<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta name="viewport" content="user-scalable=no"/>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
body { margin: 0; }
html {
line-height: 0;
width: 200vw;
height: 200vh;
html.ltr { direction: ltr; }
html.rtl { direction: rtl; }
html.horz { writing-mode: horizontal-tb; }
html.vlr { writing-mode: vertical-lr; }
html.vrl { writing-mode: vertical-rl; }
.horz.ltr .cx2, .vlr .cx2 { left: 100vw; }
.horz.rtl .cx2, .vrl .cx2 { right: 100vw; }
.horz .cy2, .ltr .cy2 { top: 100vh; }
.vlr.rtl .cy2, .vrl.rtl .cy2 { bottom: 100vh; }
#block_pusher, #inline_pusher {
display: inline-block;
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
#block_pusher { background-color: #e88; }
#inline_pusher { background-color: #88e; }
.vpush { height: 80px !important; }
.hpush { width: 70px !important; }
#anchor-container {
display: inline-block;
#anchor {
position: relative;
background-color: #8e8;
min-width: 100px;
min-height: 100px;
#grower { width: 0; height: 0; }
.grow {
width: 180px !important;
height: 160px !important;
<div id="container">
<div id="block_pusher"></div><br>
<div id="inline_pusher"></div><div id="anchor-container">
<div id="anchor">
<div id="grower"></div>
// Tests that anchoring adjustments are only on the block layout axis and that
// their magnitude is based on the movement of the block start edge of the
// anchor node, for all 6 combinations of text direction and writing mode,
// regardless of which corner of the viewport the anchor node overlaps.
var CORNERS = ["cx1 cy1", "cx2 cy1", "cx1 cy2", "cx2 cy2"];
var docEl = document.documentElement;
var scroller = document.scrollingElement;
var blockPusher = document.querySelector("#block_pusher");
var inlinePusher = document.querySelector("#inline_pusher");
var grower = document.querySelector("#grower");
var anchor = document.querySelector("#anchor");
function reset() {
scroller.scrollLeft = 0;
scroller.scrollTop = 0;
blockPusher.className = "";
inlinePusher.className = "";
grower.className = "";
function runCase(docClass, xDir, yDir, vert, expectXAdj, expectYAdj, corner) {
docEl.className = docClass;
anchor.className = corner;
var initX = 150 * xDir;
var initY = 150 * yDir;
scroller.scrollLeft = initX;
scroller.scrollTop = initY;
// Each corner moves a different distance.
block_pusher.className = vert ? "hpush" : "vpush";
inline_pusher.className = vert ? "vpush" : "hpush";
grower.className = "grow";
assert_equals(scroller.scrollLeft, initX + expectXAdj);
assert_equals(scroller.scrollTop, initY + expectYAdj);
test(() => {
CORNERS.forEach((corner) => {
runCase("horz ltr", 1, 1, false, 0, -20, corner);
}, "Horizontal LTR.");
test(() => {
CORNERS.forEach((corner) => {
runCase("horz rtl", -1, 1, false, 0, -20, corner);
}, "Horizontal RTL.");
test(() => {
CORNERS.forEach((corner) => {
runCase("vlr ltr", 1, 1, true, -30, 0, corner);
}, "Vertical-LR LTR.");
test(() => {
CORNERS.forEach((corner) => {
runCase("vlr rtl", 1, -1, true, -30, 0, corner);
}, "Vertical-LR RTL.");
test(() => {
CORNERS.forEach((corner) => {
runCase("vrl ltr", -1, 1, true, 30, 0, corner);
}, "Vertical-RL LTR.");
test(() => {
CORNERS.forEach((corner) => {
runCase("vrl rtl", -1, -1, true, 30, 0, corner);
}, "Vertical-RL RTL.");