<!doctype html>
<title>Simple CSSOM manipulation of subrules</title>
<link rel="author" title="Steinar H. Gunderson" href="mailto:[email protected]">
<link rel="help" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-nesting-1/">
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<style id="ss"></style>
test(() => {
assert_equals(CSSStyleRule.__proto__, CSSGroupingRule);
}, "CSSStyleRule is a CSSGroupingRule");
test(() => {
let [ss] = document.styleSheets;
assert_equals(ss.cssRules.length, 0);
ss.insertRule('.a { color: red; }');
assert_equals(ss.cssRules.length, 1);
assert_equals(ss.cssRules[0].cssText, '.a { color: red; }');
// Test inserting sub-cssRules, at various positions.
ss.cssRules[0].insertRule('& .b { color: green; }');
ss.cssRules[0].insertRule('& .c { color: blue; }', 1);
ss.cssRules[0].insertRule('& .d { color: hotpink; }', 1);
`.a {
color: red;
& .b { color: green; }
& .d { color: hotpink; }
& .c { color: blue; }
}`, 'inserting should work');
// Test deleting a rule.
`.a {
color: red;
& .b { color: green; }
& .c { color: blue; }
}`, 'deleting should work');
// Test that out-of-bounds throws exceptions and does not affect the stylesheet.
const sampleSheetText =
`.a {
color: red;
& .b { color: green; }
& .c { color: blue; }
test(() => {
document.getElementById('ss').innerHTML = sampleSheetText;
let [ss] = document.styleSheets;
assert_throws_dom('IndexSizeError', () => { ss.cssRules[0].insertRule('& .broken {}', 3); });
assert_equals(ss.cssRules[0].cssText, sampleSheetText, 'unchanged after no-insert');
test(() => {
document.getElementById('ss').innerHTML = sampleSheetText;
let [ss] = document.styleSheets;
assert_throws_dom('IndexSizeError', () => { ss.cssRules[0].insertRule('& .broken {}', -1); });
assert_equals(ss.cssRules[0].cssText, sampleSheetText, 'unchanged after no-insert');
test(() => {
document.getElementById('ss').innerHTML = sampleSheetText;
let [ss] = document.styleSheets;
assert_throws_dom('IndexSizeError', () => { ss.cssRules[0].deleteRule(5); });
assert_equals(ss.cssRules[0].cssText, sampleSheetText, 'unchanged after no-delete');
test(() => {
document.getElementById('ss').innerHTML = sampleSheetText;
let [ss] = document.styleSheets;
assert_equals(ss.cssRules[0].cssRules[2], undefined, 'subscript out-of-bounds returns undefined');
assert_equals(ss.cssRules[0].cssRules.item(2), null, 'item() out-of-bounds returns null');
assert_equals(ss.cssRules[0].cssText, sampleSheetText, 'unchanged after no-access');
// Test that inserting an invalid rule throws an exception.
test(() => {
document.getElementById('ss').innerHTML = sampleSheetText;
let [ss] = document.styleSheets;
let exception;
assert_throws_dom('SyntaxError', () => { ss.cssRules[0].insertRule('% {}'); });
assert_equals(ss.cssRules[0].cssText, sampleSheetText, 'unchanged after invalid rule');
// Test that we can get out single rule through .cssRules.
test(() => {
document.getElementById('ss').innerHTML = sampleSheetText;
let [ss] = document.styleSheets;
assert_equals(ss.cssRules[0].cssRules[1].cssText, '& .c { color: blue; }');
// Test that we can insert a @supports rule, that it serializes in the right place
// and has the right parent. Note that the indentation is broken per-spec.
test(() => {
document.getElementById('ss').innerHTML = sampleSheetText;
let [ss] = document.styleSheets;
ss.cssRules[0].insertRule('@supports selector(&) { & div { font-size: 10px; }}', 1);
`.a {
color: red;
& .b { color: green; }
@supports selector(&) {
& div { font-size: 10px; }
& .c { color: blue; }
}`, '@supports is added');
assert_equals(ss.cssRules[0].cssRules[1].parentRule, ss.cssRules[0]);
assert_equals(ss.cssRules[0].cssText, sampleSheetText);
// Nested rules are not part of declaration lists, and thus should not
// be possible to insert with .style.
test(() => {
document.getElementById('ss').innerHTML = sampleSheetText;
let [ss] = document.styleSheets;
ss.cssRules[0].style = 'color: olivedrab; &.d { color: peru; }';
`.a {
color: olivedrab;
& .b { color: green; }
& .c { color: blue; }
}`, 'color is changed, new rule is ignored');
test(() => {
document.getElementById('ss').innerHTML = sampleSheetText;
let [ss] = document.styleSheets;
ss.cssRules[0].cssRules[0].selectorText = 'div.b .c &'; // Allowed
ss.cssRules[0].cssRules[1].selectorText = '.c div.b &, div &'; // Allowed.
ss.cssRules[0].insertRule('div & {}'); // Allowed.
`.a {
color: red;
div & { }
div.b .c & { color: green; }
.c div.b &, div & { color: blue; }
}`, 'selectorText and insertRule');
// Rules that are dropped in forgiving parsing but that contain &,
// must still be serialized out as they were.
test(() => {
const text = '.a { :is(!& .foo, .b) { color: green; } }';
document.getElementById('ss').innerHTML = text;
let [ss] = document.styleSheets;
`.a {
:is(!& .foo, .b) { color: green; }
}`, 'invalid rule containing ampersand is kept in serialization');
test((t) => {
let main = document.createElement('main');
main.innerHTML = `
.a {
& { z-index:1; }
& #inner1 { z-index:1; }
.stuff, :is(&) #inner2 { z-index:1; }
<div id="outer" class="b">
<div id="inner1"></div>
<div id="inner2"></div>
t.add_cleanup(() => main.remove());
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(outer).zIndex, 'auto');
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(inner1).zIndex, 'auto');
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(inner2).zIndex, 'auto');
// .a => .b
main.firstElementChild.sheet.cssRules[0].selectorText = '.b';
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(outer).zIndex, '1');
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(inner1).zIndex, '1');
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(inner2).zIndex, '1');
}, 'Mutating the selectorText of outer rule invalidates inner rules');