#!/usr/bin/env python
# - * - coding: UTF-8 - * -
This script generates tests text-emphasis-position-property-001 ~ 006
which cover all possible values of text-emphasis-position property with
all combination of three main writing modes and two orientations. Only
test files are generated by this script. It also outputs a list of all
tests it generated in the format of Mozilla reftest.list to the stdout.
import itertools
TEST_FILE = 'text-emphasis-position-property-{:03}{}.html'
REF_FILE = 'text-emphasis-position-property-{:03}-ref.html'
<meta charset="utf-8">
<!-- This file was generated automatically by the script
./support/generate-text-emphasis-position-property-tests.py -->
<title>CSS Test: text-emphasis-position: {value}, {title}</title>
<link rel="author" title="Xidorn Quan" href="https://www.upsuper.org">
<link rel="author" title="Mozilla" href="https://www.mozilla.org">
<link rel="help" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-decor-3/#text-emphasis-position-property">
<meta name="assert" content="'text-emphasis-position: {value}' with 'writing-mode: {wm}' puts emphasis marks {position} the text.">
<link rel="match" href="text-emphasis-position-property-{index:03}-ref.html">
<p>Pass if the emphasis marks are {position} the text below:</p>
<div lang="ja" style="line-height: 5; text-emphasis: circle; writing-mode: {wm}; text-orientation: {orient}; text-emphasis-position: {value}">試験テスト</div>
SUFFIXES = ['', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g']
WRITING_MODES = ["horizontal-tb", "vertical-rl", "vertical-lr"]
POSITION_HORIZONTAL = ["over", "under"]
POSITION_VERTICAL = ["right", "left"]
REF_MAP_MIXED = { "over": 1, "under": 2, "right": 3, "left": 4 }
REF_MAP_SIDEWAYS = { "right": 5, "left": 6 }
POSITION_TEXT = { "over": "over", "under": "under",
"right": "to the right of", "left": "to the left of" }
suffixes = [iter(SUFFIXES) for i in range(6)]
reftest_items = []
def write_file(filename, content):
with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
def write_test_file(idx, suffix, wm, orient, value, position):
filename = TEST_FILE.format(idx, suffix)
write_file(filename, TEST_TEMPLATE.format(
value=value, wm=wm, orient=orient, index=idx, position=position,
title=(wm if orient == "mixed" else "{}, {}".format(wm, orient))))
reftest_items.append("== {} {}".format(filename, REF_FILE.format(idx)))
def write_test_files(wm, orient, pos1, pos2):
idx = (REF_MAP_MIXED if orient == "mixed" else REF_MAP_SIDEWAYS)[pos1]
position = POSITION_TEXT[pos1]
suffix = suffixes[idx - 1]
write_test_file(idx, next(suffix), wm, orient, pos1 + " " + pos2, position)
write_test_file(idx, next(suffix), wm, orient, pos2 + " " + pos1, position)
for wm in WRITING_MODES:
if wm == "horizontal-tb":
ineffective_pos = POSITION_VERTICAL
effective_pos = POSITION_VERTICAL
ineffective_pos = POSITION_HORIZONTAL
for pos1, pos2 in itertools.product(effective_pos, ineffective_pos):
write_test_files(wm, "mixed", pos1, pos2)
if wm != "horizontal-tb":
write_test_files(wm, "sideways", pos1, pos2)
print("# START tests from {}".format(__file__))
for item in reftest_items:
print("# END tests from {}".format(__file__))