_result_t ValidateCooperativeMatrixLengthNV(ValidationState_t& state,
                                               const Instruction* inst) {}

spv_result_t ValidateCooperativeMatrixLoadStoreNV(ValidationState_t& _,
                                                  const Instruction* inst) {}

spv_result_t ValidateCooperativeMatrixLoadStoreKHR(ValidationState_t& _,
                                                   const Instruction* inst) {}

spv_result_t ValidatePtrComparison(ValidationState_t& _,
                                   const Instruction* inst) {}

}  // namespace

spv_result_t MemoryPass(ValidationState_t& _, const Instruction* inst) {}
}  // namespace val
}  // namespace spvtools