
<html xmlns="">
  <link rel="author" title="Anne van Kesteren" href=""/>
  <link rel="author" title="Opera Software ASA" href=""/>
  <link rel="help" href=""/>
  <link rel="match" href="reference/ref-lime-5.xml"/>
  <title>CSS Namespaces Test Suite: @namespace string and url() syntax</title>
   test { background:red }
   @namespace a url(test-a);
   @namespace b url('test-b');
   @namespace c url("test-c");
   @namespace d 'test-d';
   @namespace e "test-e";
   a|test, b|test, c|test, d|test, e|test { background:lime }
  <p><test xmlns="test-a">This sentence should have a green background.</test></p>
  <p><test xmlns="test-b">This sentence should have a green background.</test></p>
  <p><test xmlns="test-c">This sentence should have a green background.</test></p>
  <p><test xmlns="test-d">This sentence should have a green background.</test></p>
  <p><test xmlns="test-e">This sentence should have a green background.</test></p>