
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>CSS aspect-ratio: Test flex item's resolved width/min-width with border-box box-sizing in a row flex container</title>
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  .flexContainer {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: row;
    width: 1px;
  .item {
    background: green;
    padding-top: 15px;
    padding-left: 10px;
    box-sizing: border-box;

  <p>Test passes if there is a filled green square and <strong>no red</strong>.</p>

  <!-- In all of the subtests here, each flex item's automatic minimum width is
       resolved directly from its content size suggestion. Notably, these items
       *do not* get a "transferred size suggestion", because they are all
       *non-replaced* elements; and "transferred size suggestion" is only used
       for resolving automatic minimum sizes on *replaced* elements. However,
       note that we do "transfer" sizes through the aspect ratio, as part of
       computing the content size suggestion and/or flex base size. -->

  <!-- In the following four flex containers, the aspect-ratio works with border-box. -->
  <div class="flexContainer" style="width: auto;">
    <!-- The border-box height 25px is transferred to the main axis,
         yielding a resolved flex base size (border-box) of 200px. -->
    <div class="item" style="min-width:0; height: 25px; aspect-ratio: 8/1;"></div>

  <div class="flexContainer">
    <!-- The content size suggestion (border-box) is 200px because the
         border-box height 25px is transferred to the main axis. -->
    <div class="item" style="height: 25px; aspect-ratio: 8/1;"></div>

  <div class="flexContainer">
    <!-- The content size suggestion (border-box) is 200px because the
         border-box height 25px (enforced by min-height) is transferred to the
         main axis. -->
    <div class="item" style="min-height: 25px; aspect-ratio: 8/1;"></div>

  <div class="flexContainer">
    <!-- The content size suggestion (border-box) is 200px because the
         border-box height 25px (clamped by max-height) is transferred to the
         main axis. -->
    <div class="item" style="max-height: 25px; height: 100px; aspect-ratio: 8/1;"></div>

  <!-- In the following four flex containers, the aspect-ratio works with content-box
       because its value contains 'auto'. -->
  <div class="flexContainer" style="width: auto;">
    <!-- The content-box height 10px is transferred to the main axis,
         yielding a resolved flex base size (content-box) of 190px. -->
    <div class="item" style="min-width:0; height: 25px; aspect-ratio: auto 19/1;"></div>

  <div class="flexContainer">
    <!-- The content size suggestion (content-box) is 190px because the
         content-box height 10px is transferred to the main axis. -->
    <div class="item" style="height: 25px; aspect-ratio: auto 19/1;"></div>

  <div class="flexContainer">
    <!-- The content size suggestion (content-box) is 190px because the
         content-box height 10px (enforced by min-height) is transferred to the
         main axis. -->
    <div class="item" style="min-height: 25px; aspect-ratio: auto 19/1;"></div>

  <div class="flexContainer">
    <!-- The content size suggestion (content-box) is 190px because the
         content-box height 10px (clamped by max-height) is transferred to the
         main axis. -->
    <div class="item" style="max-height: 25px; height: 100px; aspect-ratio: auto 19/1;"></div>