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<link rel="help" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-tables-3/#width-distribution-in-fixed-mode">
<h1>Fixed Layout</h1>
<p>Checks whether fixed layout is implemented properly</p>
<p>This should be a 100px-wide blue square:</p>
<p>Width is distributed equally between columns of auto size</p>
<x-table style="table-layout: fixed; width: 200px; border-spacing: 0px">
<x-td style="padding: 0; background: blue; height: 100px;"></x-td>
<x-td style="padding: 0"></x-td>
<p>This should be a 100px-wide blue square:</p>
<p>Width is distributed equally between columns of auto size (even if they are defined by rows other than the first)</p>
<x-table style="table-layout: fixed; width: 200px; border-spacing: 0px">
<x-tr><x-td style="padding: 0; background: blue; height: 100px;"></x-td></x-tr>
<x-tr><x-td style="padding: 0; height: 0px"></x-td><x-td style="padding: 0"></x-td></x-tr>
<p>This should be a 100px-wide blue square:</p>
<p>Widths defined on cells that are not the first row are ignored</p>
<x-table style="table-layout: fixed; width: 200px; border-spacing: 0px">
<x-tr><x-td style="padding: 0; background: blue; height: 100px;"></x-td></x-tr>
<x-tr><x-td style="padding: 0; height: 0px; width: 200px;"></x-td><x-td style="padding: 0; width: 200px;"></x-td></x-tr>
<p>This should be a 100px-wide blue square:</p>
<p>The table has to grow to contain the widths defined for its columns</p>
<x-table style="table-layout: fixed; width: 50px; border-spacing: 0px">
<x-tr><x-td style="padding: 0; background: blue; height: 100px; width: 100px;"></x-td></x-tr>
<x-tr><x-td style="padding: 0; height: 0px"></x-td><x-td style="padding: 0"></x-td></x-tr>
<p>This should be a 100px-wide blue square:</p>
<p>The first row is based on the visual order, not the dom order</p>
<x-table style="table-layout: fixed; width: 100px; border-spacing: 0px">
<x-tr><x-td style="padding: 0; height: 0px"></x-td><x-td style="padding: 0"></x-td></x-tr>
<x-thead><x-tr><x-td style="padding: 0; background: blue; height: 100px; width: 100px;"></x-td></x-tr></x-thead>
while(true) {
var xtd = document.querySelector('x-td[rowspan], x-td[colspan]'); if(!xtd) break;
var td = document.createElement('td'); for(var i = xtd.attributes.length; i--;) { td.setAttribute(xtd.attributes[i].name,xtd.attributes[i].value) }
generate_tests(assert_equals, [
"Table-layout:fixed distributes width equally to all auto-columns",
document.querySelector("x-table:nth-of-type(1) > x-tr:first-child > x-td:first-child").offsetWidth,
"Table-layout:fixed deals with columns generated by subsequent rows",
document.querySelector("x-table:nth-of-type(2) > x-tr:first-child > x-td:first-child").offsetWidth,
"Table-layout:fixed ignores sizes specified by subsequent rows",
document.querySelector("x-table:nth-of-type(3) > x-tr:first-child > x-td:first-child").offsetWidth,
"Table-layout:fixed grows the table if needed for minimum-width",
document.querySelector("x-table:nth-of-type(4) > x-tr:first-child > x-td:first-child").offsetWidth,
"Table-layout:fixed takes visual order into account, not dom order",
document.querySelector("x-table:nth-of-type(5) > x-tr:first-child > x-td:first-child").offsetWidth,